The enemy and your health.

jorinya Posts: 933 Member
Morning Ladies,

Well done on all your successes since you started your journey to a healthier you. I just wanted to bring something to your attention as women of faith. Now that you are on the road to being the woman that God has destined you to be, that old enemy of yours will never be happy and put stumbling blocks in your way. It could be that you feel too tired to exercise, you want to eat foods you ave vowed to abstain from eating, your husband, children, family or friend makes a comment to derail you or tempts you with high calorie food or your health can be attacked. A setback is a sign that you are doing the right thing because the enemy hates when you are happy. As I am writing this I am feeling sick, suspecting a kidney infection but I know its all because I on the right road. My hope is in Christ and I want to assure you ladies that the undeserved and unmerited grace God has dished out to everyone of you is proof of God's unchanging love and care for you. He dies on the cross not just for your sins and failures, he died for your trials, downfalls, setbacks and sickness. Look to the cross and leave everything that does no belong in your life at the foot of the cross. I want you to do something for me, well two things really. First, go to your cupboard, get a big black bag, get someone to help open it for you and throw all your worries, setbacks, health issues, additions and wrong thinking into it. Tie it, put it in the bin outside your house, go inside and forget all about what you put in the bag. Second, I want you to pray for all the women in this group, their family, their households and those they hold dear. Whatever the Spirit leads you to pray for them please do so. Pray for the women in any other group you are a member of, again whatever you are lead to pray, please pray.
Why am I asking you to do these things? 12 years ago while pregnant with my second boy, a radical Muslim sat at the table beside my friend,(who was forced to convert) and me. Thank God I had my cross inside my jumper that day. He started talking about Christians and about how much he hated those who follow "that man Jesus". He said starting in 2015 till 2020, he and his brothers will wipe all infidels from the face of this earth. It was exactly 12 years ago today. The enemy will always attack women because we are the wall of protection between the enemy and our children. That day I protected my unborn son by keeping silent. But today I feel we should pray for mothers and women so that they don't fall prey to the enemy.
Please, please in the precious name of Jesus, please pray and also plead the Blood over their homes. Pray W.A.S.H for them.
W = Wisdom
A = Anointing
S = Safety
H = Health and Healing.

Thank you. Sorry for the long post but its heavy on my heart and I feel now is the time for action.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Must always and forever be vigilant; always and forever in prayer. Thank you for sharing this.
  • dottieketostrong
    dottieketostrong Posts: 102 Member
    Excellent post. To be robbed of our health affects many areas. I have been suffering from a pinched sciatic nerve for several weeks now. I found that the chronic pain has made me more irritable. I keep praying and asking for healing, but God has His reason, whatever it may be, for not healing me at this time. That got me to wondering if any of my prayers are even heard. (I'm not proud to admit that). I have been taking a lot of Advil just to get a few hours of relief. That is dangerous for my stomach, I know, but the pain is unbearable at times. I have surrendered this to God. He knows about it and He knows what He is doing, but I would still appreciate your prayers too.
  • lgies2758
    lgies2758 Posts: 19 Member
    I started Curves last week & one Wednesday this week I had a bad back spasm. Even though I was in pain I chose to go as usual to do my workout, even if I had to modify how I did the exercises. I'm so glad I didn't allow the enemy to derail me. Praise the Lord.