trying to lose weight in recovery

I have been in recovery for about a year now. Its been great, met my now boyfriend going on 8 months and he is wonderful. However since I met him I gained 23 lbs and it has been bothering me a lot in the past month or so. I decided to join MFP to help me track my calories a little better. I just started up at school again, at 34 I decided that I wanted to be a Registered Dietician, so I am studying for that. I am learning a lot and I knew a lot from being in treatment. But since I started school with the stress level my intake really got cut I would say at least in half if not more. I didn't realize how little I was eating until I came on MFP and plugged in my foods. It concerns me that I am not eating enough because I don't want another relapse. I have been working on recovery fully since 2008. Its been a long rd and suffered since I was 7. I am still in therapy my therapist knows all this and she is a great support. I want to increase my cals, but at the same time I want to lose the 23 lbs that I gained with my boyfriend. But I don't want to do it the wrong way, I don't want to fall back into old behaviors and have to leave school and work again. I want to be healthy and live my life with him. is all this too much to ask? Do you guys think I am chasing after something I can't have? I don't even know now that I am 34 if my body will lose the 23 lbs or if its set point is where I am at now. Its hard to say.

Any advice would be great....Thanks guys :)


  • WyldcatGirl
    WyldcatGirl Posts: 7 Member
    I struggle with how to diet like a 'normal' person after being ED for over 20 years. I wrecked my metabolism over those years and add in hypothyroidism now and I gained 50 lbs in a year...trying to diet has been scary because I never want to go back to where I was, mentally, for all those years.