Daily check-in Week 3 ~ April 20th - 26th



  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    D1/W3 - Weight stayed the same, which is good. My adjustable weights are finally here now I just need to find a dumbbell lifting program to follow. Any suggestions???

    I've always wanted those adjustable dumbbells! How cool!

    Whenever I'm looking for a new workout I just go to YouTube and there's no lack of good videos on there. Here's one specifically for women using dumbbells:

  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member
    @RaeBeeBaby Thank you for your words of encouragement! And for the reality check ;) It can be easy to forget that this is a long-term change and path. The instant gratification is so, well, gratifying! Holding onto the idea of long-term payoff (and in more terms than JUST weight) is a really helpful, if occasionally difficult, thing.

    For me, today (and yesterday and probably tomorrow as well) it's all come down to one single mantra: Do. Not. Give. Up. I'm still at a stand-still, which means my weigh-in this week was up from last week, but I am determined to stick with it and push through.
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    It's been an emotional day, my 14 year old pup was very ill this morning and we will be doing full blood work tomorrow morning. I came home after not even having breakfast since we were at the vet, had 40 oz. of water, tuna and a serving of puff chips. I than ended up mixing up brown sugar and butter, thinking I was going to make cookies, never got past that mixture as I ate a couple of spoonfuls. Uggg I know better but it is what it is. I stress it and I feel good that at least I did not have a big mac and fries for lunch like I wanted!

    I just want to say I am sorry your dog is ill. I know they become part of our families. Hope all is well.

    Just so you know, you made me gag at the butter and sugar thing.....

    Have a less stressful day.

  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    It's been an emotional day, my 14 year old pup was very ill this morning and we will be doing full blood work tomorrow morning. I came home after not even having breakfast since we were at the vet, had 40 oz. of water, tuna and a serving of puff chips. I than ended up mixing up brown sugar and butter, thinking I was going to make cookies, never got past that mixture as I ate a couple of spoonfuls. Uggg I know better but it is what it is. I stress it and I feel good that at least I did not have a big mac and fries for lunch like I wanted!

    I just want to say I am sorry your dog is ill. I know they become part of our families. Hope all is well.

    Just so you know, you made me gag at the butter and sugar thing.....

    Have a less stressful day.


    Also sorry to hear about your puppy. I have two furry princesses at my house and they are such an important part of my life. Hope puppy gets well very soon.

    On the butter and sugar thing, I immediately flashed on how gritty that must feel on your teeth! (I'm not a big fan of cookie dough in general, but I know a lot of people love it.)
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Fizzgig168 wrote: »
    @RaeBeeBaby Thank you for your words of encouragement! And for the reality check ;) It can be easy to forget that this is a long-term change and path. The instant gratification is so, well, gratifying! Holding onto the idea of long-term payoff (and in more terms than JUST weight) is a really helpful, if occasionally difficult, thing.

    For me, today (and yesterday and probably tomorrow as well) it's all come down to one single mantra: Do. Not. Give. Up. I'm still at a stand-still, which means my weigh-in this week was up from last week, but I am determined to stick with it and push through.

    So glad to hear this! You are so right about the instant gratification being so gratifying! LOL

    If we keep the mind-set that this is a long-term change then we will be more likely to maintain after reaching our goals.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    It's been an emotional day, my 14 year old pup was very ill this morning and we will be doing full blood work tomorrow morning. I came home after not even having breakfast since we were at the vet, had 40 oz. of water, tuna and a serving of puff chips. I than ended up mixing up brown sugar and butter, thinking I was going to make cookies, never got past that mixture as I ate a couple of spoonfuls. Uggg I know better but it is what it is. I stress it and I feel good that at least I did not have a big mac and fries for lunch like I wanted!

    I'm sorry to hear about your pup! Please let us know how the vet visit goes - hopefully it all comes back okay. And, if my cat was sick, I would have gone for the burger and fries for sure, so good on you for staying away from it! :smiley:

    I miss my cat so much! She's staying with my parents because I'm single and stationed on a ship - couldn't convince my higher ups to let her come on the ship with me, lol. My parents made her a facebook page and post pictures often, but I still miss coming home and having her meow at me and follow me around/lay down with me!
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Week 3, Day 2 went well for me. Exercised in the morning and stayed under my calories :)

    Week 3, Day 3 is starting off a little rough. It's only 8am, but I didn't sleep well last night so I did not get up to work out this morning. My planned day off from working out was going to be Friday, but I'm considering making it today instead and working out on Friday. Its either that or find time later on in the day. I'll see how the day goes.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks all, my pup had a bunch of blood work in the morning. She is acting more like herself but they need to rule out some ad stuff. After the butter sugar combo, I took her and another one of my pups down to the pond to visit the ducks and than we headed to the stables for a bit to visit the horses. So we all got some exercise and I was able to kinda clear my head. I had a healthy dinner, got in all my water today and even with the sugar binge stayed within my calories. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    ACSL3 wrote: »
    Week 3, Day 2 went well for me. Exercised in the morning and stayed under my calories :)

    Week 3, Day 3 is starting off a little rough. It's only 8am, but I didn't sleep well last night so I did not get up to work out this morning. My planned day off from working out was going to be Friday, but I'm considering making it today instead and working out on Friday. Its either that or find time later on in the day. I'll see how the day goes.

    Hope your day goes well!!!
  • malika1976
    malika1976 Posts: 180 Member
    nev888 wrote: »
    Day 2, Week 3

    Well, hopped on the treadmill for 15 minutes yesterday after work (knee injury prevents me from doing longer, but I will build that time up) and stayed under my calorie limit. Meals planned out for today, including healthy snacks, and Yoga class booked for tonight. Challenges for this week - conference Wed & Thurs which means eating lunch out and a weekend trip to visit my family - more eating out. I need to get my mind focused on making smart choices and will bring the right shoes so I can go for a walk when I'm out of town.

    That sounds great. Small and consistent is better than big and injuries, and the yoga may help to prevent/repair injuries. When eating out, I'm trying to get used to being picky - I'm telling myself that it's my body so I should decide what goes into it, even if my family thinks I'm a bit strange.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 3, Week 3

    @RaeBeeBaby thanks for the reminder to not focus so much on the scales. My clothes are fitting a lot better these days - in fact, pants I put on today could use a belt, but they have no belt loops. Malika, you're right about small and consistent. Went to Yoga last night and just modified some of the poses that hurt my knee. Hopped on the scales this morning - down 1.5 lbs from Monday (too bad my losses don't coincide with the weekly weigh-ins!!).

    Am feeling motivated again and hope everyone's doing well mid-week.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 3 check-In!
    I got 1.56 Miles in on the treadmill in addition to Leg day and of course ABS :)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    groovigyrl wrote: »
    Yeah, I hear ya! My weight hasn't budged either and I'm doing all the right things. I find that sometimes all it takes is to change up your exercise routine. I was doing the same videos over and over (because I love them so much) but you also need to trick your body and shake things up a bit. Today I did two brand new 20 min. videos, back to back and loved working the slightly different muscle groups that I wasn't focusing on enough with the other videos. I am so discouraged when I get on the scale. I feel that the measuring tape is more like my best friend here. I'm sticking with it! Keep it going and don't give up all! Stay positive, no matter how hard it may be. (sigh)

    Ye I have been doing the same routine for 7 weeks now, I think it's time to switch it up!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    well my weight isn't going down like I hoped it would, went to the Dr. the other day since I am tired of coughing out a lung and he said I have Bronchitis so he put me on Prednisone and antibiotics. Everyone I know that has been on predisone has a huge appetite now I don't need any help with that. I am hoping drinking more water will help me.
  • MammaxFive
    MammaxFive Posts: 27 Member
    Week 3, day 2: stayed under my 1250 calorie goal and did great with my evening workout...Treadmill + Zumba + sit ups = 580 calories burned!! Yay!! If I could just burn that much everyday....
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    My family is just starting to get ! Fact that I'm strange about how I'm eating now. They all had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese last night. I had an Oscar Mayer P3, went for a 2 mile run, then ate a big Caesar salad with a little bit of fat free ranch. I eat very small meals, but snack sort of all day.

    I have decided that I don't really like working out in the morning, because then, at the end of the day, I feel lazy. I usually go to the gym or for a walk or run around 6-7 at night; after dinner (or at least after everyone else has dinner. Sometimes I make dinner so everyone else can eat, and I go to the gym. Then I eat when I get back. I don't like working out on a full stomach.

    I hope everyone stays strong and motivated! Remember, you didn't gain the weight in a week, so don't expect to lose it in a week. If you're stalled, just try mixing up your exercise routine a little bit, or add an extra 10-15 minutes to it. I've been there! I know it's annoying, and it makes you wanna say, forget it, I'm gonna eat the whole pizza! Just say no! Lol. You can do this.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    @Brans34 I had a morning walk on Monday and was just dead the rest of the day (I had felt peppy before that), so I'm with you on the morning exercise is a no. Works for some people, so awesome!
    Yesterday I had a bad day at work, and decided to walk instead of taking the day off and walked 1.88miles, my longest distance since I started walking. Beautiful day, nice cool breeze, lots of things to see.
    My motto this week when I get frustrated (I just did all this exercise, why am I not magically skinny??) seems to be from Wreck It Ralph - One game at a time.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I do that, too! Everyone says how much energy fir the rest of the day it gives you. Not me! I just wanna go home and take a nap! I work out at night, then eat dinner (Sometimes I eat first...if it's light and I eat early enough), then shower, then bed. I will have a nice long walk during the middle of the day on weekends. Take the kids to the park, walk a lap first, then let them play for a while. There's a walking path around the park, and it's 3 miles for the whole loop. Sometimes, I even do 2 laps. OR, we will all walk to the park (about 1/2-3/4 mile, depending on the route), then walk a lap (or half a lap, depending on the route), let them play a while, then walk back home. Usually ends up being close to 5 miles on those days.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Thanks @RaeBeeBaby I went to YouTube and found all sorts of videos! I did one today and have a few more lined up to do.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    I've lost 10.9 lbs between March 9th and today. My starting weight when I joined this challenge was 164.3 lbs. and today I weighed 153.4 lbs. Today my doctor told me that I am no longer considered overweight and that I can start trying to maintain my current weight if I want to. If I were to fail to lose more weight would this disqualify me from the challenge?
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