new member, need help w carb limits

I posted this in another WLS group today. Hoping for some feedback from other sleevers. I am 14mo out. Started at 260, currently 160 goal is 130. I haven't lost in about two months and really need to overhaul my diet. I feel like I don't know how to set the proper carb goals. Anyone willing to share your daily limits or even a sample day's diet?


  • Living4me123
    Living4me123 Posts: 52 Member
    I am almost 5 months post op. At my 3 month NUT appt. she set my carb limit to 87g and protein 65-75g to which she said was based on my current stats. I go back in May, I am sure that will change. She also said to get carbs from fruit and beans and to avoid bread and pastas. Can you contact your program NUT, she should be able to give you guidelines for your current stats.
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    not anywhere close to where y'all are in the journey, but all the NUT classes i had to go through before my surgery said that breads, pastas, tortillas,etc are not your friend and should be avoided . carbs should be from fruits and veggies