Doubles Week

jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
As you probably know, there is a schedule for optional double workouts during the 3rd week of the 21 Day Fix. For those who did it, how did you find it? I'm doing it this week and man, I'm as sore as I was the first week of my first round (which was a couple of months ago). I really am pushing myself HARD. Not sure I will be able to continue but I'm going to try! I don't think I'll be doing the 3 Day Quick Fix this round because one, I really don't like it and two, I'm doing a 3 Day Refresh starting Monday and I don't want to do 6 straight days of weird restrictive eating. And I need all my energy this week if I'm going to make it through doubles!


  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Round one I think I doubled up two days. Round two I did PiYo workouts at night for week one and randomly but never did the suggested double ups :/ my hubby works shift work so when he's on nights I usually do two in a day.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I did doubles my second round but I was also doing PiYo and I admit that there were times when I hit the second 21DF workout and thought, "This is nuts!" And I had never cussed out Autumn before but on the day when Total Body Cardio Fix is the double and I hit the knee drivers . . .

    I do think, however, that doing Pilates Fix so often helped me get strong enough where the side series was no longer so difficult for me. Or painful.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee your NORMAL day is doubles so I guess you were doing triples...not surprising that you cussed out Autumn. Honestly it's a good thing she's so cute or she'd be REALLY annoying, haha.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger It is a good thing she's cute because there are times I just want to crush her. The same is true for Chalene Johnson. And sure, Chalene, I can do more PiYo push-ups . . . I can't wait. Grrrrrr . . .

    Today I was just grateful Autumn didn't have a bonus round. Seriously. I sank into child's pose and was sooooo relieved.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I've done the doubles and I didn't seem too phased by it. I've done it for two of my three rounds of 21df. Of course I also add in a run here and there. And now on the extreme, I toss in something extra when I have energy
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    I haven't done the 21 day fix doubles yet. Thinking I will this weekend. I usually do Les Mills Grit Cardio and Strength Saturday mornings so this should be OK for me :). For Grit we take a 15 min break between sessions.
    Do you eat a bit more when doing 21 day fix doubles? For Grit Saturdays I usually add 2-300 calories.