Newbie needing support to reach big weightloss goal

misssmaria Posts: 27 Member
Hi everyone,

I'm Steph age 28 from Southport, Merseyside and single mother of 2 young boys.
I suppose I'm what you may call a yoyo dieter as I lost 5 stone after having my now 3 year old son and have since but it all back on :( I started antidepressants summer 2013 and after a while I noticed weight creeping back on, I have recently stopped taking the antidepressants and I'm concentrating on getting the weight back off. I have a hip injury (requires surgery) so I'm focusing mainly on diet / healthy lifestyle, however I keep falling off the wagon, help and motivational friends would be much appreciated.



  • kirstblueyes24
    kirstblueyes24 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Steph, i can comoletely relate to ur journey. I too have had to deal with depression since loosing my father in 2002 xx. Im a terrible comfort eater and until very recently could not get focused to lose the weight at all. Im the heaviest ive ever been, and with a severe knee injury i always found an excuse why i couldnt exercise, but I was only kiddung myself. Its so hard to lose weight ive struggled for 20+ yrs since i was 10, and being the heaviest in the family is hard, as you always feel they could never understand how hard it is xx I wont bore you with any more of my life history lol but feel free to add hun, I know i find support from others really helps xx
  • Pelamblue
    Pelamblue Posts: 177 Member
    You have both done the best thing. Good on you. Admitting you need help and getting of your bums to do something about.
    It's all to easy to sit on your *kitten* and say nothing works... I can't shift the weight... Bla bla bla. Bxxxxxcks you want it bad enough you can do it. Keeping focused is the hard thing but by coming on here it should give you determination you need.
    Good luck genuinely
  • Finallygibbs
    Finallygibbs Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Steph, I'd be happy to be a supporter and motivator. Im looking to loose about 140lb so I can have a baby. Add me if you want and I'll try and help :)
  • misssmaria
    misssmaria Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks guys, your support is very much appreciated :)
  • iriesmith
    iriesmith Posts: 7 Member
    Hello all, I too need to lose quite a lot of weight - 30+lbs. history of yoyo dieting and depression and a year of very poor physical health (Chronic fatigue syndrome, now thankfully recovered). Comfort eating is my enemy! Will add anyone from UK who needs support.