End of December 2015- Due Date!

Hi there
I just found out that I'm preggers!! I'm so so excited. I'll be 40 at delivery. We were only trying for a couple of months, so I am overjoyed we didn't need any interventions. (but to be safe I am headed to our fertility specialist to check my levels!)

I am overweight by 15lbs currently. I had lost 6 lbs 2 months ago, through smoothies and portion control.

My goal is not to gain until the third trimester.... anyone know if that is possible?sensible?


  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi! I'm due 12/21 with my second. I'm overweight by about 25 lbs. I'm thinking that I can maintain during the at least first trimester -- I'm hoping anyway. I didn't really start gaining until my third with my son and then things got a little out of hand. I'm trying not to let that happen this time! Congrats on your bean!
  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks Kaetmarie! I will hope to maintain. Excited to meet another due in late December!
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm so happy to see I'm not alone! I am 5 weeks today with my christmas eve baby. I started pregnancy #1 in Oct 2012 at 145/147 lbs. I gained close to 50 and was 195 at my 40wk appt. I never lost it all, but I managed to stay around 154 for a while (that was my normal HS and college weight). I got married 3/28/15 and went on an all-inclusive honeymoon where I ate and drank anything I wanted and came home at 162lbs! (technically overweight BMI of 26.2) I found out 4 days after that that I was a little over 3 weeks pregnant. I have changed my diet and been watching what I am eating. I am down to about 157.5. I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, I think the weight I lost was vacation weight bloat that was finally going away....but I would like to not be almost 200lbs again when I deliver. I was thinking maybe like 180 lol
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I am due Dec. 17th. I was in the process of losing, and doing well when I found out I was pregnant. I am trying to maintain my current weight (166 lbs) through the first trimester. Then trying to gain only 25 lbs throughout this pregnancy. I will be 42 when baby arrives. I am 5'6" and have been exercising 6 days a week alternating the treadmill (run/walking) & doing upper & lower body weight training. I seem to be maintaining at about 1760 calories/day. Trying to hit my macro nutrient targets daily, taking flinstones & folic acid tablets.
  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    I am hoping to lose 20lbs in the first two trimesters... With the indigestion & nausea that is creeping in as I approach week 6 I think it will be possible. I am huge on my Vega protein and spinach w milk smoothies. And feel that my micronutritients for the little bugaboo are at a great level... Plus floradix, dhea supplement and prenatal.
  • bananas04
    bananas04 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi All!
    I'm due Christmas Eve. This is my first child and second pregnancy (mc in oct 14). We got to hear the heartbeat today so i'm using that as my motivation when the nausea makes me want to eat only carbs and sherbet.