What are your weight loss goals? How will you achieve them?

therationalpi Posts: 20 Member
This can serve as something of an introduction thread. Say hello to your fellow Green Monkeys and tell us all what your weight loss goals are, along with your strategy for achieving those goals.


  • therationalpi
    therationalpi Posts: 20 Member
    M/28/5'11" SW: 198 CW:181.4 GW:150

    My biggest goal is to get back to the weight that I was three years ago, and finally be able to fit back in my favorite clothes.

    To get there, I'm monitoring my calories (1300 calorie limit), avoiding starches, reducing my portion sizes when eating out, and increasing my intake of healthy vegetables. I'm mostly eating beans and brown rice. It's nutritious, very inexpensive, and because I'm a pretty good cook, still offers a lot of delicious variety. I've been at this diet for about 2 months now, and have had pretty consistent 1.5 lbs/week weight loss!

    I've also just recently restarted my weight lifting routine. I'm following the Occam's Protocol workout from the book 4-Hour Body, and am tracking my progress with the fitlist iPhone app. This program has worked for me in the past, and now that I've successfully made eating better a habit, I'm ready to start building other habits for a better body.
  • Kosmoskill
    Kosmoskill Posts: 1 Member
    M/21/6"0' SW:430 CW:396.2 GW:180
    Obviously i am way to fat. A BMI of 55 was not even close to any excuses so i started every now and then a new diet.
    About 3 Months ago i finally got to the point when i could really do it for more than 2 weeks without falling back into bad habbits.

    1300 kcal á day + a little snack (~100kcal) and a maximum of 2 hot chocolates when i feel like it (each ~110 kcal), but at the moment its way to hot... I can use as much milk as i want with coffee, because i have my limit set to 1300 although my TDEE is 2800.

    I have no workout routine, and i am generally busy with throwing money at steam, or learning for my bachelor.

    Got out of my plateau 1 week ago, so this is the perfect timing :smile: @ 2.8 lbs per week :smile:
  • UW81_RRR
    UW81_RRR Posts: 3 Member
    M/33/5'10 SW 330: GW: 200 CW: 299

    To get there I go against everything r/LoseIt stands for: I don't track calories or even care. *GASP* I focus on changing habits in the long term for the rest of my life. Every food choice is independent. There are no cheat days, cheat meals, or cheat anything. Food is on a spectrum for me, some better than others. I stick to roughly 10-15 meals in my wheel house, cook 90% of all my meals, eat slowly, stop before I'm full, and balance my meals with vegetables>proteins> smart carbs.

    This week's focus is having no added calories drinks: so it's water, black coffee, and tea only. In the past year I've gone from drinking 5-8 sodas plus a latte every day, to 1 soda a week and no latte's for 9 months.

    Small changes at a time is my strategy and it's working well.

    Exercise I workout 5-6 days a week. M/Th lower body, Tu/F upper body, Wed light cardio, sat intervals. I add in variable interval cardio after all workouts as well.
  • therationalpi
    therationalpi Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, not drinking calories makes a huge difference. I think that change alone, between highschool and college, caused my equilibrium weight to go from 215 lbs to 195 lbs.
  • Steve_the_barberian
    Steve_the_barberian Posts: 2 Member
    M 24 sw:220 gw:180-175 cw:194
    I lost 25 pounds since the new year. I just tried to eat less. I had a big grazing problem and ate constantly throughout the day. It helps that I started working a relatively active job, so I'm hardly home. I also stopped buying snack foods. I'm going to start exercising next week after my biochem class ends. Looking to lose another 10 pounds by July 27, as a friend of mine is getting married and I don't want to look like a fat *kitten*.

    Here's to another solid week!

    Go monkeys
  • yawgmoth123
    yawgmoth123 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't mind my old picture on here from 3-4 years ago....lol M/22/6'0" SW:308 CW:277 GW:200
    I want to lose weight so I can do everything i use to do when I was 17. Getting married and having 2 kids makes you pretty lazy and I gained a ton of weight also became addict to soda. 34 days soda free. So yeah Hi I'm Patrick and I'm a sodaholic. Good luck guys.

    I have been pretty much modeling my diet off of keto and stick to 1500kcal a day or less. I bike on the weekends, lift twice a week and use a heavy punching bag (I probly sweat the most from the punching bag, takes a lot of energy out of you quick haha)
  • tjsmith2305
    tjsmith2305 Posts: 3 Member
    M/42/6' SW:280 (highest weight) CW:265.7 Goal: 190 to 195.

    When I was in the best shape of my life, in the Army and in college, I was 210 and really athletic. A few injuries and not changing my eating habit while not being anywhere near as active took a toll. I accept now that my athlete days are long gone and it would unrealistic to think I can get there again, what I only want now is to be healthy. The last four years I have started to have a lot of little health issues here and there and with my third child due this July I have to do better.

    I have a pretty conservative approach, trying to stay around 2000 or fewer calories (to start) while slowly increasing my activity, and slowly changing my habits to healthy foods, etc. I think in the past the sudden changes sunk me because I got overwhelmed by the drastic change, so I am taking a new approach. Just this week of tracking I have notice how much I must have been consuming because at 2000 kcal per day it seems like I am eating 1/2 of what I used to, which list seems crazy.
  • yawgmoth123
    yawgmoth123 Posts: 6 Member
    M/42/6' SW:280 (highest weight) CW:265.7 Goal: 190 to 195.

    When I was in the best shape of my life, in the Army and in college, I was 210 and really athletic. A few injuries and not changing my eating habit while not being anywhere near as active took a toll. I accept now that my athlete days are long gone

    If you don't have any injuries making it so you can't I believe you could, I know a lot of 40-45 year olds at my work that are. one guy that is 40 spends 50% of his time dirt bike riding or *kitten* off at the lake lol.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    With luck and effort, I'll reach my goal weight of 66kg. Through diet (mainly) and exercise (some), weighing daily and staying off the sugar.