Starting 6/24

noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
I just wanted to start something for my own accountability - if anyone wants to join, please do so! Its a little random in the middle of the week, but i need to start now! I know there is a daily check in but i want to log my workouts and meals here (and weight! eek)

Other than tracking here, i also want to do the 21 days of no eating after dinner - thats a big one for me. If I give myself a little, i always go overboard, so i plan to cut that habit and plan all of my containers to be used by dinner!

Tomorrow -
Cardio Fix
B - 2 eggs (red), Arugala (green), coconut oil coffee (tsp), avocado (blue)
S - Grapes (purple), slice of ezekial bread (yellow), peanut butter (tsp)
L - Tofu (red), Brussel sprouts (green), couscous (yellow)
S - Almond milk/water, Protien Powder (red), peanut butter (tsp), banana (2 yellow)
D - Tilapia (red), gf pasta (yellow), mushrooms and squash (2 green)
....and i'm done :)


  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    You are in the right place. This group is wonderful. Good luck on your journey. You can do it!
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    Hey! I started today, too! lol It came in the mail yesterday, so I figured why wait??
    I wish I had been a little more prepared on the whole container thing, but I am going to the store tonight to help rectify that.
  • decmelosew8
    decmelosew8 Posts: 1 Member
    I started this journey on Monday, 6/22. I'm really hoping that following this program will help me to feel better as well as lose weight.
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone and I'm glad you all posted! @extacymoon that's how I was! I had no clue what I was doing yet with those containers but I just jumped right in (well ...sort of)

    So far so good today. I tend to not be super hungry on this plan, which is a first and it helps to make it doable. I was supposed to have a lunch with a customer today but it cancelled, luckily I was prepared with a container in case that happened. I am very close to the 1500 -1799 bracket so I usually eat from there. Along with the doc I also do pretty strenuous yoga 4-6 times a week for 90 minutes.

    I weighed in this AM at 165.8. I'm 5'10 so not overweight but I would definitely like to slim down and tone up. I'll have to take measurements when I find my tape :)

    How is everyone else today? Te real challenge comes tonight after I eat dinner!
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    Oops that message about jumping right in was for you @vicki8seekers !
  • oreo011
    oreo011 Posts: 8 Member
    I started with the containers on Monday, I didnt get to do the total body cardio fix till last night....OMG....those surrenders....I am struggling today from that workout!! Good Luck on your journey....we are all in this together :)
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Surrenders are awful! LOL. Today is day 4, for me. It sounds like a bunch of us are close together.

    I downloaded the 21 day companion map (it's mostly orange in the app store) for $4, and it has been amazing. You can put all your own info in it, you can log all your food, track your water, you can upload your comparison pictures, measurements, etc. I like it especially because I pack my breakfast and lunch the night before. I then log all that food that night, so the next day, I know what's still available. Oh, and it tells me what workout to do each day. Love it!
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone - just checking in -day two!

    I'll ce back later tonight - I have an all day meeting where they are feeding us lunch and dinner. It's a small group, so I'll would be the odd man out eating packed food. I'll do my best to make good choice and eyeball my food but I'm a little disappointed in getting derailed in day two! Wish me luck!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome to the new Fixers!! A lot of us have been working the program for a while now, so this is a great place to post any questions you may have.
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    My day 2 is under way! I ended day 1 really well, especially considering I didn't start it out right.
    I am SO sore from yesterday's workout. Too funny. I spent a lot of time last night planning for today and cooking/eating last night's dinner.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    edited June 2015
    @noelleyaya I felt the same way when I missed day 3's workout. But you have to do the best you can and put it behind you... just remember if you're not getting the results you were expecting, start looking at the days when you didn't follow the program fully. :)

    @vicki8seekers My first day was so awful. I am on day 5 now, and I don't feel nearly as bad. It gets better!
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    @Katiebear_81 that is good to hear! lol I can't wait until the start of my week 3 and see how much easier the workout is!

    I am working on my afternoon snack now (I eat lunch at 11 am). I barely could finish my breakfast or lunch! This snack is taking me forever to eat as well. I have a feeling I will have more of a problem getting all of my allotted containers in, not feeling hungry like I thought I would!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @vicki8seekers that is my favorite part..that I don't have to go hungry. Sunday will be my day 21 on round 2 although I did not do the excersise the first round. I know how you feel ...just read back some of the threads. Lol...i qas seriously sore....But it does get better...even if you feel like skipping a workout because you think you are too sore..dont...I actually started to feel better after the lower fix..I know total counterintuitive but the sequences of the workouts actually work together..You can do it! :)
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member

    So I made it through the day and I thnk I was within my containers and he place we had our meeting had healthy choices. I did break down and had a cookie but back home tonight and finished the day off with 2 greens and a red. And no nighttime eating. I survived last night and I know I can do it again tonight!

    Hope everyone else is doing well. I actually got in my lower fix this morning so still on track with my workouts.

    Thanks for the encouragement @jpkrueger . If you have any tricks for eating out or social events let me know :)

    Still need to take measurements before I forget! I'll report back with those later.
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    Holy cow! Today's (lower fix) was BRUTAL after already being sore from the first day. I think I might have actually whimpered at one point. :s But, it's done, and I know next week it will be easier!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @vicki8seekers whimpering is allowed, as long as you keep moving!! :D Seriously, though, good job on making it through. It DEFINITELY gets easier!!!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    You'll like Pilates next!

    Home with a sick kid today, so I'm going to double up the workouts. We're otherwise headed out to the race track for the weekend. I won't have my laptop/dvd's with me while I'm there... :( so I'll double up today and double up when we get home on Sunday.
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    Just checking in - such a busy day. Played 18 holes with a customer today. Kept my eating in check and had a light beer (subbed a yellow container). Also completed Pilates fix this am.

    I'm counting today a success :)
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2015
    How is everyone doing? I am so far, so good, considering my circumstances. I just found out yesterday that im pregnant! We are very excited and this gives more motivation to stick to the Fix, so i dont pack on any extra pounds. I know people say to 'eat what you want, your pregnant' but I don't agree with that. I am only around 5 weeks and feel fine (for now) so im going to keep plugging away. I am already at a 'heathy' weight so i am just adding an extra carb container on at night (or i plan to do so) for the time being. Im hoping i will still feel well enough to do the fix as much as possible.

    Does anyone have any stories of pregnancy and using the fix? This is my first one, so i have nothing to base how i will feel.. Upper fix on tap for tomorrow!

    Today -
    B - 2 eggs, sweet potatos, decaf
    S - tortilla with 3t pb
    L - SAlad with chicken, feta, dressing (1t) and pita
    S - nectarine, 2 tbs seeds, hemp protein shake with blueberries
    D - hamburger (no bun) and salad
    S - (extra, didnt count containers) mug of cereal with a few dark chocolate bluberries
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Congratulations @noelleyaya !!!! I don't have personal experience in using the Fix while pregnant, but I've seen many people on the Fix it Challenge group on Facebook who say they were on the program during their entire pregnancy. You will likely have to add calories by going up a bracket or two. And definitely check with your doctor to make sure it's ok to eat that way and do the workouts.