Why Hellooooo!

Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
I'm not a huge MFP user, but I like having forums to chat to others in similar situations. SO.

Hi, I'm buttercupdefender on Reddit. I won't be logging my calories religiously, though I do keep mental track of roughly how many I've had. So far it's been working.

Aside from getting to know all my other Teal Tapirs, I would love to know any tips, tricks, exercises, recipes, whatever you feel is helping you keep on track. I'm in a bit of a lull, still sticking to healthy food (it's an actual habit now, I have no junk food in the house that I'd eat), but sort of lulling on the motivation to add more.

But I want to be friends with everyone! So please take a peeksy here and possibly post?


  • Cloverhands
    Cloverhands Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I use the same name on reddit as here.

    I track everything pretty strictly, but I don't necessarily eat healthful foods most of the time. I try to do most of my "cooking" at home. Unfortunately I don't have much in the way of recipes, since my meals rarely get more complicated than putting rice in a bowl and throwing a sausage on top of it. Maybe with a vegetable if I'm feeling adventurous.

    I've been eating 1200 cals/day since mid October, with a decent number of indulgent cheat meals mixed in--all of which are thoroughly logged.

    I'm nearing my goal weight; less than 10 lbs to go! When I reach it I'll just switch to maintenance, I'm never going to stop counting calories. I'll be on MFP foreeeeeeeeeeeever and ever. :smile:
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on only less than 10 lbs to go!

    I have trouble logging things on here because I have to hunt for what it is, try and figure out how much was in it. If I do the math in my head, and realize I've had a few 300 calorie meals, I'll count it all up and see if I can have anything else, or if I should. But I am keeping track, just not writing it down. I might switch to that if I ever get a scale.
  • Cloverhands
    Cloverhands Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you!

    I started counting calories without MFP, and was doing something similar for a while. Mostly I tried to keep each meal at or under 400. But then I decided I wanted to eat every single one of my 1200 calories--MFP allowed me to keep better track of exactly how much I had left at the end of the day.

    I got a food scale in January, which made things soooo much easier. Previously I had to do a lot of arithmetic to measure things (if there are 3 120 calorie servings in the can and I already ate half of the can earlier and now I only have 70 calories to spare, how much of what's left can I eat? etc etc).
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    Ha! I don't want to be back in math class with word problems! I was only semi decent at them! Too much extra information! Did you find eating exactly the 1200 helped lose weight faster or less fast as when you might have been under eating?
  • Cloverhands
    Cloverhands Posts: 4 Member
    It's impossible to tell! I lost a lot of water weight early on, but I also had cheat days more frequently. It might have averaged out to 1200/day or 1500/day or 1000/day, and I have no way of knowing since I wasn't logging. Or weighing myself regularly, for that matter.

    Plus, now that it looks back it seems that I only made it ten days without MFP. I started my diet on October 21, and started logging in MFP on November 1.
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    Well then. :p You started logging a whole lot faster. I did some a few days ago, but since I work night shifts, my days don't end when MFP's do. So there's that and having to search for everything. Tis a worrisome process.

    That's true. It's not like you went a week under eating and then weighed and tried it a different way the next XD
  • narrayya
    narrayya Posts: 9 Member
    Hellooo! I'm nyruth on reddit. This is actually my second MFP account because I very easily convince myself to slack based on previous progress. I'd see '60lbs lost' and tell myself I deserved that treat. Rather than go back and delete data, I started fresh after I put 20 of those back on in 4 months of binge eating (being around my family brings that out in me) and haven't looked back!

    I have been logging religiously since March, only missing a few days when I was in Florida on vacation. My boyfriend and I live as frugally as we can, so I guess my 'trick' to counting calories is I eat a lot of repeat meals (cheaper grocery bills without resorting to processed junk) that I already know the calorie count for. Hahaha.

    I have recently upped my calories because I went from just walking a bit to exercising 5 days a week with a mix of C25K and dance fitness/zumba. My stubbornly cheap tendencies have decided that I will reward myself with a proper gym membership once I reach onederland (about 30lbs away). I'm secretly hoping it coincides with the new year when gyms are having all those awesome sign up deals!
  • catherinecg88
    catherinecg88 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello! I'm catherinecg on reddit. I've been yo-yoing all my life and this time am trying to lose weight to eventually start a family in the healthiest way possible.

    I've started tracking my calories again since last week and it's been going well. I don't have a certain calorie limit but I try to eat less than I burn, eat as clean as possible and get as much protein in as I can. I walk everywhere and circuit train twice/week.

    I pin a bunch of recipes on pinterest at www.pinterest.com/catherinecg/ if anyone wants to check them out and post a lot of food and cat pictures on my instagram instagram.com/catherinecg .
  • kaemjones
    kaemjones Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! I'm denovosibi on reddit! I've been using MFP religiously since January 2014 and have lost 130.2lbs to date :smiley: Feel free to add me!
  • gypsyish
    gypsyish Posts: 78 Member
    I'm lilidawn on reddit. I've used MFP off and on over the years and never really was successful because I didn't track very well and thought the fitness aspect was more important as long as I wasn't eating cookies and cake all the time.

    This time around I'm finding a lot of success. I'm tracking my calories daily and with a food scale and am sticking pretty well to 1200 calories a day. I've lost around 15 pounds since the end of March/beginning of April and have 3 pounds to go til my initial goal, then 5-7 more pounds after that I think.

    I don't have time to recommend any specific recipes right now, but will say that skinnytaste.com is awesome for recipes. I also get a lot from damndelicious.com.

    By the way, am I the only one to have to google what a tapir is? Lol.
  • ange777tw
    ange777tw Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys :)

    I'm still quite new to loseit on reddit and reading all those inspiring success stories made me want to face my own weight. I've never seriously tried to lose weight for a longer time so this time I want to do it right. It's also my first time counting calories and I'm still struggling with counting when eating out. Anyway, lots to learn :)

    I'm trying to log every meal I have and also been trying to be more active. Exercise 3x a week on a bicycle ergometer for 20 minutes and swim once a week. Hopefully I can keep this up!

    Also, the metric system is so much nicer ^^
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    Hello to everyone! I'm sure we can all do it if we stick together, we need to show them the Teal Tapirs are always going to be the best!
  • alliesmithmfp
    alliesmithmfp Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm alliesmith on reddit. I've always had some weight to lose. Then at the beginning of the year I started a new medicine for my migraines that had the side effect of weight gain. Between work, taking classes for grad school, and just the usual BS, I ignored it but then was at heaviest. Now I'm tired of my excuses and hope to form a habit of continuously tracking and eating small meals throughout the day. Going strong 3 days in a row so far! I hope to become as good as kaemjones with her MFP usage!
  • interestsghouls
    interestsghouls Posts: 1 Member
    I'm interestsghouls on reddit! I had a baby and was up to 165 two years after she was born. I got down to 137 by doing 30 Day Shred level 1 about four days a week for less than 3 months and half assed tracking. After my second son, I've been really busy and just wasn't thinking of fitness. Then my SO scored a great job in framing. All the heavy lifting, hammer swinging, ladder climbing, etc. transformed his body in three months. Sooo, I'm just here. Bein' 178 and chubby. He's there, 155 pounds and cut from marble. -___-

    Anyway! I'm eating 1200 calories per day and doing the 30DS daily this time around. Day 6 today and I've felt my endurance and strength gradually improve, which is nice. The 5 lb water weight drop was encouraging, too.
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    I wish I could like everyone's posts cause y'all seem to be preeetty awesome. :D
  • ange777tw
    ange777tw Posts: 2 Member
    Teal Tapirs had the best participation rate for last week! Let's keep this up wohooo :D
  • Malroy907
    Malroy907 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! On reddit I am buttercupknits -

    My backstory: In 2008 I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds - going from 185 - 145. I was able to keep the weight off for about two years, but then I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband!) and slowly but surely gained it all back, plus 40 lbs. I've been struggling with trying to lose weight for the last two years or so, and back in March I had a really low moment (I ate so much at my grandma's st patricks day dinner that I felt really sick for a good day and a half afterwards) and that seems to have gotten me back on track. Since then, I've lost almost 23 lbs and am still going!!! I've got 60 lbs to go, but I am feeling awesome.

    I track on MFP pretty religiously, do an insanity class at my gym on Saturdays and have been running. Signed up for a 10K with my dad this Saturday!!! I am a little nervous because the longest distance I have run so far is 4.21 miles (and that was on Monday, haha!)

    I am excited to participate in the challenge with everyone!! :)
  • PanisVinum
    PanisVinum Posts: 1 Member
    Hello team, I am Frizzy23 on reddit.

    I have tried and failed repeatedly to lose weight for many years now the best I have ever managed was losing 30lbs in 3 months a few years ago using MFP but I put it straight back on and another 30lbs on top of that. I started gaining weight in my mid teens when I used binge eating as a coping mechanism for my mental health issues. Two years ago my therapist suggested that I may have Borderline Personality Disorder and I ended up doing a year of DBT which I finished in February. DBT has really helped me control my emotions in a far more constructive way however I still have the habits from when I used to overeat and I feel I am now ready to start building a healthier lifestyle for myself.

    My biggest motivation for losing weight is my Dad, he died of a heart attack from complications related to diabetes, I really don't want to end up dying before I am 50 like he did especially since my Grandad also suffers from diabetes.

    Lets hope that this time I will finally lose the weight and get myself back on track.
  • celerieaz
    celerieaz Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! My reddit handle is peppermintty.

    In 2012ish I started counting calories here and trying to lose weight. I lost about 20kg, but got complacent at that weight and stayed there for about two years.

    Now I'm sick of being still chubby and self conscious, so I'm back to lose the last 10kg. I guess my stats in lbs are : F/26/5'4"HW: 209 CW: 154 GW: 125

    Good luck you guys! I started adding some other Tapirs on MFP for support. Feel free to add me too!