Back at it

PDarnall Posts: 8 Member
Hello All,

Here is my story I started at 385lbs (back in 2001) before my RNY and dropped to a low of 220lbs for a short time. It takes just about 700 to 1,000 calories per day for me to maintain 220lbs. I couldn't stay that low on the calories or increase my activities beyond the 7 plus miles per day that I walk most days. So I've been having back, feet, and arthritic issues for several years now. The end result has my weight back up to 303.5lbs

Last week I had breathing issues (coughing up blood/pneumonia) that put me in the hospital. I was asked about my wishes if they couldn't get things under control. My resting heart rate was 136 to 175. That scared me at age 51.

This last week has been focusing on walking a logging everything that I eat. A new digital scale, MFP loaded up, my Samsung Gear Fit on 24/7 and my wife doing the same plan. My accurate scale has me at 286lbs for a nice 17.5lbs drop. My goal is 250lbs because when I drop under that weight people that know me ask if I'm sick.

A CT scan of my heart is scheduled for this Wednesday and home breathing treatments are in the works. Ugh...I need some help, encouragement or to hear your success story from this situation.




    ACASHMAMA Posts: 9 Member
    Hang in there! You are totally kicking butt and doing the right things. You got this!
    ACASHMAMA Posts: 9 Member
    BY the way, I had the gastric sleeve 3 years ago. I lost 80 lbs, but since then have regained 50. I am working to eliminate those 50 again FOREVER. So even tho I haven't been thru your exact situation, I can relate to part of your story. Take care ;-)