MAY the Goals Be Ever In Your Favor



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    I feel like being a smart-*kitten* about these today lol.

    1. Get a non-farmer's tan. I sadly have a bad start to this as I was wearing rolled up sleeves yesterday so my arms are now summer-colored, but my shoulders are still pretty white. Yeah, well, it,s a convoluted way of saying I wanna spend time outside and wear sleeveless shirts and be proud of my arms, haha. So I need to lose some weight so I don't have to flex to prove I got guns.
    2. Fit in my summer clothing from last year, which means I gotta drop around 5lbs. Oops.
    3. Get the immigration paperwork taken care of so it's out of the way and I can concentrate on other things. Like writing
    4. Eat home-made meals at least 85-90% of the time.
    5. I. Will. Get. That. Unassisted. Chin-Up.

    Well hey, month's basically over so now we retrospectionate! (Not a word. But it sounded... less lame in my head)

    1. Thanks to today's run where it was supposed to rain all day, I was in a sleeveless shirt out in the sun so I now have sunburns on my shoulders. Yay! (They're minor enough). I still have a t-shirt tan line though, so nayh :( But seriously, the difference in color from my "summer" tan to my pale white winter complexion would have anyone here wonder if I didn't frankenstein my arms up from someone with a different ethnicity or something xD
    2. ... Moving on?
    3. *grumbles*
    4. I... think I didn't do too bad on that one. At least over the past week and a half. My memory might be blocking off the rest. It has been a few really tiring weeks.
    5. I. Am. So. So. So. Damn. Close! (I can do it, just not from a full hang)
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Get back in the habit of lifting.

    Surpass my current weights by one increment after deloading and working back up.

    Lose 4 lbs.

    1 - good, been doing ICF. I think I might have missed one workout, but that's it.
    2 - I ties with my highs on all but squat, which I passed by 5 lbs. Added a bunch of accessories though, so I am ok with it.
    3 - lost 4.6 lbs :) Now only 1.5 lbs away from my lowest post-pregnancy weight.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Crazy month.

    Lose 3-4 lbs (get to 154) - Close at least, no scale for a bit so made it close earlier.
    Finish C25k program - already accomplished. Almost at 35 minute and hope to get to 40 minute before the 5k on June 15th
    Finish Stage 3 and do Stage 4 in NROLFW - One last workout for Stage 4.
    Get deadlift back up to 200 - not so much.
    Edit novel and prepare to submit query - no progress
    Read 1 book - nope.
    Pack stuff and move - Almost done. Have last bit of stuff to move out tomorrow. Will take the keys to the old place on monday. Then the fun comes of unpacking and organizing everything along with getting to know the new roommate.

    Can't wait to lift again on Tuesday but not looking forward to the longer drive home from the gym. Hopefully June is full of goal achieving.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    OVERALL GOAL: Lose at least 5 lbs.

    - Give up soda.
    - Concentrate on getting 8+ glasses of water daily.
    - Lift 3x / week.
    - Hike / walk with Huck at least 3x / week.
    - Prepare meals / eat at home. (Not only because restaurant meals are hard to log, but because I am consistently not hitting my calorie target right now. Need to rein in all in.)
    - Write Morning Pages.


    Weight loss: -1.6 since May 2.
    I'm disappointed about this. Need to get my act together. :(

    - Soda -- Having a Coke today (hangover cure) but otherwise, haven't had any soda this week.

    - Water -- Still better than before, but haven't gotten to eight per day yet. Need to refocus here.

    - Lifting / Walks / Hiking -- Did at least three walks / hikes with Huck this past week, maybe four. Only one gym session though. Not sure what the deal is here -- I love it when I'm there but am having some trouble getting back into a good routine.

    - Eat at home -- Had a few meals out this past week. Nothing too crazy, but again, they're so hard to track. Going to refocus here too.

    - Morning Pages -- I've done them about four times. That's better than before, but still not consistent enough.

    Time to really commit and remember my priorities.

  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    In just copying my goals from the Summer challenge plus adding one
    1. Increase my squat and deadlift from 65# to 100# as long as my form is good
    2. Incorporate more of the spiritual into my whole body/kind/spirit health by meditating for 5 minutes each day.
    3. Lose the capris & free the quads!! I'm tired of wearing capri pants to hide my flabby quads and want to wear shorts and swimsuits confidently this Summer so need to lose the flab on my quads.
    4. Get barbell/plates and cage set up and start getting used to them!!

    1. Done. 100# squat, 115# deadlift as of today!
    2. Not so much . Going to keep trying to work on this one.
    3. Lost a few inches this month but none in the target area. Oh well, going to keep working on lowering overall BF and will eventually get there.
    4. Got my home gym set up, know how to get the barbell up on the higher jhooks now among other things (lol) and am LOVING it.
    Good job ladies!
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I've been thinking about this month's goals for a few days.

    • My MPF streak
    • Lift 3x week. I also should lift earlier in the evening instead of 10pm. I've been lazy to get out there after dinner.
    • Deadlifts - 1x5 220lb goal

    Add in:
    • Grip work! Even if I just do a bar hangs when I'm bored. Since I'm DL with straps this needs to be done!
    • Some sort of extra cardio/stretching once a week. I'd like to do more, but this is my attempt to slowly introduce it into my rotation.
    • Another attempt to do a couple BJJ sessions to get back into it.

    • I figure I'm close to deloading my lifts, already deloading bench. OHP is erratic and squats I've been surprised since 180lbs that I've gotten past it. Rows I don't care as long as I don't deload under 95lbs (my lightest bumpers, lol). I guess just do my best and hopefully I deload staggered as it has been challenging and more tiring since I'm been on work weight/PR on multiple lifts each session.
    • I got a 3 day conference this week - I've juggled my lifting days so I need to lift only once during those days and it'll be a hard sell to do it. I'm also going to fend for myself for food, which is tricky since I cook everything and never eat out. Last year I ended up not eating during, then pigging out after the conference, so I need to pack food/research options.

    It seemed I did my challenges well - didn't over eat or die during my conference and I still stuck with my one cheat day this month. I tracked everything so far and kept my streak.

    I also was great at lifting 3x a week. On not-feeling-great days I still worked in grip work and working on DL form. I didn't get to 220lb DL and 215lbs proved to be a struggle.

    Extra cardio never happened, but I've been doing yoga daily (missing just one day to shark week of hell). I'm probably going to stick with yoga almost daily as I'm getting nice results from it. I've done more yoga that I thought I'd do.

    No BJJ... never got the husband to clear the room for mats, nor did I do much effort to nag at him to do it!

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    May Goals:

    -StrongLifts 3x a week (on going goal).
    -Start tracking full body measurements (carry over from last month).
    -No more than 2 back-to-back days without some type of strength training/cardio.
    -Incorporate some type of cardio into my daily/weekly routine.
    -Now that I have my cals/macros in order, concentrate on losing weight to begin breaking down my mental wall to feel comfortable in “shorts.”
    -Not overthink things and just do!

    May Goal Reassessment:
    -Average of 2.5x a week, need to up that.
    -Done (remembered this month…).
    -Better this month, room for improvement.
    -Didn’t happen.
    -Wall solid as steel!
    -A LOT better!