Daily check-in Week 1 ~ April 6th - 12th



  • MammaxFive
    MammaxFive Posts: 27 Member
    Day 3, I did good staying under my 1250 calories goal for the day ...but was too tired and stressed at the end of the day to hit the treadmill. I really wish I would have just forced myself to do it, I need to work on that!
    Today I'm super busy again, but feeling motivated, just have to squeeze in some exercise at some point!!
  • delaneysmom46
    delaneysmom46 Posts: 13 Member
    Had another pretty good day. Went just over my 1200 calories for the day but also made my 10,000 step goal on my fitbit. Struggling to stay away from the scale every morning, I need to weigh only once or twice a week. Doing it daily bums me out.
  • NatashaTaylor77
    NatashaTaylor77 Posts: 126 Member
    Hope you are all doing great today :)
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Everyone is doing so well so far! I need to get back to the gym for some lifting! I haven't been to the gym in 4 days! I have done a lot of walking and running, though, just no strength training. I'll probably save that for tomorrow, though, because today is my first running day of week 2 of my C25K program.
    I am so proud of me with my cardio! I am able to walk up a quarter mile long hill that is about 35-50 degree angle...without stopping or slowing down much!
    Can't wait for swimsuit season! I am SO gonna be ready! Lol
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Hi All... I went over my calorie goal last night! I'm not too worried about it tho. I'm still trying to get a handle on portion control. Got my workout in this morning, fixed my fitbit last night (I had to reset it!) and this may sound crazy but I feel a bit smaller! WooHoo!

    I don't have too much to lose so I know its going to be harder for me.... I need to get some heavy weight lifting in... just trying to figure out if I want to do it at home or the gym. I'm leaning more towards home since I'm finally used to getting up at 5:15 am. Its just so much easier (for me anyway) to go down to my basement and workout.
  • Tammys_journey
    Tammys_journey Posts: 18 Member
    I am freaking out, just checked the spreadsheet and I am up on the scale 2.6 pounds. I know with the funeral I didn't log my food and I didn't get my exercise being with the family 2 days and than at the funeral home 2 days. But I didn't think I did that bad. Time to kick it into high gear now.
  • Tammys_journey
    Tammys_journey Posts: 18 Member
    atrosper wrote: »
    I did pretty good food wise yesterday (Tuesday), but didn't exercise. Today was a travel day for a funeral, and so there was no exercise. I knew that I would binge and didn't log anything that I ate at the funeral itself. I stopped and got fast food for dinner, once I got back to town, because I was in no mood to go home to figure out dinner. I was emotionally drained, as well as tired.

    I know exactly how you feel. My uncle died and I was at the funeral home all day Monday and Tuesday and felt the same way. I'm still emotionally drained.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 4

    Still motivated! Tracking what I eat (as I get closer to my goal - and I'm a long way off - I know I'll need to get a scale) and signed up for a Yoga class tonight. Spent some time today reading messages on here and found it very motivating. This is a great community.
  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    edited April 2015
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    groovigyrl wrote: »
    I wish I could workout today. So sore and need a rest day. Discouraged because I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing but am not seeing the results that I thought I'd see. This is only week two since I started back on MFP. I just thought that the first two weeks would show more progress, since most of the loss should be from water weight. Oh well. I shouldn't obsess so much (sigh). Not giving up. It's too early in the game for that!

    Please don't get discouraged. I didn't start out with a bang either. Lots of people lose a bunch right away, but not me. My weight loss has been quite slow, but I have seen some progress. I've lost around 10 pounds in 2.5 months. That's not quite 1 pound a week, but at least scale is going in the right direction! Hang in there groovigyrl!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement RaeBeeBaby! Congrats on your weightloss! That is awesome! Slow and steady wins the race. LOL. Today, I added a new morning drink to my diet and I'm hoping it will help. 10 oz of water, 1 tb lemon, 1 tb organic honey, 2 tb apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Boost it up baby!! Finished my workout and am ready to continue on with my day! Everyone have a great day!

  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    groovigyrl wrote: »
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    groovigyrl wrote: »
    I wish I could workout today. So sore and need a rest day. Discouraged because I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing but am not seeing the results that I thought I'd see. This is only week two since I started back on MFP. I just thought that the first two weeks would show more progress, since most of the loss should be from water weight. Oh well. I shouldn't obsess so much (sigh). Not giving up. It's too early in the game for that!

    Please don't get discouraged. I didn't start out with a bang either. Lots of people lose a bunch right away, but not me. My weight loss has been quite slow, but I have seen some progress. I've lost around 10 pounds in 2.5 months. That's not quite 1 pound a week, but at least scale is going in the right direction! Hang in there groovigyrl!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement RaeBeeBaby! Congrats on your weightloss! That is awesome! Slow and steady wins the race. LOL. Today, I added a new morning drink to my diet and I'm hoping it will help. 10 oz of water, 1 tb lemon, 1 tb organic honey, 2 tb apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Boost it up baby!! Finished my workout and am ready to continue on with my day! Everyone have a great day!

    I've heard of the ACV drink being a morning booster and a detox. I often drink just lemon in water first thing in the morning. I'll have to try the ACV drink!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Good day so far today. I did just a 10 minute Tabata workout so far, but Whew! 10 minutes of intensity! Planning on at least 20-30 more minutes of cardio of some type today.

    Everybody is doing great! Keep it up friends!
  • aek1985
    aek1985 Posts: 11 Member
    Yesterday was awful so I decided to use it as my 'free' day but I'm back on track and logging today :)
  • NicNakmfp
    NicNakmfp Posts: 15
    A pretty good day today! Think I went a tiny bit over my calorie limit but spent the day climbing about in trees with friends and then did a HIT workout this evening ... All healthy food and all tracked so hope not too bad! Keep going all
  • NicNakmfp
    NicNakmfp Posts: 15
    aek1985 wrote: »
    Yesterday was awful so I decided to use it as my 'free' day but I'm back on track and logging today :)

    What is a 'free' day? Can we really have one of those?
  • NicNakmfp
    NicNakmfp Posts: 15
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Good day so far today. I did just a 10 minute Tabata workout so far, but Whew! 10 minutes of intensity! Planning on at least 20-30 more minutes of cardio of some type today.

    Everybody is doing great! Keep it up friends!
    Thanks for all the motivating comments!
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    Did my first day of Ripped in 30 dvd. Holy cow it's intense. It definitely gave me a little boost during the dreary rainy day.
    Going out for my birthday tonight since I have to work tomorrow. Ate fairly light so far today to save calories for dinner.
  • melanyhyde
    melanyhyde Posts: 1 Member
    Totally forgot that I signed up for this lol, but I do log my daily weigh in and all my food. I have MFP linked to my Fitbit and aim for a minimum of 15,000 steps a day. So far I have lost 17 lbs in the last 6 weeks.
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    Considering I just found this group, it's my day 1, and I'm doing good! LOL Excited to be here!
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi All! It seems like people here are all motivated and doing their best. I am still keeping my portions under control. It is not how I would like to eat though as I am lacking meat and veggies these past few days. I am really craving breads so I am always fitting them in my calorie limit. I am taking it slow for now so I am giving in to my craving as long as it is still under my calorie goal. I find that if I don't, I binge after a while. I am eating less and less of them though so I would be able to fit enough meat and veggies next time.

    With regards to exercise, I downloaded an app with 7-minute workout. I am fatigued these days because I am too busy with my work more than usual and my TOM even started. I figured I can squeeze in even few minutes of workout if I can't do a full one for the mean time.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    NicNakmfp wrote: »
    aek1985 wrote: »
    Yesterday was awful so I decided to use it as my 'free' day but I'm back on track and logging today :)

    What is a 'free' day? Can we really have one of those?
    That would depend on who you ask. The topic is one of those debate topics, but search the forums if you want to see what they say about cheat or free days. If I can't budget it in my macros (like the chocolate I'm having tonight), I look at the week to see if I will run over, if I want it bad enough. Some people just have a day or meal of indulgence.

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