26, two kids, looking to get back to my foxy self!

KateMurtyMac Posts: 1 Member
Hi! I am a 26 year old science teacher who just had her second baby. Natalie is 3, Calvin is 1 month old. I'm currently at 160, looking to get to 120-130. Add me and help keep me accountable!


  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome! I am in a very similar situation. Have a two and a half year old and a 5 month old. Currently 166 hope to get to at least 135. I was 120 pre children.
    We got this!!!
  • ck1227
    ck1227 Posts: 33 Member
    I have two boys, 9 & 2! I am determined to get my body back to prevabies! My main issue is my skin. I gotta eat well, drink lots of water and exercise for results. We can all do it together!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Hi ladies! I just had my first baby girl. She turns 6 months today!! I had lost over 48lbs back in 2012 and kept most of it off. but I have gained every lb that I have ever lost back. Im currently 248 :'( ( was 183.4). I just ordered body beast because I want to be lean and tone this time around. Last time I lost weight my body didn't change so I felt like I was skinny fat. I did mostly cardio. Im super glad that I found this group. Friend me!!!

  • daniparker22
    daniparker22 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 4 month old baby boy, trying to get back to my pre-Preggo shape. I was at 174 pre-preggo, and I'm at 181.6 today. Want to get down to 170...I'll add you guys!!
  • kaitlinlei
    kaitlinlei Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 6 year, 5 year old and a 23 month old. I have struggled trying to lose the weight. I had gotten to the point that I just blamed not losing on having 2 c sections and I don't want to make excuses anymore. I need this not only for me but for my kids. I want to be a fun mom that plays outside with them and so much more. I am determined to get back into shape and get back down to my pregnancy weight from having my youngest. I am 185 wanting to get back to at least 140. Friend me!