June Goals

mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
Wow cant belive were in June already this year is flying by isnt it, Well May wasnt the best month for me lots of up and down with my weight loss. I cant seem to get my head back into it again but Im going to try my best as I really dont want to gain all the weight iv lost.

So this month im going to go easy and try and loose 8lb.


  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I am still plugging along! I've been fairly successful at maintaining without logging food- stayed within the 5 lb limit I set for myself (barely!) I finished May with over 400 miles running and biking. I'm aiming for at least 350 this month.
  • gonna_do_it_56
    gonna_do_it_56 Posts: 206 Member
    I just seem to be stuck! But I am doing well with my 10k plan..good luck for June :)
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Wow Ceci thats brilliant, Good luck with your june goals, Iv been stuck as well so your not the only one well done with your 10k Im looking into doing a little running, Never run in my life though lol.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    When I got stuck, I mixed up the workouts a little- went from mainly biking to biking and running, with the occasional Boot Camp class, Zumba, or weight lifting thrown in. I also upped my calories a few times. I went from 2 lb per week goal (did that for a solid year before hitting a plateau) to 1.5, then to 1, and finally .5 as I got closer to my goal weight. Even just eating at maintenance for a few days a month helped me in the long run. I guess mainly just not feeling guilty if I went over on calories occasionally.

    Mojo- if you really want to try running, look into a couch to 5k plan. (I bought the RunDouble app for my phone. There are several free apps for that!) If you can comfortably walk 30 minutes without stopping, you are ready to start C25k!

    You can do this!!!