Water retention during breast feeding

surabhimhjn Posts: 5 Member
Hi! I'm a first time mum and I'm looking for the wisdom of those who have been through a similar situation. I'm 5 months pp and ebfing my daughter, I'll start her on semi-solids next month. I started my pregnancy at 115lbs and gained 40lbs, though my daughter was just 5.5lbs. I lost 23lbs quickly however the rest seems to be stuck.

I got my thyroid checked and my tsh came back at 84 so the endocrinologist started me on 50mg of thyronorm (synthroid) 2 weeks back. But the problem is that I seem to be retaining a lot of water, so much so that I weigh the lightest at the end of the day. I'm eating healthy and exercising 4-5 times a week but the weight is just not moving. I'm gaining and losing the same 2lbs everyday.

Did weaning make a difference to your weight loss attempts? Any insight would be appreciated!


  • amanda5796
    amanda5796 Posts: 2 Member
    I know this is an old post - I was curious if you ever did lose the weight once you quit breastfeeding? I'm just starting the weaning process now!