Weight Loss for the 20-somethings!

MissKCMarie Posts: 4 Member
Hi all! Coming from nutrisystem, I was part of a group I loved and that really helped support me when I started my weight loss. Now that we are relocating, I wanted to create a discussion with the same mission to support young people looking to get healthy. This is a place to make friends and share your feelings, questions, and progress! We are in this together!

xxo, Casey :#


  • jem1125
    jem1125 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Casey! This is Jewelie from Nutrisystem!! I just came over to test this out...I'm not sure if I will make a new account just for NS, or use this old account...But good to know I can find ya here! :) Have a great monday
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello my fellow 20 somethings :)
  • JustJenn16
    JustJenn16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I just started Nutrisystem this morning! So glad to find fellow 20somethings here!
  • jenjen047
    jenjen047 Posts: 4 Member
    hey everyone! i am 28 and today just re-started NS. i used it in 2012 and lost 25 lbs and kept it off until about a year ago. over the last year ive put basically all of it back on. whoops! so im back again and looking to lose 20-30 lbs.
    i cant believe NS got rid of the discussion forums, i loved them last time i did NS. we had a group for may 2012 starters so we were all starting around the same time and it was great. oh well. id love to find a similar group here.
    so today was day 1 of my fast 5, which they didnt have last time i did NS so its new for me. so far so good....how has everyone elses experience with fast 5 been?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jen
    maybe this one would work for You?
    May 2013 Starters

    Or this one?
    April/May Starters

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. I did not do the Fast 5, it is not available for people on the Mens-D or Womens-S plans.
  • jenjen047
    jenjen047 Posts: 4 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Jen
    maybe this one would work for You?
    May 2013 Starters

    Or this one?
    April/May Starters

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. I did not do the Fast 5, it is not available for people on the Mens-D or Womens-S plans.

    Thanks roger.
  • KilaMarie88
    KilaMarie88 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey! I could definitely use a support group! I started NS 5/22 for the first time... I did lose initially almost 6 pounds on the fast five... but I gained like 2 back already... and unfortunately ever since then I've been cheating bad
  • jenjen047
    jenjen047 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I could definitely use a support group! I started NS 5/22 for the first time... I did lose initially almost 6 pounds on the fast five... but I gained like 2 back already... and unfortunately ever since then I've been cheating bad

    oh no! are there certain times of day you seem to struggle with the most? try not to let yourself feel overwhelmed or let 1 slip up derail you. just focus on making good choices one meal at a time and build up from there.
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    I second Jen's comments!

    Are you truly hungry when you cheat or are you just craving? If you're truly hungry snack on some veggies. I've told myself many times, "if you're not hungry for carrots you aren't really hungry." If you're craving you can try to do something to take your mind off of it. If it's after I've eaten all of my food for the day, I brush my teeth. Helps keep me from going to find something to munch on.

    I also save an SC to eat later in the evening. I'm not sure what plan you're on so I don't know how practical this is for you but that might be an option.

    Just remember how awesome you feel when you stay on plan and try to use that to help you when you want to cheat. Think of how AWESOME it will feel tomorrow when you can come report that you were entirely on plan! You've got this!!
  • 44mandie44
    44mandie44 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all, I'll be starting my NutriSystem journey tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to having a journey to go on with others my age. :smile:
  • clreyes22
    clreyes22 Posts: 5 Member
    I just started I'm on day three of my fast five
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    clreyes22 wrote: »
    I just started I'm on day three of my fast five

    Good Luck with the Program. It will work if You stick to it. Feel free to ask for help with anything You do Not Understand.

    P.S. Shameless plug here

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    $59.99 After $20 OFF
    $100 Nutrisystem Success Gift Card
    $20 manufacturer’s discount** is valid 6/29/15 through 7/19/15. While supplies last.

    Available Via www.Costco.com to all FWIW.
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