6/9 Day 110 Tuesday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
When it comes to healthy eating, I still have problems eating certain things. I used to despise most vegetables and a lot of them I never gave a chance.

Today’s Challenge: Try that food you think you don’t like but have never tried

You never know what you will like because our tastes change! So give something new a shot. I'm eating a lot more vegetables that I normally wouldn't have touched awhile ago!


  • skork127
    skork127 Posts: 4 Member
    This is a hard one for me, I'll eat or try anything once :D
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,349 Member
    So true! I've become so much more adventurous with the veggies. Kale. Arugula. Brussels Sprouts is one of my recent additions - roasted, yum!! Beets Wrapped in Foil and put on the grill. I'll get one of those strange-looking Armenian cucumbers when I go to the Farmers' Market on Saturday. I noticed them last week and was curious.

    Gone are the days of Honeymoon Salad (Let-us alone).
  • hawlinass110
    hawlinass110 Posts: 6 Member
    I just went grocery shopping yesterday!
    Next time I go, I think I'll pick up some Tilapia. I'm not a huge fish fan, so hopefully I can find some way of cooking it that I like.
  • raquelshafae77
    raquelshafae77 Posts: 3 Member
    I recently tried cauliflower for the first time a few weeks ago and it wasn't bad at all! I think Brussels Sprouts are the next things I will try!!
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    My most recent adventure was spinach. Canned spinach is disgusting but I love fresh spinach! I eat it like candy!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I've warmed up to brussel sprouts! Marinated in soy sauce, red wine vinegar, and oive oil with some spices and then grilled in the oven. So delish!