Nursing moms

Kellanie21 Posts: 3 Member
Anybody else currently trying to loose weight while nursing? I'd love to add some friends in the same boat that I'm in. I have quite a bit of weight I'd like to loose beyond the weight I gained while pregnant. I have an (almost) four year old and a seven week old. Please feel free to add me, even if you aren't currently nursing!


  • summerbry
    summerbry Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also trying to lose while exclusively breastfeeding! I'll send you an add
  • mrice7
    mrice7 Posts: 3 Member
    Right there with ya!
  • monica_delarosa
    monica_delarosa Posts: 22 Member
    I am also nursing a four month old.
  • XxMarciaxX
    XxMarciaxX Posts: 93 Member
    Im nursing a 4 week old will add you x Anyone is welcome to add me also :) how many calories are you all consuming ? Im eating 2000-2200 most days as im always so hungry !
  • rubbie78
    rubbie78 Posts: 48 Member
    Nursing a 4.5 month old
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Nursing (EBF) a 3.5 month old and still trying to lose the weight from my pregnancy with my 3 year old! Feel free to add me.
  • jsimms2127
    jsimms2127 Posts: 14 Member
    Me too. Only one week PP with #4 and need friends.
  • suzsaver
    suzsaver Posts: 2 Member
    Nursing a three month old and trying to lose. Add me!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Nursing my 8 month old. We just started solids over the past month, so I'm not sure what sort of effect that will have. Still have 25lbs to lose and its been a painfully slow process! lol (gained 55lbs and have to work really hard to drop anything).
  • ElijahsMom1114
    ElijahsMom1114 Posts: 4 Member
    I need some MFP mommy friends I'm nursing a 6.5 month old, just started solids. I'm -20 lbs pre-pregnancy weight just by ebf but I have at least 60 more lbs I would like to lose still so trying this out now! I have found a good calorie estimator for nursing moms since MFP doesn't have that option and then I just adjusted my goal on MFP accordingly.
  • Amandasue817
    Amandasue817 Posts: 6 Member
    Nursing a 3 week old, need to lose 30+lbs. I don't remember having the munchies this bad when nursing my first! Definitely making things difficult!
  • mary2kate7
    mary2kate7 Posts: 1 Member
    Nursing my 6 week old and having a really difficult time making peace with my body as it is right now and I seemed to have reached a point where I'm not losing any more weight. It is really difficult not fitting into clothes and seeing myself with the extra weight and lack of muscke tone. Compared to how I use to be I feel like an invalid and a weakling. It is difficult for me to not feel hopeless about getting into any sort of in shape condition and It feels like my body is just holding onto these last 15ish pounds. :(.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm nursing my 5m old. I feel like I take a few steps forward and a few steps back. I'm fine for a few weeks and lose 3 lbs then I go off track and gain back 2. I'm frustrated because I've lost pregnancy weight before (1 was easier than 2 and 2 was way easier than now). I'm frustrated at the gym because some stuff is so hard for me and I don't remember it being that hard. I gained weight during a move and never lost it so I started this pregnancy higher than normal. 15 lbs to pre pregnancy weight but another 20 lbs to get to where I should be.
  • healthychops_gets_fit
    healthychops_gets_fit Posts: 35 Member
    I am nursing my 9 week old. Just started to look at attacking my weight. I lost my pregnancy weight in 2 weeks but have now gained half a stone. I was already over weight before pregnancy so have about 4 stone to lose. Add me if you like x
  • happybappy450
    happybappy450 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm feeding my 4.5 month old and properly started about a month ago to try to lose the baby weight. 10lbs down since he was born! :D It seems such a long process! Anyone feel free to add me, any motivation between us all will help! I have another 13lb to get to pre pregnancy and 27lb in total to reach my own goal :)
  • andFrame
    andFrame Posts: 3 Member
    my LO is almost 3mos. I gained 23lbs during pregnancy, I'm 13lbs down from my birth weight & have been hovering here since the first weeks. ~25lbs left to lose to reach my current goal weight.

    I have read that mos 4-6 are when moms notice weight loss from BFing- it just seems like it's going to be impossible considering I feel more hungry now than I EVER was during pregnancy. I have no problem eating clean- i'm just eating so much! I'm also terrified to begin a full fitness program since LO is not remotely close to sleeping through the night. I don't know if my patchy sleep will be enough to allow the body to recover & I don't want to risk exhaustion. I'm still not fitting into any of my pp clothes because i'm still shaped pregnant. :( Anyone else have those fears/issues?
  • happybappy450
    happybappy450 Posts: 21 Member
    andFrame, I know exactly what you mean! I am hungrier than ever but have been trying to increase the amount I drink and staying busy to avoid just eating all the time. It's frustrating not fitting into any pre-preg clothes, especially when friends with 6mo babies are saying their pre-preg clothes are now too big!! Nevermind... one day we will get there too!!
  • jctk0419
    jctk0419 Posts: 21 Member
    My daughter is 3.5 months. I've been back at work for about a month (nursing at night, pumping during the day). I had lost my pregnancy weight by my 6-week PP checkup, and have basically maintained over the past couple of months. I'm back to needing to lose 20-30 pounds, and wanting to start tackling that. I'm glad to connect with other moms with similar goals.
  • moniqmcd
    moniqmcd Posts: 1 Member
    10 days pp and have 17lbs to lose. I swear with my first I only had 5 lbs to lose at this point and I put on the same amount of weight {about 38 lbs). It's depressing. Want it to come off quicker! Plus everything is like jello :smile:
    Exclusively nursing and nursed my first till 25 months (till i was 9 weeks pregnant). Lost all the weight with that one and then some!
    Sigh...need a friend on here for company :)
  • sw6709
    sw6709 Posts: 60 Member
    I am exclusively BF my 10 week old, I seem to be having the opposite problem as many of you. I am losing too much weight too quickly, sometimes 1+ pound a week. I have lost my pregnancy weight and now continue to lose. I keep increasing my calories but still steadily lose I'm eating roughly 400 calories over what my maintenance was. I'm rarely ever hungry eating like this and when I am I eat more. My family is becoming concerned as im becoming very thin, but I don't know what to do if im not hungry (let alone find the time to prep food and eat). My diary is open, and I would love suggestions if you have them.
  • amandaahouse
    amandaahouse Posts: 1 Member
    I'm ebf my almost 4.5 month old son, I'm already at my pre-pregncacy weight but would like to lose about 20 more pounds. I seem to fluctuate about a few pounds but nothing major and right now I'm mostly interested in making sure I'm getting enough calories but not too many either. I constantly want to eat so I'm trying to stay in check and eventually lose the weight, I just really want to make sure I don't make my supply drop. I've also been really bad with sweets lately and I'm trying to stop that but it's so hard, I crave them so much! Oh and I can't wait to be at the weight I want so I can get some new clothes that fit right and look good again haha. Anyways I'm looking forward to making some friends so feel free to add me!
  • Vanyahiril
    Vanyahiril Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 6 weeks pp tomorrow, & have my doctor's appointment Thursday. I'm looking to loose 50 lbs-ish, gained through 2 pregnancies & beyond. (I'm also a shortie). I'm ebf, and did so for a year with my first, unfortunately, I didn't loose as much as I'd have liked, last time. I have a massive sweet/carb tooth that I conveniently "forget" to reign in, when the good stuff is around. I need that v-8 commercial slap the food out of my hands!
  • sialonede
    sialonede Posts: 1 Member
    I'm nursing a 7 week old if anyone wants to friend me! Trying to lose this weight!
  • Carol_OTB
    Carol_OTB Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm nursing a 1 week old angel after an unexpected c section. I gained 36 lbs and currently have 23 lbs left to lose. The c section makes it hard because i can't exercise for another 5 weeks. feel free to add me i need more mommy friends :)
  • 431Trisha
    431Trisha Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 2 months postpartum and had a c section, I still need to lose 30 ish pounds. I lost 33 lbs up to date with the delivery and in first few weeks, but I'd gained 60. I'm back to running and doing workout videos. I'm afraid however to cut calories because I might compromise my milk supply
  • TierraNoelle
    TierraNoelle Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I had my third (and last haha) on Aug 5th. I gained about 50 lbs. I've lost 30 so far. I have about 25 to go to where I'd like to be. EBF as well! :)
  • graceb02
    graceb02 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies!! I'm 7 months pp and ebf. I've only got 4 lbs left to get to prepreg weight, but I have another 15 to get where I want to be (healthy).

    How many calories are you accounting for breastfeeding?
  • mrsmunde
    mrsmunde Posts: 24 Member
    Hello mommies!
    I am a first time mom to Baby Jack. He is currently 2.5 weeks old, and growing too fast for me :)

    I am 5'7"
    Starting Weight: 140 lbs - this was on the higher end for me & I was looking to lose weight before getting pregnant. I am most comfortable and confident between 126-130 lbs
    Delivery Weight: 163 lbs
    1 Week Postpartum: 140 lbs

    I am currently trying to figure out where my calories need to be to maintain my milk supply and to lose weight slowly. So, you will see my diary is a little all over the place right now. Breastfeeding hunger is something else!!!

    I would love to have fellow mommy friends for motivation and support. I am trying hard right now to be active on MFP to help hold me accountable. I look forward to working out again, but am nervous on how I am going to balance that with working full-time and taking care of baby, so right now my focus is on my food intake for weight loss.

    Cheers & best of luck to you all
  • mrsmunde
    mrsmunde Posts: 24 Member
    Struggling! I've been gaining weight since returning home from the hospital. I can't get over the breastfeeding hunger. How are you mom's combating this? ! I've put 6 lbs back on. It's depressing me
  • Try drinking a glass of water before eating every time? Oftentimes our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. Other than that, focus on your proteins first and your fats second. Carbs just don't keep you as full as proteins and fats do so they don't exactly make the best "fill you up" type snacks. At least that's been my personal experience.

    Great snacks are boiled eggs, chicken breast, turkey pepperettes, greek yogurt, cheese, etc.