New to the Group

HealthyGuerita Posts: 15 Member
Hi my name is Laura. I'm married with a blended family of 8 kids, but only 6 of them live with us. I graduated a year ago with my MSW degree and I am currently a mental health/substance use therapist/intern doing hours for my license. I weigh 211 lbs. My doctor recently told me that I am .1 away from being diabetic. I have lots of unwanted health problems that are primarily genetic but fueled by my bad habits. During my college years, I drank, I drink rarely. 9 years ago I quit my 2 pack a day habit. In January, I stopped drinking Coca Colas...I use to have a 6 pack or a 2 liter daily. My new goal is to conquer my sugar addiction...cookies, ice cream, marshmallows, etc. My nutritionist is helping me stay within the 15-20 grams per day zone. I joined a new gym with my husband and two older sons. I'm liking Zumba, U-Jam and Yoga a lot. But I still find myself needing to learn how to stay focused and motivated. I want to be healthy enough to enjoy outings with my family and future trips when my husband retires and the kids get going on their own adventures. Hoping that I can find support as well as provide support to others. :)
