
btcs Posts: 1 Member
50+ and at the start 50+ pounds to lose. Have lost 15 of it and challenges like this help keep me motivated. Hope to drop at least 5-10 lbs during this challenge.


  • wbrun840
    wbrun840 Posts: 5 Member
    Just jointed the challenge I do 10,000 already I started my walk back in dec 14 and I have lost 28lbs still got another 20lbs to go things like this will help
  • 1pam2l
    1pam2l Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all! Trying to lose 10 pounds, LOL been trying to lose this 10 for over 1year. Try to walk daily, sometimes I have a friend that will join me, most of the time I'm by myself, which is ok cause I do like to walk. Looks like I'm a day behind so I will try to catch up. Happy walking!
  • Bmueller120
    Bmueller120 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Becky. This is what I need to be held accountable! I have just started to be active. I can do this challenge! I'm seeing a dietitian for my food plan, so I'm good in that area. One of my goals is to dance at my son's wedding in September.
  • Tmposten
    Tmposten Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm Tina. I gave up sugar in December of 2014 and I have lost 8 lbs without exercising! I'm so glad this challenge has come along it is exactly what I need to really get my body in shape.
  • Yes, count me in. I need to lose 45lbs and this is a good way to start. Just bought a fitbit yesterday. And joining this group should be great motivation.
  • veganr
    veganr Posts: 1
    I'm in! I have a 7-wk old baby and want to get back into shape but can't get too favorite classes at the gym for the
  • caramariew1
    caramariew1 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm hoping this will help keep me motivated. I've lost 27lbs so far. I've definitely slowed down on losing. I just got a dog and joined this challenge so I expect to see my steps increase and the weight to start coming off again (hopefully!)
    Good luck to everyone. We can do this!
  • sal144
    sal144 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello everyone, excited about this challenge. I'm walking 10,000 steps 3-4 days a week and want to be more consistent and do 6 days a week.
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi everyone, I love to do challenges to keep me on track. I have a lot to lose and after some bad health I was in pretty bad shape. Just working to get my fitness level up. I'm trying the beginer level.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello everyone! Looking to loose a lot and challenges are always good at keeping me accountable. Happy Walking everyone!