Spring Into Summer Muscle Challenge!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    WOW 11:53 Fun!!! I'm wasted after doing my regular workout & wow but fun!
    After pics
    1. squat 100#, deadlift 115# (check!)
    2. Meditate daily-25% done
    3. Free the quads- hmmm not quite yet but soon
    Thanks for the fun and challenge!
    Hope your race was awesome Krokador!!!

    Doh! I thought the challenge ended today!! 3 more weeks yeah! Can I change once of my goals to "pay attention to details"?

    Haha, yeah, well I should change one of mine to " keep track of the day of the week" xP I'm not even done with the oast 2 weeks' WOW but here's what this week's gonna look like:

    20 min of yoga/pilates/dynamic stretch routine of your choice

    If you already include that in your schedule: awesome! You don't need to do any more than your normally do! Altho I would say: try something new! If you don't: here's your excuse to try it out ;)

    It doesn't all have to be super strenuous and push your physical limits (albeit if youve never done yoga or pilates before, prepare for sore abs).


  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    I'm still here!

    1) Run at least 6 miles per week. Still on track and actually going over a little bit. I'm really enjoying getting outside and running this year. Nice change to inside workouts!
    2) Do 50 push-ups a day. Missed a few days but made myself make them up, so I'm pretty sure I'm still on track. And getting better at them too. Yay!
    3) I know this will happen after the challenge is over, but my daughter and I are planning to run a 5k in July.

    @indianarose2 - you look amazing and I don't see any reason you couldn't wear shorts. Free the quads!

    Keep up the great work everyone.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Thanks Justmytype! (Bashful smile) the quads are definitely worse in person. I tried a pair of shorts on the other day and just said nope, not yet. Darn gravity... Awesome job on your goals!!!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I'm still here but not much progress to report. I am drinking water thought so that's a bonus.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Well my balance sucks. Did 20 minute yoga video for digestion. Figured I was supposed to try something new so I did.

    1) running, still on track to get well over 200km
    2) much better at doing my stretching and mobility work. I didn't miss a day this week
    3) I finally got the courage to try those pants on (I'm up a couple of pounds and don't feel like I've made any progress) they are fitting noticeably better and I think they will be in my regular rotation by the end of the challenge :smile:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So, guess I should check in on how far along I am on those goals, eh?

    1) 323/750 chin-up negatives. I've been at 300+ since the 28. Elbow is making these impossible :(
    2) 16 or 17 days of extra mobility work. I guess I really didn't care *that* much. I've also been exhausted and even 20 minutes seems like a long committment for me, either before or after work :(
    3) I've gotten worse, considering the injury and the weight gain.

    ... What an example I am setting! Ooof! I R Disappoint! Such fail. Much struggles. Shame!

    2 weeks to go ladies. Time to pick it up and race for the finish! No matter where you,re at, you have it in you to end it strong!

    As for this week's WOW, we're going for POWER OUTPUT! I am assuming here everyone has dealt away with snow at this point (I hope so xD). So geddout and geddit done!

    6x50m sprints ALL OUT with 1 min rest between each (if you're still reeling for air, feel free to take a *little* longer, but don't go beyond 1.5 minutes if at all possible)

    If you can't measure distances on a track, 50m is about 75 paces when walking normally (unless you walk really short steps). So drop a water bottle on the street, walk 75 steps, drop another marker, and have fun! Score is the total time of the running + fastest overall (so report them separately, pl0x!)

    (I haven't done any editing or compiling whatsoever so far, but I WILL go back once the challenge is over and put it all together. Keep checkin' in!)
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Thanks Krokador! You have just met other goals - 2 grueling obstacle races instead! Very inspiring!!

    1. squat 100#, deadlift 115# (check!)
    2. Meditate daily-25% done
    3. Free the quads- hmmm not quite yet but soon

    1. Deloaded squat from 105# to 45# as of today. Backwards!?! Think I need to concentrate on glute activation and balance for this lift so going to do split squats and other accessory work and add weight back gradually to squat. I'm glad I made my goal earlier and learned where my weakness is!
    2. Getting my meditation done most days!
    3. Lost a pound last week but no inches on legs.

    Planning on doing a Pilates or stretch routine for last week's wow today and this week's wow on tomorrow. Not going to be all out though because I don't trust my shins yet to truly sprint so my times will be snail slow.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    This week's wow 11.40,12.05,11.41,10.94, 10.65, 11.04
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    1) Run at least 6 miles per week.
    2) Do 50 push-ups a day.
    3) I know this will happen after the challenge is over, but my daughter and I are planning to run a 5k in July.

    Doing okay with the running. Actually running a bit over my 6/miles per week (this past week was 8 miles). I'm a little behind on the push-ups due to the last few days being so busy. I WILL make them up this week!

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Woops, sorry for the lack of WOW. I haven't had a chance to edit the video I was gonna use to demo the move, so consider yourself exempt of that one.

    Also a reminder the challenge ends soon! But i'll give you til the end of the month to submit your RE-TEST scores in and final measurements (those should be 21st or prior, tho!) ;)

    Not sure I knew about this trip back when I started the challenge (or work picking back up to 5 days a week), so I'm sorry, it turned out I was a lot busier than I thought I would be!

    But hey, I could keep coming up with WOWs once this is over, if that's something you gals would be interested in? :)
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Did my re-test this morning.
    AMRAP 7 rounds and 5 g2oh
    BW finish in 9:41
    400 m 1:58
    plank 1:21

    1) run 200 km, I have 10k left and Sunday is long run day. I'll hit this without much trouble
    2) daily I have hit 31 of 50 I am going to get back at it and finish strong these last 3 days should hit 34 total
    3) Pants, I will try them on when I get back from camping on sunday

    Measurements: I will take those on sunday. Hopefully this will keep me in line while camping ...
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Father's Day weekend no time for retest... Ill have to do mine on Monday.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    It'll be a few days before I get to do the retest. I did two back-to-back endurance events totaling 18.5 hours this weekend, so I'm wiped out and sore.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    As for my goals:
    1) 1000 push-ups: 1090/1000
    2) Stretch everyday: 29/51
    3) Feel better in my skin: somewhat, I feel decent about where I'm at, but I still have my days where I beat myself up.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hey Krok,
    Do you have a form for the after stuff?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hey Krok,
    Do you have a form for the after stuff?

    I will, I just need to clone the old one and edit a few things so it shouldn't take too long to fix it, I just haven't had access to a desktop for a week and I forgot how tedious it was to do things on my laptop. Vacation's over, so I'll be getting my stuff together today and then should be back to normal.

    Sorry again that I haven't really been as active with this as I said I would in the beginning.

    I'll give you guys 'til the end of the week to complete the re-test. I don,t think I can make it before tuesday or wednesday myself. Totally understanding, here! :)
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    edited June 2015
    Works great for me. I've been under the weather and couldn't have done it any sooner either! Thanks!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So... I just noticed on my to-do list I was supposed to fix up the survey and do all the scores and whatnot.

    Can I safely assume by the lack of uprising you guys don't really care that much? We're all winners in the end, especially those of you that stuck with it til the end?

    (spoiler alert: I think llamapants woulda probably won anyway xD)

    Note to self: you can barely keep up with day-to-day chores for the most part, throwing challenges that require extra work is not a good idea >_>
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    It's all good! I never did the final workout/test. Not that I didn't want to just been feeling worn down a bit.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Is there any (relatively not intensive) way to get me a copy of my pre challenge form. I would like to see if i made any improvement but I didn't rrecord my starting point anywhere