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kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
Tell us about yourself!


  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi! I'm Josh from the UK,
    I became overweight when I become content after meeting my partner.
    No one elses fault all mine, but now is the time I change it!

    I started at 188lb and am currently 161.4 (As of 22nd June) my overall goal is to get to 140lb. Once there I will see how I feel / look and base my next goal, maybe 135 then recomp.

    I was part of the drop 20 by 4th July, and I found the accountability of the group is great so have joined this one to help me even further in my journey.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Hi My name is Vera and i am from the USA, Bucks County Pa

    I have tried many times to lose weight but never made my goals.
    I need to be accountable for my weight loss and becoming a member of MFP has done that for me. I am 51 years old and have been married for 27 years and have 3 grown sons.

    Why I want to get in shape
    I have always been overweight but never by this amount. Thinking back when i was young and only need to lose 10-15 pounds, i thought that was such a huge challenge, boy was i wrong. That would of been easy.
    I need to lose weight for myself first before I can do it for others. I want to look and feel healthier

    My Inspirations
    My son's wedding is October 24, 2015, I want to feel good about having pictures taken of me. Just not sure i will ever feel great about a picture.
    To shop for clothes without thinking about sizes.
    To have my Knees feel better so i can jump and run if I want to.

    When i joined MFP in June 2014 ( Took 1 month of for knee surgery in January ) i was at 270.4 pounds today i am at 178.8 almost 92 pounds down. My first goal was to get to a loss of 100 pounds by the end of July. So close i hope i make it. So i am giving myself a second goal. After i hit 100 pounds i want to lose another 30 pounds by my Son's wedding in October.

    I wasn't a part of the last group drop 20 by the 4th but very happy to be apart of this new group. I really need the accountability.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi All!

    Just call me Maica :) I am a 28 year old mom to a 19 month old beautiful baby boy. He just weaned off breastfeeding like 3 weeks ago hehe So I can now restrict without worrying so much how it affects him.

    I was at Drop 20 by July 4 challenge and it helped me heaps in losing 16 lbs ( I am now 94 lbs). I am a 5'0" small framed Asian so don't worry, I still have considerable amount of fats left lol. My bf% rn is 23.8. My ultimate goal weight is 84. I made it a little under ideal because from what I've read on a sticky thread somewhere here in mfp, we gain about 5lbs on maintenance because the first thing our body will do is to store glycogen.

    I also decided to join again because I know the last 10 lbs is the hardest to lose. I would need much motivation and I hope to do it with you guys. We will have an outing on last week of August so I want to be near goal as much as possible by then. Also, my wedding is later this year. I want to fit in my gown beautifully :) I am looking forward to this challenge.

    Good luck to us!
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I'm Brett from Saint Louis, USA.

    I started MFP ages ago. In that time, I've had cycles of "lose 20 pounds, stop caring, gain it back, lose 20 pounds, . . ."
    I take an amateur-level interest in psychology, and I consider my past failings a psychological thing. Without going into too much detail, a member of my childhood family was one to overly concern about losing weight, and no reservations were ever taken in letting people know when "they" needed to lose weight too.
    My primary motivation (though I would never have admitted it) was to avoid criticism. So when I found success, and with it, praise from others, I had succeeded--Or so my emotional side believed. My mind knew I was no where near my goal, but rarely is will-power enough to overcome your heart when your heart's no longer in it.

    At the end of last year I married the love of my life, a new phase of my life started, priorities shifted, things which used to matter stopped mattering, and long-term health became of paramount importance.

    January 1: 280
    Easter: 246
    Today: 237
    Ultimate Goal: 208

    My exercise is almost exclusively cardio (running), 45 minutes a day, 6-7 days a week.
    My diet can be adequately explained in 6 words: "Controlled portion sizes, NO fast food."
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Kristal and a Pittsburgh transplant. I transferred here 2 1/2 years ago for my job and love it! I'm originally from a small town in Northeast PA.

    I was around 220 when working a swing shift at a factory, which was more physical labor. I decided to go back and get my degree and a year later landed my previous job, which I absolutely love. It is a desk job, so needless to say, the weight packed on and my highest weight recorded is when I moved down here and that was 283lbs. UGH! so said I. So overall, I am down 32 lbs. since January 2013 but 15 of it has come off on the 4th of July challenge.

    What I found in the last challenge was a bunch of great people that support each other with success and, of course, the falling off the wagon. I also have found that with the accountability and short term goals, that is what helped me with my weight loss in the last challenge.

    I'm looking forward to the next challenge and seeing the old gang as well as the new ones joining us! Good luck on this next adventure!
  • RemakingJia
    RemakingJia Posts: 98 Member
    Hi! I'm Jia. I have recently discovered MFP and i'm happy to find this group. I weigh 76kg and i wanna slim down in time for my wedding which is at the end of this year.

    I'm counting calories and eating home cooked meals. I'm avoiding processed foods. Also trying to workout everyday. I'm quite lazy and i'm trying to motivate myself, so hoping to find inspiration here.

    Good luck to you guys in your journey to better healths.
  • courtbrass
    courtbrass Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone ~ I am Courtney. I have struggled with my weight for as long as i can remember. There have been times where i have had my weight under control and times where it hasn't been under control. (currently :) ) However, this has been the longest it has been out of control. After I got married in 2008 i began putting on weight.... Then a couple babies later I reached and held steady at an all time high of 210 lbs.

    I joined MPV 90 days ago, and for the first time i have gotten a good handle on my weight loss. Not just losing but changing and it feels great. With the support of MVP and my wonderful husband i have lost 16 pounds so far. I would love to lose 50lbs total.

    I was also in the drop 20 by the 4th of July... and found the accountability and sense community so valuable in the process.

    Thanks everyone for being such an amazing support group for this life changing journey. I look forward to the next challenge with all y'all.

  • greenbear140
    greenbear140 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am Michele. I have become overweight due to chronic illness and the medications I need to take to live a somewhat normal life. At my heaviest, I was 240 lbs. I am now at 184. I am short so the extra weight doesn't help. I still have a very long way to go to meet my goal. I am hoping this will help me. Thanks for this challenge.
  • pamjt56
    pamjt56 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Pam. I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I am so very tired of it and hope that I can make a lasting weight loss goal this time. I would love to be able to run a half-a-thon but need to get rid of some of this weight. I have about 100 pounds to lose, so it will be a challenge.
  • Sdsparks11
    Sdsparks11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello team of motivators. My name is Stephanie and I just learned about this challenge. I will also be turning 40 in December and would like to enter my next decade healthier than I am now.

    My husband and I discovered MFP in August 2013 and by April 2014 I was down from 260 to 181. Then life changes with job and buying a new home we stopped exercising and I've put to much back on, up to 211. My goal weight is 150 and I feel I need a jump start to resume a better healthy lifestyle.

    I'm excited to get going and have a new 9 month old dog that I get to take out for daily exercise. I've started a C25k and although I've NEVER been a runner, but with the dog, it's been good for these first couple days.

    Along with the dog and my 3 1/2 year old son, I plan to use your motivation and theirs to reach my goals.

  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hello everybody, My name is Cheryl.I'm a 45 year old wife, mother of 7 great kids and grandma to 5 beautiful grandkids,(+one on the way in October). I've lived all over the U.S., but for the last 10 years I've called North Carolina home.

    I started all this last year on June 5th, with Nutrasystem , weighing in at 313.2 lbs. That food got old after about a month and I decided to do my own thing,(with an okay from my doctor) and moved over here to MFP on July 12th. So far I've lost 127.6 lbs total and I'm down to 185.6 lbs! My goal is to lose 160 lbs and then see what I decide from there.

    I've really loved taking control of my health and learning more. I even started going to college in January, to become a dietitian. I'm loving school and I'm excited about my future. Most of my children are grown and I finally found a career for myself!

    I love MFP!!! I belong to this and a couple of other groups here and I find the groups the most motivating.

    Best of luck to all of you on your pursuit of health and happiness!
  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi I'm Jessica and I heard about this group from the Facebook MFP group page. I joined MFP in 2011 but due to unrealistic expectations of losing weight, I struggled to lose anything. I've flip flopped back and forth for years until recently (March 30th of this year) I decided NO MORE! Losing weight isn't a band-aid fix it's a lifestyle change.

    I took a hard look at my life and realized several things I needed to do in order to change me! I recently quit soda and coffee and now have only been drinking unsweetened green tea that I brew myself and water. I'm trying to eat clean with little to no processed foods and to date, I've lost 22.2 lbs the greatest amount I've lost in my flip flopping days! I'm SO close to ONEderland (215 as of today but highest was 237.2). I haven't had a one in front of my weight since 2005 when my brother (my best friend in the whole world) passed at a young age of 31. This deeply saddened me and I sunk into a dark depression even at one point wanting to commit suicide. Thankfully, I got help and now I'm a completely different person. I'm happier and on my way to a healthier me!

    I've been walking every day since March 30th missing only 2 days so far. I downloaded mapmyfitness app on my phone (free) and so far have walked 153.4 miles since April 14th! I wish I had it from March 30th but every day I walk to the grocery store with my boyfriend who is also very supportive of my goals. We buy clean food for dinner and lunch the next day. We've actually saved a ton of money doing this since no more things go rotten in the fridge! I walk about 3 miles on the week day and anywhere from 7-10 miles on the weekend. My goal is to walk 100 miles a month. So far this month I've walked 85 miles! I think I can do it!!

    I am a member of a local gym (within walking distance - Yay!) and go there 2-3 times a week for arm strength training. Where I live there are a ton of steep hills so trust me, my walks are anything but easy! When I first started, it took me about 46 minutes to walk ONE mile! Now after doing this for about 3 months, I can walk a mile in around 30 minutes! This may seem slow but if you saw the hills, you might think differently. Haha!

    Today marks my 74th day of logging in MFP which truthfully I cannot believe has happened. I love the support of you all through the MFP site as well as the Facebook group which I only recently joined. When I was a member in 2011 I kept to myself and logged occasionally not really taking anything seriously. Now I cannot believe how motivating it is to read what everyone's doing in my news feed. Watching others struggle with the same issues I have helps me to see everyone here as REAL people that have REAL struggles. We are all in this together! I hope to get to know each one of you and wish everyone success!

    Currently, I'm running a challenge that intersects with this one (started May 17th and ends August 29) to lose 20 lbs by the end of august and I can tell you from experience, challenges like this one REALLY work! We've lost collectivelyl 521.8 pounds in only 5 weeks! If you had asked me a year ago to participate more in MFP and talk to total strangers about personal issues I would have said "yeah right". But now that I am here sharing this for the world to see, I cannot tell you how elated I am to be on this journey with you! Let's do this! :smile:

    If anyone would like to add me, please feel free to. I love to support others during their weight loss journey and I'm sure I could use the extra support as well.
  • ldjvdj40
    ldjvdj40 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello My name is LaTonia and I'm stationed in El Paso TX. I'm excited to be apart of this group. I look forward to becoming healthier with you all. I would like to get my weight down to 160, I'm currently sitting at 185. I have good days and bad days, but all I know is that I won't give up!
  • eunicecosme
    eunicecosme Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my fellow challengers.... My name is Eunice and I live in Woodstock, GA. I have struggled with my weight for the past 16 years (since I had my daughter, gained 80 lbs in my pregnancy with her and have since been unable to loose it). I currently weigh 205lbs (I can't believe I have disclosed this, but I know we are all here for the same reason) and my goal weight is 140-150lbs.

    I am tired of being tired all the time.... my back hurts, my knees hurt, and my feet hurt ALL the time. I used to be pretty active and I get tired going up and down the stairs now. I also have a happy very active 3 year old boy and I feel I don't have the energy to keep up with him. I don't want to feel like that anymore. Our goal is to go to Paris in 2017 (my daughter's graduation gift and our 20 year anniversary gift to us). I would like to be able to sight see and walk and (dare I say it....) wear a bathing suit without feeling ashamed.

    I became a member of MFP a few months ago but have not been consistent. I can really use all the support I can get.... I know we can do this..... TO LIVING LONGER AND HEALTHIER!!!!

    Thank you for having me here and have a Blessed Day!

  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Hi thanks..this sounds like something that will keep me motivated and challenged...looking forward to it :)
  • hcrafty0261962
    hcrafty0261962 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Donna and I am from Jane Lew, West Virginia. I am new to My Fitness Pal. This will be my first Challenge. I currently weigh 292 and I should be 125! I have a long way to go. But I want to make the change. I know it is not going to happen over night. It didn't come on over night, it is not going to come off over night! I know it take many small steps. I know there will be some set backs, but I am not going to let them get me down! Thanks for the challenges!
  • atrosper
    atrosper Posts: 596 Member
    HI all, I'm Ashley and I'm living in sunny San Diego. I have been using MFP for almost a year. I will be hitting the one year mark a few days after this challenge starts. I have been in a few challenges before, and the two I am in right now are ending just before this one starts. So far I've lost just over 17 lbs. and I've got about 45 lbs. to my goal weight.

    I just started P90X and am on day 4 of 90 days. It's definitely kicking my but so far. I just made last minute plans for an overnight trip to Los Angeles, and will be bringing an old laptop that has a cd drive so that I can do the day 6 workout on Saturday, because I don't want to fall behind. Luckily I don't have to bring any extra equipment for that days workout.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hi – I am Carl and judging by the other folk in this group and the one before it – I have been just playing at losing weight and it is time to get serious about whether I really want to lose 15lbs this time round or not. I do.

    I practise Ashtanga yoga and am around 20lbs overweight. I am 164lbs currently and would ideally want to be around 140lbs. That weight, although it doesn't sound a lot, makes a load of difference when it comes to the style of yoga I do, so there is my incentive.

    Looking forward to returning to my ideal weight range this year and by the help of this group.
  • cybyll52
    cybyll52 Posts: 16 Member
    Please count me in for the next challenge.Love the accountability. THANKS!!!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi everyone. I am Lillian from Saskatchewan, Canada. I have been on MFP for a while. My doctor says I should weigh 145 pounds ...but I am not sure that will be so good. My personal goal is 165 and currently at 174. Joining this group for the accountability.