Starting soon

Hi I'm starting a beginners course in a couple of weeks, but I'm kinda nervous that CF will bulk me out too much. I'm a reasonably fit size 10 ish but really fat thighs with bad cellulite and really want to tone then up and improve appearance.

I run about 3 times a week and doing a half marathon in October. I decided on CF because I would like to do Total Warrior next year (on holidays this year) and thought this would be the best option for getting in shape for that and also though I might push myself more than sitting on a machine at a gym. Feeling a bit nervous, excited and intimidated all at the same time. Will CF be good for my goals?


  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    edited May 2015
    I completely understand where you're coming from. I have been you before CrossFit. Don't be intimidated.
    You won't find a more supportive community than the CrossFit family. The plethora of movements that include squats will help with your problem areas. You will not "bulk up" unless
    You just want to. You'll notice nice toning and muscle definition in as little as a couple of months if you really buy in and give it your all, but you won't look like a juice head. All in all, yes, CrossFit is good for pretty much any fitness goal.
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Also, "bulking up" is a good thing! The more muscle you build, the more your resting metabolic rate increases and it's the best thing to combat cellulite. I have been battling it for years...and nothing helped. Even at my skinniest I wouldn't wear shorts. And birth control pills? All those extra hormones screwed me. I figured I was just genetically cursed and gave up hope...since I'm a very bad dieter haha. Well, lol and behold, lifting heavy weights and doing Crossfit, combined with changing a little about how I eat (targeting my protein macros and loading my favorite yummy carbs around my workouts) and I'm actually wearing shorts proud for the first time in about 20 years. I haven't changed much, except my goals and focus--get stronger; get faster....and sure good luck!!! The strength training alone will really do a number on that your change in focus will help you to ignore it. ;-)

    Welcome to the Crossfit family!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hi I'm starting a beginners course in a couple of weeks, but I'm kinda nervous that CF will bulk me out too much. I'm a reasonably fit size 10 ish but really fat thighs with bad cellulite and really want to tone then up and improve appearance.

    I run about 3 times a week and doing a half marathon in October. I decided on CF because I would like to do Total Warrior next year (on holidays this year) and thought this would be the best option for getting in shape for that and also though I might push myself more than sitting on a machine at a gym. Feeling a bit nervous, excited and intimidated all at the same time. Will CF be good for my goals?

    Keep in mind that you'd have to lift enormous amounts of weight to really bulk up. It's MUCH harder for women than it is for men. We have a lot more testosterone and that's the driving factor. Your legs might not change size that much, but they will definitely change composition.

    CF is going to work muscles that you likely haven't used much before, so expect to be sore. VERY sore. Do as much mobility and foam rolling work as you can stand to help stay loose. It will have a positive impact on your running as well.

    Good luck and enjoy, I think CF will help you quite a bit.

    Before you start I'd also take some basic measurement. Neck, biceps, chest, waist at belly button, hips, thighs. Then take them again once a month. The scale might not move as much as you think it should, but when inches are dropping in the right places it makes that easier to take.

  • kwoww9797
    kwoww9797 Posts: 29 Member
    Crossfit will be good for your goals and prepare you for the obstacle race. I've been doing Crossfit for over a year, and have not bulked, and ran my first Spartan Sprint a few weeks ago. Without Crossfit, I would have NEVER done Spartan. It is amazing how strong you are; and you don't even know it. My legs, arms, and belly are all more toned now. I think it's pretty amazing what a little muscle can do for women! :)

    Good luck!
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    You'll love what it does to your body! I started just about a year ago, I've actually gained 7lbs, I was in maintenance mode when I started and in hind sight I needed to gain a little, I look much healthier and fit now. Lots of people lose weight when combined with good nutrition. My cellulite is much improved, I'm not sure of my BF% changes but I have a ton more muscle and a bigger booty (win!) and all my clothes still fit from a year ago. Plus I get to eat a lot more food now.
  • princessxmeow
    princessxmeow Posts: 15 Member
    I just hit my two month mark with Crossfit and I promise you it will be the greatest decision you ever made. You will find yourself surrounded by a community of athletes who will motivate you to do things you never would have seen yourself doing before. As far as bulking up goes there are women in my box who have impressive lifts and skills like deficit HSPU and legless rope climbs and of course the muscle up and they look "toned" as opposed to "bulked". If you're really concerned about it talk to your coach (I promise you won't look like a bodybuilder games athlete unless you WANT to be a bodybuilder or a Crossfit games competitior) If your box is anything like mine they will have specialty courses (we have Olympic lifting, endurance, mobility, and starting next month gymnastics specialty classes in addition to the daily Crossfit classes) which are awesome when you have a specific type of training you are working on. If I have learned anything in my 2 months its that programming is written the way it's written for a reason and skipping workouts because they're a lot of lifting or a lot of running cripples you in the long run! If you're sore or uncomfortable doing something show up and talk to your coach... 9 times out of 10 they will have a scaled version that will help you while still working your body in a way that keeps you balanced (and improves stability/mobility).
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    You know what, I love bulky.

    I wish I'd kept track of the number of women who have said "I don't want to get bulky" and 3 months later they're taking pictures of their back muscles in the mirror and putting them on instagram.

    It's something we (women particularly) have to EARN with hard work and dedication, and it's something to be proud of :smiley:
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    hell yeah! I love my bulk. ;-)
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Inkratlet wrote: »
    You know what, I love bulky.

    I wish I'd kept track of the number of women who have said "I don't want to get bulky" and 3 months later they're taking pictures of their back muscles in the mirror and putting them on instagram.

    It's something we (women particularly) have to EARN with hard work and dedication, and it's something to be proud of :smiley:

    This is SO true (though I keep my muscle pics on MFP not instagram ha-ha)

    OP- I cant really add much, others have really said it well already but best of luck starting crossfit!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Embrace the strong! If I can give you just one piece of advice it's this - learn the movements before you try to become a hero and lift heavy weights. Your form and progress will thank you. Best of luck.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'll just add this: Strong women are sexy. End of discussion
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    I'll just add this: Strong women are sexy. End of discussion

    Thank you sir