Just wondering what eating plan you are following?



  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Just eating at a deficit. Not barring foods...actually Ive been eating more types of foods than I usually do and having a blast now that Im cooking my meals from home and finding new recipes to try. But yeah, I dont do any special diet, or eat low fat, low / no / reduced foods.

    Ive been walking as well... Just went Dragon Boat training for the first time last weekend and love it, so thats something Id like to start doing regularly.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Rmazula wrote: »
    I need a better plan, so looking here for inspiration. My calorie intake with losing 1 lb a week (5'10, 192 lb) is 1580. I feel like I'm starving the closer I get to 1500, so I HAVE to work out to be able to get 1 more snack or something. It was my understanding, that we really shouldnt eat less than 1500 cals in general, especially for taller women...thoughts on that?
    I agree that sub-1,500 would be pushing it for someone of our size (I'm 6' 202). Is your daily activity being taken in to account with that 1,580 number? Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR is about 1,665. That's what you burn just staying alive. Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or TDEE for being sedentary is 1,995, meaning if sedentary, daily living activities burn about 300 extra calories. It would make sense for MFP to suggest 1,580 for a 1 lb/week if it's assuming you're barely active, but if you're more active you can eat more per day and reach your weight loss goals. You might want to play with the calculator here to get an idea of what you could eat depending on your activity. I've heard of a lot of people here who upped their calories a bit and felt a lot better, which makes it easier to succeed. The main thing to remember with TDEE is if you're eating based on a certain activity level and that drops, you need to re-calculate your goals.

    If whatever your goals are feel hard to get by on, have you considered Intermittent Fasting (IF)? I eat during a shorter window each day than most people, which makes it easier to take in that overall lower amount of calories. I never have been big on breakfast in the mornings and prefer to eat later in the day. I keep a pretty short 19 hours fasting/5 eating window due to my preferences and job, but many people eat on a 16/8 or 14/10 schedule. The biggest key to IF is if it will work for your life. The main benefit is with a shorter window, you can more easily eat less calories if you can avoid overeating during your window. If you're the type of person who needs breakfast and a post-dinner snack to feel your best, it's not for you. If you tend to skip breakfast anyway or can deal with not eating past a certain time, it might be worth a try.
  • Rmazula
    Rmazula Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you for that info lalepepper! I'm going to play with the numbers. The 1580 is not assuming activity pretty much.