Daily check-in Week 3 ~ April 20th - 26th



  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I've lost 10.9 lbs between March 9th and today. My starting weight when I joined this challenge was 164.3 lbs. and today I weighed 153.4 lbs. Today my doctor told me that I am no longer considered overweight and that I can start trying to maintain my current weight if I want to. If I were to fail to lose more weight would this disqualify me from the challenge?

    That's awesome! Congratulations on the loss and the doctor's statement has to be completely confidence building!
    I didn't create this challenge, but in my opinion you shouldn't be disqualified just because you reached a healthy weight early.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Week 3, Day 3 - did 60 minutes on the treadmill this morning followed by 10 minutes of yoga. Also did 30 minutes of gardening late this afternoon plus 5 flights of stairs (for another challenge). Food choices have been good so far this week.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I've lost 10.9 lbs between March 9th and today. My starting weight when I joined this challenge was 164.3 lbs. and today I weighed 153.4 lbs. Today my doctor told me that I am no longer considered overweight and that I can start trying to maintain my current weight if I want to. If I were to fail to lose more weight would this disqualify me from the challenge?

    YAY! Way to go! That's amazing!
    I would say if your doctor says you're healthy, that's a good thing, and I can't imagine why you would be disqualified. I'd say you won! You reached your goal before anyone else. I'd just work on maintaining and/or toning. Just make sure you don't fall back into old ways and gain it all back.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    That's awesome! Congratulations on the loss and the doctor's statement has to be completely confidence building!
    I didn't create this challenge, but in my opinion you shouldn't be disqualified just because you reached a healthy weight early.
    Brans34 wrote: »
    YAY! Way to go! That's amazing!
    I would say if your doctor says you're healthy, that's a good thing, and I can't imagine why you would be disqualified. I'd say you won! You reached your goal before anyone else. I'd just work on maintaining and/or toning. Just make sure you don't fall back into old ways and gain it all back.

    Thanks @RaeBeeBaby and @Brans34! :)

    My MFP goal weight is set to 130 pounds, yet with my weight 23.4 pounds above my original goal weight I feel like my weight is about where it "should" be. 130 pounds is actually at the lower end of the "normal" weight range for my height/frame size while the 153.4 pounds I currently weigh is at the upper end of that range. When I first started MFP I had a "the less I weigh the better" kind of mentality. Now my thinking is more along the lines of "it's better to be near the top of my normal weight range and actually KEEP the weight off."

    Brans34----I will absolutely NOT fall back into my old ways/bad habits. I've already "been there/done that" about 12 years ago and I "gained" Type 2 diabetes along with the extra weight. I am fully aware that I will HAVE to weigh/log my food and count calories for the rest of my life. For me it truly is the ONLY way I will stay aware of what I am eating and not go overboard.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 4 check -In!
    Well, I did it again...missed my morning workout :( I passed out around 8pm last night and I forgot to turn my phone off of silent and woke up at 5:30 am ugh! But on a positive note I woke up 1 lb lighter this morning :)
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Kinda excited! Aunt Flow went back home and took some extra luggage with her! Lol. Didn't really have a workout yesterday, just a very short, very slow walk with a 3-year-old. Woke up this morning a whole pound down from yesterday! :smiley::blush:
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I too have looked at the scale today (I try not to obsess and stick to just weighing in on Sunday), and am eeking ever closer to my first goal (and as a reward a heart rate monitor :grin: ). Last night I did a HIIT training and a lot of upper arms so I felt like spaghetti arms, I'm amazed nothing aches beyond normal today it'll hit later, watch. Tonight is a bit of cardio and some lower body strength training!
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    Kinda excited! Aunt Flow went back home and took some extra luggage with her! Lol. Didn't really have a workout yesterday, just a very short, very slow walk with a 3-year-old. Woke up this morning a whole pound down from yesterday! :smiley::blush:
    That's awesome! :grin: And since you mentioned it, the recent departure of my own Aunt Flow/Uncle TOM could partially explain why the scale showed such a big loss for me yesterday!
  • Showe53188
    Showe53188 Posts: 32 Member
    Can someone put in my weigh in from last week? I posted it but it was never put in. My weigh in for 4/13-4/19 is 186. I post my weigh ins on Fridays so this weeks will be posted tomorrow. I'm hoping to have my laptop back so I can input them myself!
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm upset with the fact that I have been eating right and working out (with a trainer). And I have not seen my scale move downwards but slightly upwards ( depending on the time of day). I am stressed about it so I'm wanting to eat more junk than normal. I am pushing forward and trying not to go backwards.
  • jefemullin
    jefemullin Posts: 42 Member
    This is going to be a tough weigh in for me. Spent all weekend drinking and eating awesome food in Mexico and definitely paying for it on the scale. I think today i'm finally back to where i was last week, just hoping to not go up since last weigh in! I don't even want to think about how many calories i took in between the booze, hand made tortillas, and refried beans. But holy crap it was good.

    Back to the real world now! Eating clean and keep on running. Half marathon on May 31st!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    taelor2 wrote: »
    I'm upset with the fact that I have been eating right and working out (with a trainer). And I have not seen my scale move downwards but slightly upwards ( depending on the time of day). I am stressed about it so I'm wanting to eat more junk than normal. I am pushing forward and trying not to go backwards.

    Stay strong! When you start a new workout routine, you retain more water for your muscles to repair themselves. Especially if you are using muscles you weren't used to using. Plus, you could be building a lot more muscle, which is more dense, and therefore weighs a lot more than fat. Start measuring! I didn't see a drop in the scale for a couple of weeks, but lost a little over 6 inches (cumulative, from chest, waist, and thighs). I was reluctant to start measuring because I just really didn't want to see those numbers from the tape measure, but I'm glad I did, now. I also measure in centimeters; when you lose, you lose more of them than when your measuring in inches, and when you see a really big number to start with, they're only centimeters, so there's supposed to be a lot! Lol

    Chin up! Keep at it and don't give up. Its the long term results you're after! You can do it.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    jefemullin wrote: »
    This is going to be a tough weigh in for me. Spent all weekend drinking and eating awesome food in Mexico and definitely paying for it on the scale. I think today i'm finally back to where i was last week, just hoping to not go up since last weigh in! I don't even want to think about how many calories i took in between the booze, hand made tortillas, and refried beans. But holy crap it was good.

    Back to the real world now! Eating clean and keep on running. Half marathon on May 31st!

    Oh, man! I could eat my original weight in fresh, warm tortillas and refried real beans! Lol
    Good luck on your race!
  • jefemullin
    jefemullin Posts: 42 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    jefemullin wrote: »
    This is going to be a tough weigh in for me. Spent all weekend drinking and eating awesome food in Mexico and definitely paying for it on the scale. I think today i'm finally back to where i was last week, just hoping to not go up since last weigh in! I don't even want to think about how many calories i took in between the booze, hand made tortillas, and refried beans. But holy crap it was good.

    Back to the real world now! Eating clean and keep on running. Half marathon on May 31st!

    Oh, man! I could eat my original weight in fresh, warm tortillas and refried real beans! Lol
    Good luck on your race!

    I pretty much did! They were so damned good. We did get a hungover, 4 mile run in on the beach down there, but then followed that up with breakfast tequila and insanely good food
  • LJFJ
    LJFJ Posts: 73 Member
    Week 1, day 5 (started 4/11). I'm down 4.6 pounds and very happy about it. I know it won't be long before my scale will stall, too; it always has when I've tried to watch my weight. Knowing it will happen will be easier to handle when it does.

    I've had three low-blood sugar episodes in seven days, and I've decided to approach this differently. I'm going to be careful, but I'm done with obsessing about every morsel of food that goes into my mouth. I'll continue getting support from everyone here, but I'm not going to have a heart attack like my mother did at my age. I'll continue with the exercises given to me by my physical- and occupational therapists, hoping to build up some strength and making walking more successful.
  • malika1976
    malika1976 Posts: 180 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    @Brans34 I had a morning walk on Monday and was just dead the rest of the day (I had felt peppy before that), so I'm with you on the morning exercise is a no. Works for some people, so awesome!
    Yesterday I had a bad day at work, and decided to walk instead of taking the day off and walked 1.88miles, my longest distance since I started walking. Beautiful day, nice cool breeze, lots of things to see.
    My motto this week when I get frustrated (I just did all this exercise, why am I not magically skinny??) seems to be from Wreck It Ralph - One game at a time.

    Congratulations on the 1.88 miles. It's great that you're able to increase your distance.

    They say 'You didn't get big in a day, you can't expect to lose it in a day.' Which kind of makes sense, except that I can put on an awful lot of weight on a bad day :neutral:

  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Showe53188 wrote: »
    Can someone put in my weigh in from last week? I posted it but it was never put in. My weigh in for 4/13-4/19 is 186. I post my weigh ins on Fridays so this weeks will be posted tomorrow. I'm hoping to have my laptop back so I can input them myself!

    The spreadsheet doesn't like to work on the computer in my office, but I'll try to remember later when I'm on a different computer. :)

    Yesterday went well, but then I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me because my stomach started hurting last night. When I tried to get up this morning for my workout, it was still hurting decently, so I went back to bed instead. It feels better now, but I've missed my work out. And today is going to be a long day, so I'm not finished until really late tonight. Oh well, will still work on eating under my calories and deal with things I can control for now.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    I've lost 10.9 lbs between March 9th and today. My starting weight when I joined this challenge was 164.3 lbs. and today I weighed 153.4 lbs. Today my doctor told me that I am no longer considered overweight and that I can start trying to maintain my current weight if I want to. If I were to fail to lose more weight would this disqualify me from the challenge?

    There really is nothing that would disqualify you from this challenge. I am thrilled for you. This challenge is about support, no matter if you and 10 or 100 to drop or if you just need support to maintain!!

  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 5, Week 3

    Still down 1 lb from Monday's weigh in! Got through my work conference OK and now facing a weekend out of town to see my family. We're all going out to dinner Saturday night and I've already decided to limit myself to 1 glass of wine and no dessert. I need to focus on the long term here, not immediate gratification.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 5 Check-In!!
    Today I got 2.24 Miles in on the Treadmill in addition to Arms and Abs :)
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