Day 86: 4/6/15

SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

I thoroughly enjoyed eating all the foodz yesterday. Easter is one of my "no counting, no worrying, eat anything" days for the year. I do this for major holidays (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and my birthday. So worth it even though I was +3lbs this morning in water weight.

In other news, those that are on my newsfeed would have already seen this, but I still have to share because its a HUGE milestone for me. I went for a run on Saturday (4.5 miles!) and broke a 10 minute mile! This has been a big goal for me since the beginning of my weight loss. Not only did I sustain that pace for 1 mile, but when we hit the 5k point (3.1 miles for those not familiar), we were at 28 minutes! I didn't think I would be able to run a sub 30 minute 5k this year. Since my fastest time last year was 38 minutes, my goal this season was to work my way into the low 30's. I have a 5k on April 19th, so we'll see how this translates into an actual race.

Goals for today:
1. stay within calories
2. 10,000 steps
3. 3 mile run


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited April 2015
    Congrats SingRunTing on that HUGE milestone! :)

    Official weekly I weigh-in this morning: “lost 2 lbs since his last weigh-in! Nikonpal's lost 199 lbs so far.” :)

    Don’t ya think I could have eeked out 1 more pound for an even 200? LOL. I’m going to hit it eventually – but really not sure I’ll stay there. I’m below my goal already and well below anything I have weighed in 20 years.

    Where I finally end up will depend more on the mirror after I increase strength work-out & maintain weight for the balance of 2015. I’m gonna lose that 1 pound for now…just because it’s there. LOL

    Yesterday I had planned well ahead for an Easter Brunch Feast…storing “extra calories” the day before (1419 net remained the day before with exercise). Easter morning - hit the gym and burned another 253 calories.

    As luck would have it…I just wasn’t in the mood for my planned extra food. As previously noted, It all boiled down to – “do I REALLY want xyz? or would I rather leave those calories open for later?” So, I guess if I want a slice of pizza etc. this week (when I DO want it), I’ll have the room.

    Today's goal - stick to daily workout schedule. No plans to do anything "extra."

    Have a great Monday !
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!
    Wonderful accomplishments for SingRunTing and NikonPal!!!! Congratulations!!!!
    I took some good rest yesterday in hopes that my upper back muscles will stop hurting.
    Today started great with a nice cardio workout. Usually I do my cardio after lifting but I always wanted to do it fasted, early in the morning just like NikonPal ;) of course I can't make it to the gym in the morning but then yesterday I figured it out: lots of people do at home cardio with youtube videos.... Lightbulb moment... I found a great kickboxing workout and got it done :)
    For the rest of the day I plan on fueling my body good and do my usual heavy lifting.
    Have a fabulous day everyone!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Congrats, SingRunTing and NikonPal!

    I ate lots and exercised lots on Easter. I actually hit a running milestone too, doing my long run in about 9:30 min miles, which I would have thought was impossible for me outside of a race pace type environment. But I was worried about getting back in time to clean up and dress for church and went extra fast (for me) without even noticing, making it back with time to spare!
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Congratulations, SingRunTing My goal is to walk a mile in 15 minutes.
    Congratulations, NikonPal. I wish I had as much well power as you.
    I went way over calories the last two days. I have changed my steps to 11,000 a day as I have been getting that if not more a day.
    Goals for today are to get 11,000 steps stay, under calories, get my water in and try not to hurt my hand at work today. Hurt my hand 2 weeks ago, the Dr's say it's not broken, even thou it is hurting more and I can't move my thumb very far.(When I take the brace off.) So working in a Hosptial as a CNA will be very challenging.
  • awhitley
    awhitley Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Monday!
    I got my scale drop this morning and made my goal for this challenge. Super pleased with myself! Still have a ways to go to my final goal but it's nice that I met this milestone early.
    Today I have a boat load of stuff to do but I joined in a FitBit Workweek hustle challenge so I am making a goal to hit 12,000 steps. I also want to try a yoga workout via Sworkit.

  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great and had a good Easter weekend too. So glad to hear all the positive stories. My weekend was a write off but this morning was up and at it at 5 am and got my cardio done and had my breakfast and lunch all prepared. So more prepared today than I have been.