Don't have insurance could use prayers

jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
I don't really have insurance to cover bariatric surgery. I could use prayers that the money issues will fall into place, so I will be able to have the surgery if that is what is right for me. My husband has some job prospects and my dad has said the money issues are the last of my worries as far as getting the VSG. Prayers would be great that God will open and close doors as he desires for VSG.


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Best wishes on your journey! I hope things fall into place. While you are waiting, try to be proactive where you can --- research, research, and more research. Start a fitness program. Read other posts and see what foods you will be eating and start slowly cutting back on daily calories. Every little bit helps and by the time you have your surgery --- you will be well prepared.
  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    Best wishes on your journey! I hope things fall into place. While you are waiting, try to be proactive where you can --- research, research, and more research. Start a fitness program. Read other posts and see what foods you will be eating and start slowly cutting back on daily calories. Every little bit helps and by the time you have your surgery --- you will be well prepared.

    Thanks, I have been trying to eat healthier and cutting back on calories, even eating more protein. My problem with weight loss in the past has been hunger and not feeling when I am full. Once I am sick of being hungry I give up on dieting and end up gaining most of the weight back and that usually only takes a few weeks or months. From what I have been reading, the vertical sleeve should help with those issues.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    jessicadb2 wrote: »
    I don't really have insurance to cover bariatric surgery. I could use prayers that the money issues will fall into place, so I will be able to have the surgery if that is what is right for me. My husband has some job prospects and my dad has said the money issues are the last of my worries as far as getting the VSG. Prayers would be great that God will open and close doors as he desires for VSG.

    Prayers are coming your way, for your surgery and your husband to get work.

  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    He has a couple part time jobs but they don't make much. There is also another job in the works, so hopefully he will get it. he is in the final test to get it. I may be able to do some work as well from home.

  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Prayers for you that your journey be smooth and things start to fall into place. Best wishes on the changes your making now, I know it's hard work we've all been there but through diligence and commitment you can get started while the rest falls into place. It took me three years to lose 100 lbs and I maintained for three more before seeking surgery so I understand completely (hw 387, pre surg 249, sleeved 4/7 cw 239). Many prayers for you.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Sending prayers your way for financial blessings. Starting pre-op behavior like tracking on MFP, introducing exercise and weaning off of carbonated beverages would all help you to prepare for surgery when it happens. I am a firm believer in prayer. There is also a lot of great support and encouragement on this site. :)
  • sweetcyanide
    sweetcyanide Posts: 11 Member
    I know what that's like, when my grandfather passed away last year he left me some money. I had been wanting the sleeve so bad, so I used it to go to Tijuana (yes in Mexico) for my procedure. I had a lapband but they took it out and sleeved me. I paid so much less than I would have here in the states by going down there and I was very well taken care of. Where there is a will there is a way! You could even look into financing it if you needed to. I hope you find a way to make it happen tho, it's an amazing tool.
  • 81smom
    81smom Posts: 4 Member
    I also went to Tijuana... I have insurance, but it was still going to be $12,500 here in the states. I is this isn't for everyone to go out of country, but it's the best thing I ever did for myself. No regrets and if do it again in a heartbeat. Think about it, pray on it, and talk to your spouse..... You'll know if it's right for you. If I can be of any help, out you have questions, please feel free to add me as a friend.....