Short girls?!

alymcd1 Posts: 35 Member
Im 5'0 and about 100 lbs and working to lose the fat in my tummy and replace it with muscle! Im working hard but the fat isnt coming off... i havent been tracking calories but i think i need to up them (because if i ate less id go hungry!) because i think that must be my only issue to explain the lack of fat loss when i work so hard and eat so clean! Im going to aim for 1500/day + exercise calories
Anyone else in this situation? (or have successfully got out of it!)


  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    didn't you just have a post with people commenting suggestions. 1500 is def a moderate maintenance for us 5 foot girls. are you looking to maintain weight? anything additional will be gain, unless that is what your goal is. you can't magically lose fat by eating more, it doesn't work that way? also thinking this is a troll so idk
  • Kman4evah
    Kman4evah Posts: 67 Member
    Calorie in < Calories out
    Find your TDEE, add in exercise calories, and eat less than that. A 3500 calorie deficit a week is 1 pound lost.
    Good luck!
  • maria15x
    maria15x Posts: 13 Member
    I'm kind of the same, 5'1 and 105lbs, and I'm the same about my tummy. I've been doing all these leg raises and planks and any stomach exercises I can find, but I'm finding it really hard to stick at it :/ good luck anyway!