Are you Ready?

Do you have your materials yet? Do you own the book, cookbook or are you an online member yet? Post what you have and what your goals will be for the next 21 days.

We start April 13th


  • i am ditbic and a seizure person and my weight is 297 and i would love to lose down to 179 and i need help wih it could you please help me out please
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I live a pretty clean diet recently removed bread and pasta from diet for bean based fetuccini. and salad which I think is delicious. My plan for joining this group is further education and hopefully some new food recipes:) I love cooking but dread the three to four hours for meal prep every week. I have been as heavy as 280lbs as a power lifter and am currently the lightest I have been since I was a freshman in high school 201.4lbs. - I do a 50% protein 25% carb- 25 fats% routine, lift three to four days a week, and cardio six days a week.

    I can't wait to learn more Thank you so much for doing this..

    I started April 6th with a friend who lives this life style so mine will be a 28 day detox which sounds weird hopefully a life style change!!
  • Hey Chris, I'd be happy to help and work with you. I am sorry to hear of your health struggles, have you looked at The 21 Day Sugar Detox program link above yet? Do you have the book or online membership?

    If you're serious about the program please email me at or leave your email below and I'll be in touch.
    i am ditbic and a seizure person and my weight is 297 and i would love to lose down to 179 and i need help wih it could you please help me out please

  • Hey Michael, thank you for joining my group and reaching out to me! Have you looked at The 21 Day Sugar Detox program link above yet? Do you have the book or online membership?
    I am happy to help! I have personally done this program at least 5 or more times and love all of her recipes.

    If you're serious about the program please email me at or leave your email below and I'll be in touch.
    I live a pretty clean diet recently removed bread and pasta from diet for bean based fetuccini. and salad which I think is delicious. My plan for joining this group is further education and hopefully some new food recipes:) I love cooking but dread the three to four hours for meal prep every week. I have been as heavy as 280lbs as a power lifter and am currently the lightest I have been since I was a freshman in high school 201.4lbs. - I do a 50% protein 25% carb- 25 fats% routine, lift three to four days a week, and cardio six days a week.

    I can't wait to learn more Thank you so much for doing this..

    I started April 6th with a friend who lives this life style so mine will be a 28 day detox which sounds weird hopefully a life style change!!