Need to get back on track :(

Rosie121083 Posts: 1 Member
Please....I need encouragement to get back on track here. My LO is going to be 2 and I used to be on top of my eating but have really let myself lose track of what I'm putting in my mouth. It's just so easy to grab and go w/ out planning. I am looking for motivating tips on avoiding emotional eating and saying NO to junk. I have never been one to eat a ton of veggies and typically over indulge in carbs. I have been attempting to enjoy one carb free meal per day since Sunday. I have been stuck at 170 for months now due to my eating habits. No loss no gain is great but losing a bit would be awfully nice!
Please help w/ your ideas for staying motivated and on track! Also, I hope I am posting correctly? Can I reply to others as well?



  • krpt2015
    krpt2015 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey kate, I'm kate too :)

    You really need to log your meals, it will help you see the changes you need to make to stay accountable. I have 2 little ones so I totally understand the grab and go! Add me if you want to chat!