Diet-Compliant Recipes

GoForthandBeAwesome Posts: 16 Member
edited November 17 in Social Groups
What great things are you doing with your add-ons? Any fancy diet-compliant recipes out there that make your snacks especially satisfying? Share your great ideas here! Thanks!


  • GoForthandBeAwesome
    GoForthandBeAwesome Posts: 16 Member
    Oh, and please post with the how many of each category of addon your recipe uses, for example:

    Salad a la Caprese
    1 tomato, sliced into rounds
    1 oz fresh mozzarella, sliced into rounds
    2-3 basil leaves, chiffonade or whole
    1 T olive oil
    1 t Balsamic vinegar (optional)

    Alternate tomatoes and mozzarella rounds in a stack on plate, drizzle with olive oil and top with basil leaves.
    Uses 1 protein, 1 vegetable, 1 extra

    For fewer calories, exclude the olive oil and just use the vinegar.
    Uses 1 protein, 1 vegetable
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    Sunday treat...I call it chocoban....reminds me of soft serve ice cream....

    1 frozen banana
    1 Tbsp chocolate protein powder
    Scant 1/4 c. Almond milk

    Pulse in blender, food processor, nutribullet, vitamix...whatever you use t I left or you will have chocolate soup!
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    Well I do hate autocorrect...supposed to read....whatever you use just don't over pulse or you'll get chocolate soup! Sorry
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