6/16 Day 117 Tuesday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
One of my favorite candies as a kid is skittles and they still are one of my favorite candies today! I know they are bad for me but I like their saying “Taste the rainbow!” Now I’m gonna twist that for my own needs. EAT THE RAINBOW!

Today’s Challenge: Eat the rainbow with healthy foods!

I think this will be fun and kind of like a scavenger hunt. Like what should I eat for red? Tomatoes? Strawberries? Have fun with it and tell me what you did!


  • GabinkaP
    GabinkaP Posts: 188 Member
    I forgot my strawberries at home. :( I've got pink here (cherry vanilla granola), some brown (chocolate), and yellowish (white cheddar Cheez-Its). Maybe I'll have better luck with dinner at home.
  • kikomansauce
    kikomansauce Posts: 59 Member
    This is my first challenge with this group, and it sounds really fun!!
  • crazycoolchels
    crazycoolchels Posts: 5 Member
    hmm... this seems interesting:)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,357 Member
    Love this challenge! Red - tomatoes twice times and red peppers. Orange- carrots and 1/2 a tangerine. Yellow - corn, lemon, and yellows peppers. Purple - prunes and red cabbage. Green- celery and green peppers, several types of lettuce in my salad. Today is was easy to hit all the colors. Usually my diet isn't quite this colorful. o:)
  • Skyblue1610
    Skyblue1610 Posts: 4 Member
    Brilliant challenge - did this with my son who sang the rainbow while we decided what to eat and drink - Red was stawberries with breakfast and tomatoes with lunch, yellow was desert at dinner - a banana for me and pineapple for him, pink was cherry yoghurt, green was spinach in our lunch salad and peas with dinner, orange was pepper on our lunch salad and carrots with dinner, purple was some diluted blackcurrant cordial and blue was blueberries with breakfast.