scottish friends??

killielila Posts: 30 Member
Hi all ive been on and off for a while look8ng for friends motivation and butt kicking not sure if my diary open or not .

38 looking to lose about 6 stone by my 40th Aug 16
Oww putting it out there looks a lot but as the say eat an elephant 1 bite at a time
So 15 months thats less than 1/2stone a month
Thats achieveable isnt it ??


  • build_them_skyward
    build_them_skyward Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, i'm Scottish too. You can do it! Having faith in yourself is a big part in achieving your goals.
  • killielila
    killielila Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, i'm Scottish too. You can do it! Having faith in yourself is a big part in achieving your goals.

    Thanks im trying to do this sensibly ...
  • JaynePlain
    JaynePlain Posts: 1 Member
    Also Scottish (and in Scotland) My 50th Birthday is in Aug 16 I am aiming to lose 3 stones by then. I think 1/2 stone a month is quite ambitious but it's all about the motivation. If we seriously want enter the next decade fitter healthier then let's do this thing
  • paulbarton67
    paulbarton67 Posts: 2 Member
    Am in Glasgow, biggest part is maintaining healthy diet and exercise regime till they become part of ur day. I'm 50 and with the help of calorie counter and selfishness to maintain a routine am probably healthier than I was at 40, am def using weights better, you will get there
  • cluthab
    cluthab Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, nice to see a Scottish residents(!) group B)
    I'm returning to mfp after nearly a year as I have more time on my hands post 7th May!
    My wife and I went on the 5:2 diet just over two years ago with great success. I dropped 3 stones, she managed 2 stone. We've both drifted a bit, 10lbs for me and she's not saying!
    So here I am back in the saddle, counting cals here and carrying on my exercise programme I started after a heart attack, (2 stents fitted & I'm brand new!)
    A couple of weeks ago I was fooling around with 9 year old granddaughter carrying her around and she informed me she was 3 stone. Realising that that was what I'd lost I resolved to get the 10lbs off that I'd gained since stopping logging my stuff.
    I'm in Helensburgh so my cycling is tougher than when I was in Partick, but I enjoy the off-road stuff.
    I'm a retired offshore tech/Merchant navy engineer, getting as much fun in to life as possible.
    Motorbikes are my adrenalin booster ;)
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    Good luck! I'm in Scotland too. Have to lose 8-10 stones, lost 2 so far.

    Little steps but it can be done!
  • katyconn123
    katyconn123 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm katy from west dumbartonshire, I been on this journey since Feb and have lost 11 lbs I'm delighted slow and steady wins the race , would love more Scottish buddies add me if you want
  • twojacks
    twojacks Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, perthshire representative here.

    Got about three stone to lose, but firstly I'm trying to just focus on stopping snacking and trying to keep my sep count up each day, hopefully weight loss will follow too :)
  • GillianSandi1024
    GillianSandi1024 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there from West Lothian :) 1/2 stone a month is achievable and sounds like a great goal :) I'm kind of doing the NHS 12 week programme but will be using MFP to keep track of my calories. Starting tomorrow so please feel free to add me and we can give each other some encouragement. I have a lot to lose but taking it a little goal at a time.
  • beenz75
    beenz75 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes that is certainly achievable, I was dropping 2lbs a week the last time I got serious about fitness & dieting. The main nemesis is alchohol which is certainly best avoided, which for me is the hardest thing to do without
  • biccielover
    biccielover Posts: 15 Member
    Hello i just joined today new to this site but unfortunately not new to dieting , i am from Dundee and have over 2 stones to lose any tips welcome.
  • marian9057
    marian9057 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi - good to have a Scottish group. I'm in Midlothian. Had gastric sleeve op on 5 February. Lost 5 stone to date - another 6 to go. Can only eat small amounts which is making weight loss much easier. Have lost this much before but never been able to keep it off - hence the op - had to choose between new car or op and decided to go for the op!! Look forward to hearing how everyone is doing.
  • crochetqueen130
    crochetqueen130 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Kirsten from Cumbernauld. Happy to see there's Scottish users of this app ! I have lost 2 stone with slimmingworld and am needing motivation and fellow slimmers chat. Hope to hear from you all soon x
  • mm1bjp
    mm1bjp Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Allan from Dunbartonshire. Good to see other Scottish folk in here. Good luck on your 2 stone. I've lost 10 Kg in about 3 months by eating healthy, moderate exercise, and using MFP to ensure I don't go over my calorie allowance. Would like to loose another 10kg, but could do with some motivation to keep me going. Feel free to add me.
  • bigjamie2015
    bigjamie2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Jamie from Kirkcaldy here 46 years old recovering from surgery 20 kilo to lose just joined today
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! I am from Glasgow but have lived in Lincoln, Lincolnshire for the last 33 years
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    Good luck, you can achieve it, take it one step at time and you'll get there!

  • kirstym1108
    kirstym1108 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there, I'm looking to shed 70lbs over 12 months; all support gratefully received, hope everyone can reach their goals!
  • KeepGood
    KeepGood Posts: 386 Member
    Hey all, I'm from the Falkirk area. I've been using MFP for a few months now with success. Good luck to everyone :smile: