7/2 Day 133 Thursday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Hi, all! I live in the Midwest. Storms are a normal part of summer and tornadoes along with it. I have even seen a few funnels and a tornado touch down in front of my house! So being storm prepared is a must! I know I did this a few weeks ago but if you haven't prepared now is the time!

Today’s Challenge: Get storm prepared.

You never know when it will strike and how it will affect you. So have supplies and a plan set are a must!


  • KhalanAmnell
    KhalanAmnell Posts: 29 Member
    This is something we've actually already done and the very last thing we needed was a power thing that will hold a charge so we can charge things on it and we finally got that yesterday
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Being winter here we are all ready for any rain or storms
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,025 Member
    I'll make it earthquake-prepared here in California!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    We're moving next month, so today I removed all close-to-expiration stock from our cabinets and made sure we are still covered with fresh supplies packed for an emergency.
  • GabinkaP
    GabinkaP Posts: 188 Member
    We recently had a storm knock out our power. Last week. It was out just under 24 hours. We had coolers at hand. We had candles at the ready. Lights came back on just before dark. Most of our fridge products survived. Cats and people were all fine, if a bit warm.
  • kimiko57
    kimiko57 Posts: 11 Member
    Hmmm, well we don't get the storms, but do need to be aware of Tsunamis and earthquakes, so will make that my goal. Great idea!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Great idea, Auna. Winter storms are more of a problem in New England, but I'm double checking batteries and flashlights.