April 6th - 12th Weekly Goals

SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
Morning all. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I ran a 5k yesterday and then had fun running around with my 5yr old nephew later on. Im sore today. Not too bad but enough to be annoying and show me just how lazy I was this winter. Last fall I was able to do this and not be sore. This is an eye opener and good motivation to get back on track.

One of this years new years resolutions was to complete four 5k's this year. I did one yesterday and am signed up for one on June 7th and another in Sept. So I need to figure out one more to check off that resolution. My goal for the June one is to be able to complete it in under 35 minutes. I have two month to trim down my time and I know I can do it.

This weeks main goals:
1. drink at least 8 but aiming for 10 glasses of water a day
2. go for a run 3 days (2 should be easy to get in while at the rescue)
3. preplan my meals and stick to them.
4. No snacking on junk food just because its there (already turned down chocolate cake this morning at work)


  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    My goals for this week are too:

    run or walk 3 times this week
    drink 2 litres of water a day
    start p90x or some workout program
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    My goals for the week:

    Complete Week 1 (Start It Up) of Slim in 6
    Do treadmill at least 3 days this week for 30 min. each time
    Drink water!!
    Use minimal extra WW points this week
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    My goals for the week

    1) C25k 4 days a week.. today is in the books already
    2) Drink my water ... 8+cups
    3) Find a whole body workout to start ... need to start focusing on toning
    4) stay within my calorie limits **without** eating all my exercise calories.
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    My goals
    1. One long walk..done .5 miles today
    2. Two types of activity each day off
    3. Under net calories each day
    4. Lose 2 poundsrfa3cavto9mk.jpg
  • 2014june
    2014june Posts: 115 Member
    My Goals for this week are
    50,000 steps over the week. and use my exercise bike.
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    *log my food every day (even if I go over)
    *run 3 times
    *do 1 strength training work out (any suggestions)
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    My goal is to drink 6 glasses of water a day and log my food no matter what (trying to stay under my calorie goal consistently too).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Goals this week: (1) log perfectly (or as close as possible); (2) no more Easter sweets; (3) keep at least one meatless day; (4) workout 6 days; and (5) work on getting at least 6 hours of sleep per night.

    I'm going to try to remember to check in with these at the end of the week.
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    My goals this week are to log at least 50 miles of cycling or on the elliptical, drink 1 gallon of water every day, and to improve my logging of food by at least completing my food diary each day (baby steps, haha!).
  • mathaholic
    mathaholic Posts: 15 Member
    My goals for this week are:
    • To eat at least 5 fruits or veg a day
    • To log 10,000 steps on my pedometer
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    *make peace of mind my highest goal.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Snowdancer--I love your first goal about logging your food even if you go over. I desperately also want to do this! I NEED to do this. I'm going to work on this.
    I also want to:
    Exercise 6 X week, alternating cardio with strength training and ab work.
    There are 21 more days in this month. I WANT a 21 day streak with logging everything.
    Above all, I need to work on some more stress coping skills. The better I can keep a handle on all my stress, the better over all I do.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Here are my goals for the week:

    1) Log food accurately, every day.
    2) Exercise for at least 30 minutes/day, Mon-Sat.
    3) Celebrate refocusing on my health.
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    amy_kee the best part about exercise is that it helps reduce stress.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    You are so right snowdancer! It's almost better than medicine. I've found that doing cardio relieves more stress for me than strength training. But, a balance with exercise is a must.
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    End of week for me ( working weekend)...
    1. Lost 1.8 pounds.....so have lost my 10 pounds of winter weight gain.
    2. Logged 5 out of 7 days.....too embarrassed to login jelly bean pigout days.....and yes jelly beans thrown into the trash.....
    3. Under net calories, 4 days...ate out twice with high calorie choices...
    Getting work day meal planning better.....better handle on after work carbo craving....
    A good week with Easter sunrise bike ride,great pool session with saltwater tri transition practice at beach, long walk without bone spur flareup, great bike rides....fl6irm6ay836.jpeg
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Amazing. Great motivation to me to try to get out for an early morning ride and take a photo!
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    My goals for the week

    1) C25k 4 days a week.. today is in the books already
    2) Drink my water ... 8+cups
    3) Find a whole body workout to start ... need to start focusing on toning
    4) stay within my calorie limits **without** eating all my exercise calories.

    Well i haven't found a new workout. I haven't even tried to look yet. :s But i have done exceptionally well with the rest so i wont beat myself up too much..LOL I think i might just take a few of the things i like and make my own workout routine. Planks, crunches and squats sound good to me.

  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Goals for the new week

    1) Do my Stronglifts 5x5 workout three times this week.
    2) Get a least one bike ride (preferably two, but the weather here in Montreal is still pretty hectic)
    3) Stay under calorie goal and no unplanned cheat meals (I will have to plan one this week, though, because I usually have one meal where I share a bottle of wine with my husband)
    4) Plan my meals ahead for the week
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    *log my food every day (even if I go over)
    *run 3 times
    *do 1 strength training work out (any suggestions)

    Yeah!! I completed my goals this week (almost). I logged my food each day and did 4 days or my C25K program. I have found a beginners guide for girls lifting heavy weights. I am currently reading the book and hoping I will do my first day today. Do any other girls here lift heavy weights?