Grocery store

mhulgan Posts: 101 Member
Going grocery shopping tonight, and I'm not even going to go down the come aisle! Thankfully I'm the only member of my family who drinks coke, so if I keep it out of the house, no one will complain :)


  • msjackiemorgan
    msjackiemorgan Posts: 45 Member
    My friend buys drinks by the case at the moment we have 8 --12pks and 5--- 2 liters. He keeps it stocked up all the time. I'm looking at them now and not wanting to drink one. I'll try to post daily I am on day one of no sodas. Gonna write it one my calendar good luck to everyone we can do this!!!!!!
  • Crystalb43
    Crystalb43 Posts: 10 Member
    I started my soda free journey today too. I am with you, I could drink a 2 liter a day. I am hoping that my head won't hurt too badly since I won't have any caffeine. Good Luck!!!
  • msjackiemorgan
    msjackiemorgan Posts: 45 Member
    Please add me as a friend, if we are not friends yet, for this group. Thank you
  • jakey397
    jakey397 Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2015
    Started my soda free journey last Saturday - I was drinking an insane amount (probably about 3 cans a day!!) and I'm finding it mush easier than I expected. That's not to say I haven't been tempted a couple of times (fridge is always stocked with coke as my partner and step-son drink it) but I'm not as bothered by it as I thought I would be. Have weighed today and since starting on Saturday I am already 4lbs down so onwards and upwards (or downwards ideally :smile: ) - Good luck all of you. We can do this :smile: