Daily check-in Week 1 ~ April 6th - 12th



  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Jenjaz1910 wrote: »
    Monday evening I made up lunches for me and my fiance for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Chicken breasts with herbs, spices and added, onions, peppers & mushrooms and 1/2 cup cooked brown rice for me and 1 cup for the fiance with some salad, plus healthy snacks 1 for the AM and 1 for the PM: homemade protein bar; protein shake; fruit & chicken chunks; cucumber, cottage cheese & rice cakes or rice cakes & organic no added sugar peanut butter

    So far so good even though I went to the cinema last night I was pretty good and took food with me to nibble on


    Awesome meal prep! I love to make enough for several days of lunches and dinners. Takes the guesswork out of figuring out what to eat and you stay on track!
  • NicNakmfp
    NicNakmfp Posts: 15
    jennb3056 wrote: »
    I weighed myself this morning and I'm finally back in a "Normal" BMI! So excited that I've stuck with this so far and can't wait to keep going.

    So great to read this! I inspired to keep going!
  • NicNakmfp
    NicNakmfp Posts: 15
    No results for Loved reading everyone's posts! It truly is helping to keep me motivated! So glad I discovered the community section of mfp! Here's another good day tomorrow x.No results for Loved reading everyone's posts! It truly is helping to keep me motivated! So glad I discovered the community section of mfp! Here's to another good day tomorrow x.
  • natashanicholls123
    natashanicholls123 Posts: 11 Member
    Day three- went well didn't get in any exercise but I'm exhausted. Just started back at work after a winter layoff. Just going to take some time to adjust. Food is on point and that 80% of the battle :)
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Day 3 eating is okay. I stayed under my calorie limit. I noticed though that I haven't been eating veggies lately. If I can't fit one now, I will get on it by Day 5. I have been loving starchy carbs lately so I cannot fit anything else aside from fruits. I always forget veggies because I usually need to cook them. I also haven't been able to fit exercise time. I'm more fatigued than usual since day 3 because TOM has started. Maybe I can up my exercise after I am done with it.
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    Not such a good day today. Had quite a bit of Easter candy. Didn't drink nearly enough water. But tomorrow is a new day. Going to volunteer. Then doing some walking around the mall until I find some nice new shoes. And I think I'm going to buy a Jillian Michaels dvd at Kohls since I have a gift card.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Today went great! Ate lite all day so I would have plenty of room for dinner. Wasn't sure what that was going to be until I got home. Then my plans changed because I forgot to take the ribs out of the freezer, so I made a frozen lasagna and garlic bread. Not for me, though. I had some carving board chicken breast and Italian cheese on low carb tortillas with Mediterranean salad mix and taco sauce. It was SOOOO yummy! And I was still enough under my 1200 calories that I got to have some jelly beans and a fiber one brownie for desert...and STILL didn't go over. I also went for a 4.8 mile walk with my 9 year old before dinner. Yep...I'm thinking it's about time for bed!
    Good job everyone! Looks like so far, everyone is staying on track and working hard. I'm proud to be a part of this group!
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    today was good, just finished my 100oz. of water today, which is up from my 80
  • lhrascon
    lhrascon Posts: 4 Member
    Im pretty pleased with myself. Gym time with my 13 year old mini-me was really fun. I stayed under my calorie goal and going to bed early. This was a GOOD day!
  • atrosper
    atrosper Posts: 596 Member
    I did pretty good food wise yesterday (Tuesday), but didn't exercise. Today was a travel day for a funeral, and so there was no exercise. I knew that I would binge and didn't log anything that I ate at the funeral itself. I stopped and got fast food for dinner, once I got back to town, because I was in no mood to go home to figure out dinner. I was emotionally drained, as well as tired.
  • argonzalez4
    argonzalez4 Posts: 55 Member
    Day 3 - just finished my 3rd day of insanity and for sure it has kicked my butt.. my thighs and abs feel sore !! My eating habits haven't been good I'm still struggling getting my breakfast and healthy foods throughout the day .. it's so hard seeing easter candies all over the house and hot cheetos omg they are my weakness lol
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Not done much until today, as away for easter and been ill a couple of days, but had PT this morning.
  • kathy2614
    kathy2614 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. went to a Zumba Toning followed by a Zumba class and kicked my butt. It lasted 90 minutes and was really intense.
  • focused5
    focused5 Posts: 14 Member
    Checking in for Thursday AM -
    Motivation - High
    Vision - Shorts and a tank top in July!

    Victories from yesterday:
    *Didn't eat after 8PM
    *Stayed away from refined sugar

    Could have done better:
    *Had a lot of salty snacks.

    Goal - Contain eating to mealtimes. Live LIFE in between.

  • bkeltner2013
    bkeltner2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Jmoullet1 wrote: »
    My husband and I started getting up an extra hour earlier in the mornings to work out. The first month or two were tough (we are up at 4 am). But now that we are in a routine - if we skip a day or two I can feel it. Now that I have my exercising into a good routine my goal is to get my eating healthy. I am not a horrible eater - rarely eat fast food or junk food - my problem is portion control. So trying to weigh and measure out portions right now. Made me sad when I saw what an actual 4 ounces of wine looked like!

    I'm with you on the wine portion size sadness! I give up a bread portion during the day and "save it" for an extra glass of wine. I mean, who can have just one four oz glass of wine?!
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Haven't been checking in as I should but trying to get better. I've been consistent with logging my food and have noticed a difference. Will continue on that path.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Tossed all the Easter candy that was leftover and so glad I did. Everytime I find myself wandering to the fridge I just fill my water glass and leave. Sounds like everyone is doing great, stay focused and keep in touch here.
    The Easter bunny (mom) did not send any treats this year, and I stayed away too, oh jelly beans how I binge thee. Great job on tossing it all out and not digging it back out. :grin:

    I did 1.57 miles of walking with bursts of running, it's hot out there at 1pm (when my lunch break is) with the full sun, so I may switch to walking after work (though it's overcast today). I need to find someplace to walk, the area I live in (even my apartment complex) has no sidewalks.

  • mel_csantos
    mel_csantos Posts: 4 Member
    I started out the week pretty motivated. I have been doing really well with my excersing, which I haven't done in a while.
  • tmtost79
    tmtost79 Posts: 26 Member
    Checking in for week one...off to a pretty slow start. Getting over a really bad sinus infection and chest cold. Spent all Easter in bed :( Not fun. Just got a Jawbone UP and getting more steps every day.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Day 4 Check-In! My body was super tired this morning when my alarm when off at 4am, I didn't get to sleep on time (9pm) and I could feel it this morning so I did not go to the gym, by body was telling me no so I listened to it. I promised to go to the gym a minimum of 3 days a week and I have yet to go less than 4 since I started so I am completely ok with it.
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