mtkguard Posts: 5 Member
Hey, I am a married gay From Long island, NY. Looking to make new friends and get the most of out this app. THis app seems very amazing and useful. I am looking to learn more about eating and exercising from others with experience. Feel free to add and message me!


  • acstl
    acstl Posts: 32 Member
    HELL0_MARLA_HOOCH Posts: 10 Member
    I'd love some more friends too. It's really encouraging to read everyone's posts. If you're reading this feel free to add me.
  • kraigiark
    kraigiark Posts: 27 Member
    We're already friends but I'll say hello here. The app is wonderful and the people I've "met" on it have really helped me along and kept me motivated.

    I'm not being paid to say that either.
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Sent you an add, from NJ
  • lotsofplanets
    lotsofplanets Posts: 4 Member
    Jumping in too - just joined, bi in Baltimore, new to the lgbt scene and new-again to fitness (...it happens). Looking for a fun, supportive bunch of friends! I'm really body positive and upbeat, happy to cheer you on if you'll return the favor. :)
  • lotsofplanets
    lotsofplanets Posts: 4 Member
    Jumping in too - just joined, bi in Baltimore, new to the lgbt scene and new-again to fitness (...it happens). Looking for a fun, supportive bunch of friends! I'm really body positive and upbeat, happy to cheer you on if you'll return the favor. :)
  • Ginalessfluff
    Ginalessfluff Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone. I'M from NJ. New to this group. My wife and I have been on the road to healthy living. Got back on the wagon last month and I promise myself to never look back. 15lbs down so far. 89lbs to go! Hope to make new friends! Add me anytime. :)
  • thewritingviolinst1
    thewritingviolinst1 Posts: 125 Member
    I'd love new friends, as well! :) I live in a pretty small-minded, conservative town. It's nice to feel safe somewhere!
  • feithne
    feithne Posts: 60 Member
    I just joined MFP a little under a week ago (when I started my diet). I'm trans, gay, and here to stay! Trying to lose all the weight I gained pre-transition, or at least most of it. I hate looking so bulky. I live in KS, and I'd love some friends who aren't totally random strangers.
  • suzecate
    suzecate Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone is free to add me. :smile: I'm 38-year-old in sunny SoCal, a lesbian single mom, and have lost 140 pounds (not far from goal anymore!). I am a beginning runner training for a 5K (and recently went on my first group run with Front Runners), love cycling but don't do it as much as I'd like, and more.
  • Liverpool_Chris
    Liverpool_Chris Posts: 16 Member
    Based in sunny Liverpool, UK. Feel free to add me.
  • acstl
    acstl Posts: 32 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • therealpatrick
    therealpatrick Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Patrick, from Texas. Always looking for new supportive friends.
  • raruslynx121
    raruslynx121 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2015
    Please feel free to add me, too. I'm a lesbian from Chicago suburbs. I need friends to help motivate me.