Charge HR - I think I'm done

glassyo Posts: 7,724 Member
I stopped trying to figure out why my chr was giving me such inflated calories and decided to beat my One into submission because I realized it was overestimating calories too.

I played around with my stride lengths until I got it as close as I was gonna get.

So, last night, I decided to give the chr a shot again since I was going to the market and figured I'd just press a button on the watch instead of shoving my hand down my shirt to turn the activity log off during the shopping portion.

When I got home and checked the activity log, the chr pretty much doubled the calories in a 45 min walk. Fixing the stride length didn't do squat for it. The heart rate feature was turned off too.

I'm just not sure what else I can do to make it work for me.


  • W_Stewart
    W_Stewart Posts: 237 Member
    I'm not sold on it either. I'm only on day 3 but everywhere I look I see discrepancies that require advanced knowledge of the device to comprehend. Today I went on a single 8 minute walk and it tracked 856 steps. That seems fine. Then I sat in a boat for 6 hours, drove home and cooked dinner. No significant activity at all but I supposedly walked 9,097 steps today? I doubt I walked 2000.
  • carnipartier
    carnipartier Posts: 3 Member
    Might depend on if you have it on your dominant wrist or not. I have it on my dominant and I had to change that in the app so it wasn't so senSitive to movement. I've had mine for a month and I love it.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,724 Member
    I've done every variation with the wrist thing that has to do with dominant hands, heartrate monitor on/off, fitbit in pocket...

    I've reset it countless (well, maybe 3 or 4) times, had customer support send me a new one, played with the stride length (thanks to heybales who set me on that path) and nothing...

    It shouldn't bother me this much since I hadn't planned on buying one initially but it's a fitbit, darnit! And I support them.:)
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    wahoowad wrote: »
    I'm not sold on it either. I'm only on day 3 but everywhere I look I see discrepancies that require advanced knowledge of the device to comprehend. Today I went on a single 8 minute walk and it tracked 856 steps. That seems fine. Then I sat in a boat for 6 hours, drove home and cooked dinner. No significant activity at all but I supposedly walked 9,097 steps today? I doubt I walked 2000.

    If you download the DriveBit app, it has settings for driving different veichles and being a passenger in different vechiles. When you stop the clock, it automatically converts the infor from that time to an "activity" in fitbit. I drive a stick shift up and down a mountain every day. Without that app, my steps/floors would be ridiculous

  • W_Stewart
    W_Stewart Posts: 237 Member
    There are just too many things to compensate for with this new Charge HR. I've been using it for several days now and still don't feel confident using the calorie burn data.

    Today I went for a fast walk...4.25 mph as per GPS. At the end my pulse was 104 and device said 74. I checked my heartrate graph and data and it had me in the inactive zone even as I climbed the nasty hill at the end. I was breathing heavy and know I was in the cardio zone given the pace I was stepping out.

    It's stuff like this that really frustrates me and has convinced me it isn't ready to be an ACTIVITY monitor. Probably good enough for all day calorie tracking and the other features like sleep and resting BPM. But it was marketed as an activity monitor and that is how I wanted to use it.

    I wore it higher on the arm and didn't see much difference. It kept slipping down anyway given the natural slope of my arm. The time spent analyzing it, testing it, comparing it, posting and reading for help...could have been better spent doing something more productive.

    Also, I have numerous hobbies and do enjoy spending time on forums learning more and chatting with similar minded people. This product has significantly more negative opinions than any other product I've ever tried to use. It's clear to me it is more marketing than performance at this point. The lack of strong and sincere manufacturer participation in their own forums is another clue we're being sold a product that isn't living up to expectations.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    uGH. I REALLY want to buy the HR but I want it to be able to accurately track my heart rate and steps especially during cardio workouts. Is that too much to ask for??? I have read lots of reviews and it seems this IS too much to ask for. I guess I will hang on to my fitbit ONE and depend on the heart rate machines in the gym as I have been doing.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    uGH. I REALLY want to buy the HR but I want it to be able to accurately track my heart rate and steps especially during cardio workouts. Is that too much to ask for??? I have read lots of reviews and it seems this IS too much to ask for. I guess I will hang on to my fitbit ONE and depend on the heart rate machines in the gym as I have been doing.

    Some people have more trouble than others. Mine tracks my heart rate as well, or better, than my chest-strap monitor did during cardio workouts.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I just acquired one a few days ago, and I have been pleasantly surprised at how accurate it is. According to my FITBIT HR, I'm pretty much burning exactly what my TDEE estimate is of someone my height, weight, and age -- between 1400-1500 calories a day.
  • W_Stewart
    W_Stewart Posts: 237 Member
    As a last ditch resort I called Fitbit customer support. I was connected across a choppy line with their support staff in Asia who had very poor English skills. The rep knew very little about the device, showed no comprehension of my issues, and basically read from a script that didn't focus on the problems being explained to her. A request to speak with someone else, or a supervisor, were denied and nobody called me back when I asked for that either.
  • creed714
    creed714 Posts: 5 Member
    I have had the charge HR for about 4 days now. From my short experience with it I feel that the device is best to measure intensity in terms of high, medium and low.

    I have no idea how it comes up with the heart rate from a mathematical point of view, but whatever technique it is using it seems to need a significant amount of sample time, maybe about 4 or more seconds for it to filter out the signal noise and give a reading that makes sense.

    In other words, the device always lags behind actual heart rate. Also, there seems to be so much noise in the signal coming to the photo sensor that for decent chunks of time, especially during exercise, the device just kind of holds on to its 'last confident heart rate' reading.

    Ummm...these are just thoughts though. Total speculation. One thing is for sure, getting good readings out of optical heart rate sensors can be challenging, especially when you have to worry about battery life, form factor...etc

  • creed714
    creed714 Posts: 5 Member
    I just want to add that I don't regret my charge HR purchase, and am confident that accuracy for heart rate and calories burned will get better over time. Also, I never found incentive to hike, walk up hills, or increase intensity in anyway before. I was previously only concerned with my step count, and getting it in the easiest way possible. That all changed with the charge HR.

  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    I've had my FitBit Charge HR for a couple of weeks and I find it quite accurate. I love the features and info it gives me. I'm not using it in isolation as I have it linked to MFP and I log some of my exercise separately as I swim a bit. It seems to measure the steps pretty accurately and consistently and I find this motivating to move myself more. I guess it's what your trying to achieve with it that determines the success. For me - its just great.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,724 Member
    Well, I don't know about anyone else it's not working for but, I'm trying to achieve not having trust issues when I need to sneak in some exercise during lunch at work when a client just looooves to bring us cronuts/donuts and I can't stop at just half of one. :p

    Plus, when I used it again last week, syncing it completely wiped out my One's data for that day.

    I normally am Team Fitbit but I am definitely having trust issues with the Charge HR.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    I too have had / have issues with it over estimating my burn...but I figure it will always do eventually I will still be able to work out the true figures to work to....just a bit harder

    With regards to wearing it on your wrist.....I have posted before that I cannot wear it on my wrist while I wear it on my ankle....and it works fine.....get my HR no problems...I have tested this against my wrist on a treadmill and the results are fine.......

    I do think it does away with the arm flapping issue...I too am a arm talker.....flapping every where when your legs don' I believe its a more realistic result....even though it is similar to wrist......(always a tad under....I say that's the arm

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,724 Member
    LOL I remember asking you about the ankle thing but, because there was handy work involved, that was one thing I didn't try.

    I did try putting it in my pocket with the hrm off but that didn't help.