Looking for some weight loss buddies.

Rickymfp Posts: 6 Member
Hi I'm Ricky and in need of friends to support me along my journey of health and fitness and to support you all as well. I used to be mega fit was in the Army, ran a full marathon and several half marathons. But had a rocky road since I left in 2012 and up to last week hit my heaviest I ever been at 20 stone 5 pounds.

It's been 1 week and I have lost 6 pounds and now I'm 19 stone 13 pounds. Nice to be away from the dreaded 20 stone. By the end of this year I want to be down to 14 or 15 stone. So please add me and we can help each other along the way. Thanks for reading and good luck on all ur roads to a better healthier lifestyle.
