Spring Into Summer Muscle Challenge!



  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    OK so I did OHP for the WOW with the empty 45-lb bar. Completed 5 rounds (6,8,10,12,14 = 50 total) with 82 total BW squats in between. I took almost the whole minute to do the last 14 presses, got a single squat in, then had nothing left in me to try the next round.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Didn't get to do the wow from last week. Is it too late? Didn't do measurements because of shark week (love that term-who came up with that again???) Building up my squat and deadlift from 65 to 80 toward my 100# goal! Daily habit is more like a biweekly habit so far but feeling pretty good!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Didn't get to do the wow from last week. Is it too late? Didn't do measurements because of shark week (love that term-who came up with that again???) Building up my squat and deadlift from 65 to 80 toward my 100# goal! Daily habit is more like a biweekly habit so far but feeling pretty good!

    I'll be honest and say I haven't exactly had a chance to keep up with recording all the results. I'll have to find some off time and compile everything by going back through the thread later. lol. Feel free to do the WOW at any point. YOu'll still get kudos for trying!

    My daily habit has happened 11 times out of 18 so far, so not really good. I've been falling behind on the pull-up negatives thanks to my forearm (which still hurts :/) Spring is so much busier this year than I remember it ever being. Then again, havign july weather this early on makes everything not make any sense anyway...
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    New WOW, by the way! This one is short and simple:

    Sit-outs tabata.

    8x 20 seconds of ALL OUT work, 10s rest.

    What are sit-outs?

    What if I can't do that? Do mountain climbers ;)

    Score = total reps completed per side!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    For last week's WOW. I did it on Friday, but I forget to check in. I got a total score of 179. (Used a 45lb bar, got 50 OHP, and 84 BW Squats.)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Obviously, I flaked on doing this challenge. My work schedule barely allows for me to get 5x5 done. I'm following all of your progress, though!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I want to update my progress so far (since we're close to halfway through). So, my goals:
    Milestone: 1000 push-ups over the entire challenge
    Daily Habit: at least 10 mins of stretching

    444 push-ups so far, 556 to go.
    Stretch: 11 days, missed 9 days. I'm hoping to not miss anymore.

    I'll be doing the WOW this evening when I get home :smile:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So update;
    1) 200 km of running. Starting to think this might have been too lofty of a goal. I'm not ready to give up on it quite yet but I am starting to have some doubts. I'm at 74.6km currently.
    2) daily habit... Lol more of a twice weekly habit. I've set a reminder on my phone so that I don't just forget then go oops too late now.
    3) better pant fit. I was camping for 5 days last week. Nothing currently fits right. Hoping this water weight goes away quickly so I can get a better gauge of how much fat I managed to gain over those 5 days.

    WOW I got 76 total. The first 20 seconds those things seemed really awkward but then I found my groove. I enjoyed it even though by round 4 I thought I was gonna die.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    So, I haven't had a chance to do the WOW so far, but hopefully will be able to try it this weekend.

    As far as goals (started challenge May 4):
    1) Run at least 6 miles per week. Total=24.75. So far, so good.
    2) Do 50 push-ups a day. Total since May 4=850 for an average daily total of 47.22 lol, so a little short. Looks like I have some making up to do!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    This week's wow - I've always wanted to learn to breakdance thanks Krokador! Didn't read the fine print on scoring at the bottom and didn't count reps. Also took more than 10 sec break between sets, more like 30 secs but completed all 8 sets. Sorry, I'm not one for attention to detail which is why I like 5x5 :P I also did last week's wow bc I didn't get around to it last week. 20# OHP 6,8,10,12,20 + 87 BW squats = 163 if it counts. Why did I skip from 12 to 20? Remember that attn to detail thing I mentioned a second ago? ;-) Anyway, thanks Krokador! Fun stuff!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I now see that I screwed up my running plan to hit 200 km. Looks like I just planned out for up to June 12, not 21st so my 200 km seems a little more do able now. Derp derp derp
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    1. Increase squat & deadlifts from 65 to 100
    2. Incorporate more of the spiritual into my whole body/kind/spirit health by meditating for 5 minutes each day.
    3. Lose the capris & free the quads!! I'm tired of wearing capri pants to hide my flabby quads and want to wear shorts and swimsuits confidently this Summer so need to lose the flab on my quads.[/quote]
    1. Going well! Did 90# squats today, 95# deadlift
    2. So so not great here...
    3. Losing a few inches this month but not impacting the quads as id like. Probably a little too aggressive goal.
    having fun though and making progress in general
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I didn't get to last week's WOW :frowning: my schedule got crazy hectic all of a sudden and won't let up until the end of June.

    I've been doing well on my daily water intake. Only a few days I didn't make it so far.
    I have not been doing well on my biking goal. Part of it is I'm traveling so much so don't know if I'll make it but that's OK.
    I don't think I'll stall too much on my progress which is my big why goal. I did a pull up the other day but I cheated a little and kicked. I had also been drinking so I think that evens it out :wink:

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Aw man, been crazy busy here too. Haven't really had a chance to even think about this week's WOW, so let me pull one out of my hat real quick. (I was gonna write @$$ but you probably wouldn't like that xD. That may be where you want me to shove it once you find out what I've cooked up, tho >_>)

    30-24-20 reps (or 15-12-10 reps per side if that looks less daunting) for time of
    - Plank up-downs (1 up down is 1 rep, but do alternate arms each rep) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4oFJRDAU4Q
    - alternate 1-legged romanian deadlift (reps total)

    Score is time flat. You *can* use weight on 1LRDL if BW only is not challenging enough, but focus on solid reps where you,re not stumbling everywhere first. Get down on your knees if the plank up-downs are too hard. Breath and curse my name if it helps.

    I haven,t done last week's WOW myself yet. Just too darn tired and busy. Mobility is out the window. Still plodding along on the chin-up negatives but I've missed enough days that I may not make it back. We'll see.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I am a little dumb. Is it 30 reps plank up-downs, 30 reps 1LRDL. 24 reps plank up-downs, 24 reps 1LRDL and then 20 reps plank up-downs, 20 reps 1LRDL?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So I am a little dumb. Is it 30 reps plank up-downs, 30 reps 1LRDL. 24 reps plank up-downs, 24 reps 1LRDL and then 20 reps plank up-downs, 20 reps 1LRDL?

    Yep. But now that I think of it, the plank up-downs are totally evil. O_o I must've been half asleep when I wrote that. Go with 15-12-10 but make it reps PER LEG on the rdls
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    WOW 11:53 Fun!!! I'm wasted after doing my regular workout & wow but fun!
    After pics
    1. squat 100#, deadlift 115# (check!)
    2. Meditate daily-25% done
    3. Free the quads- hmmm not quite yet but soon
    Thanks for the fun and challenge!
    Hope your race was awesome Krokador!!!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oh I used 10# Dumbbells and here are the pics tvbizg4anweh.jpg
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Wow no weights on the DLs (I still have doms from my last squat workout on Thursday). 4:53.
    1) I am at 124.5 KM out of 200, sticking to training plan and I should end up with around 215km
    2) I have been doing my mobility work pretty religiously this last week.
    3) still not willing to try on those pants.... (yes I am a chicken)
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    WOW 11:53 Fun!!! I'm wasted after doing my regular workout & wow but fun!
    After pics
    1. squat 100#, deadlift 115# (check!)
    2. Meditate daily-25% done
    3. Free the quads- hmmm not quite yet but soon
    Thanks for the fun and challenge!
    Hope your race was awesome Krokador!!!

    Doh! I thought the challenge ended today!! 3 more weeks yeah! Can I change once of my goals to "pay attention to details"?