


  • Dibne
    Dibne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am Diane. I had the gastric sleeve surgery 9 months ago. I am down 115 lbs. and only 13 lbs. from goal. MFP had become my best friend during this journey. Accountability is probably one of the best tools I/we could have. I look forward to this challenge.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 417 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is Melissa. I had my 2nd child almost 14 months ago. Losing the weight the 2nd time around is much harder! I was in the Drop 20 by July group, but didn't do so well. I've been having a hard time with eating a lot of sweets at night. I exercise quite a bit and if i didn't, I'd gain weight for sure. I'm getting married August 1st and I'm trying to lose at least 5 pounds by then. I've done well with not eating at night or eating any sweets for 4 days now. My goal is to lose 17 more pounds. That puts me at 150 and that's where I feel the best. i'm hoping to lose at least 10 pounds with this challenge.
  • shaunjadon
    shaunjadon Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! My name is Jasmine and I am a person who has always been overweight. I work in the medical field and feel so hypocritical for being at an unhealthy weight. I have wanted to lose weight for years, but found myself motivated for a couple weeks, then ditching the weight loss plan. I really had no motivation until last week when my friend asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year in June. Definitely enough time to shed the pounds and great motivation. Unfortunately, I don't do well with long term goals unless I break them down. That is why I love these short term challenges!! I currently weigh 238lbs, down from 254lbs. My goal right now is to get out of the 200s!!!!
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    Hi! I am a stay-at-home mom to three kids and babysit two others. I am currently training for a half marathon (Sept 26) and trying to slim down for a bridesmaid dress (Sept 4). I started PiYo last week and hope it helps with my strength and flexibility. I dislocated my shoulder two years ago and have lost a great deal of upper body strength since that injury. I had lost the weight three years ago, but gained it all back and then some, so I'm excited to have these goals and this challenge to get back to where I was. My biggest obstacle is food. I am home all day so snacking is much too easy to do. Hoping the weekly weigh-in keeps me focused!
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    Hi I’m Archana,

    My husband and I are from India but live in UAE now. I started MFP at 120 kg on Jan 1 2014. Currently at 75.7 kg, with 15.7 kg to target weight.

    I love these groups, the motivation and the spreadsheet :)

    My challenge is finding time to cook healthy and exercise. A typical day starts at 4:30 am and winds up at 11 pm.

    The weekly accountability will help me keep my eye on the prize!
  • jennb3056
    jennb3056 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I love these challenges, though I didn't do so well with the July 4th one LOL! I am looking to lose about 10 lbs before Labor Day, which would get me pretty close to my goal. Looking forward to getting refocused!
  • Mspmpayne
    Mspmpayne Posts: 267 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi my name is Paula from South Florida. I'm 59 and joined MFP with a start weight of 285 on 2-5-2014. I played around and managed to lose 20 lbs by Aug 4 of last year. I finally decided to stop playing around and commit 100%. I have lost 105lbs since then. I love these challenges and enjoyed the last one although I got a bit derailed by 2 back to back vacations. My main form of exercise is weight training and while I'm 158.75 currently due to the muscle mass my UGW will probably only be another 10lbs, but I'll reevaluate it then. I really enjoyed the last challenge but for my birthday in Aug we are going away for 2 weeks to Mexico. Because of that I was hesitant to join, but I KNOW I need to do this. =)
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Greetings! I'm excited about this challenge. My birthday is in July. Signing up for this challenge is my birthday gift to myself. I'm aiming to drop 15+ pounds. Looking forward to the accountability and support! :)
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Hello, I am Sveltewisher from Brooklyn, NY, and Wellfleet, MA. First, I would like to thank kayjosh2422 and Josh for administering this program. Thank you!! Similar to Brett & Jessica, I have been on the MFP weight loss roller coaster for a while. However, I have a new doctor who has diagnosed me with "Metabolic Syndrome X" which is a fancy term for prediabetes. I promised to take a medication called metformin with each meal for the next 3 months. This group's goal fits in with my plans nicely. I will look up mapmyfitness as suggested by Jessica and PiYo as suggested by runningsahm. Thank you to my new virtual health community! Create a great day!
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    Hi everyone! I started out at 191 lbs (5'3", 39 yo) in March 2015, but am down to 157 as of today (GW 120-130). No great mystery as to how I got fat - eating too many calories (especially fast food) and not exercising. Since starting MFP, I've changed my lifestyle significantly. I now prepare nearly all my meals at home (occasional meals out with friends) and exercise 5-6 times per week. I've completed the C25K program and am starting the 10K trainer on Monday. I've signed up for several races over the late summer/fall including my first 5K on 8/1, various 10Ks in Sept/Oct, and a half marathon in November. Who would have ever guessed that I love to run?!?! Good luck to all with your goals!
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I moved here 2 years ago when I retired. I am married and we have 2 adult children and 3 perfect granddaughters.

    I got serious about losing weight, getting fit and improving my health almost a year ago - in August of 2014. In total, I've lost 55 lbs. I have another 30-40 lbs to lose - I think. I'll wait until I get closer to my target to decide. I want to be slim and healthy but I don't want to devote my entire life to maintaining some arbitrary number.

    I don't follow any specific program. I try to make good choices everyday and portion control is big for me - a constant challenge. I do log my food and exercise everyday. This goes a long way to helping me stay on track.

    This is the 4th consecutive group I've joined and I find the support is invaluable - lots of great ideas, it helps me stay focused and the stories are so inspiring.

    So, let's get going and lose 15 lbs. I'm weighing in at 183 lbs. Interestingly, I recently bought a new scale which shows my weight 8 lbs higher than my old scale. Sadly, other scales confirm the accuracy of the new scale. This was fairly devastating news for me, as you can imagine. Oh well!!! On Labour Day, I hope to weigh 168 lbs. This is magical territory for me - I haven't weighed this little in over 20 years. Best of luck to everyone!!
  • lozinit
    lozinit Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm Rene', I live in Iowa USA. I have a 22 year old son & own a residential window cleaning business as well as being a Home Health Aide.
    I have been on the weight loss journey before, back in 09-10. I used MFP then to track my food but had no idea there was the community aspect. I was very successful back then, doing it alone. I had my mom cheering me on & that was all I needed at the time. Well then, in March 2010 my beloved mom was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer and my world fell apart. I had maintained my 60lb weight loss and even lost 10 or 15 more while taking care of her. But...as her health declined and with all her doctor & hospital & a nursing/rehab home stay, I simply had NO time to exercise or cook healthy meals. After she passed I went into a deep depression not only from losing my last parent but also because my brother seemed lost to me as well. So, I had lost my entire birth family at that point...devastating. Over the 3 years(4yrs this Oct) since my mom passed I gained every single pound back. It has taken 3 years to come out of my funk.
    I really have to get rid of this weight again. I hate being this big. I have early onset, aggressive degenerative arthritis, so the extra weight is detrimental to my mobility! I absolutely love having people who care about my success and are in my corner! I've had one man take me under his wing and is educating my on the right ways to lose weight this time so it's permanent!
    I hate admitting that when I started MFP this time around, I weighed 260...again:( Today I weigh 239.3. I want to get down 50lbs by October 1st for a much need vacation with my son & his girlfriend. My goal is 175, then I will see how I feel and go from there. According to BMI, I should weigh 143 to 168. Judging from past experience, I think 143 would be way too small for my 5'9" large frame. In 2009 I was at 190 and in a size 10, hip bones sticking out and all! I'll see how I feel, at any rate.
    Thank you all for being here & supporting/encouraging/motivating us all!!
    Here's to thinner, healthier, longer living, more happy us's! lol
  • ssingley13
    ssingley13 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Sharon. I have 3 wonderful children. 2 boys ages 11 and 2, and a daughter age 9. I'm 33 years old and married. Im from Massachusetts USA. I started eating healthier a couple weeks ago. My starting weight was 235 pounds. I'm currently at 223 pounds. 235 is the most I've ever weighed. I have absolutely no self confidence and I'm so out of shape. I'm also trying to quit smoking. I've always been chubby since my teens; then once I started having children, the pounds have been piling on.
    I've been doing yoga in the mornings. I have almost no flexability... so that's why I've been doing that. I do about 20-30 mins a day. I can't do it like the skinny girls but I do my best and do what my body allows without getting hurt! In the afternoon or sometimes late morning, I do 30 Mins of Insanity. Once again, doing it at my own pace to avoid injuries. Then in the evenings I walk 30-40 mins.
    I'm hoping to at least lose 2 pounds a week. Which should be very feasible taking the fact that I'm just starting off. Going from eating junk all the time and not getting any real exercise. I'm looking forward to being with everyone here! It's going to be a wonderful journey, with bad days as well I'm sure.
    My ultimate goal this round is to lose 23 pounds, which will drop me to 200lbs
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Hello new friends! I'm Rae and I live in the country in beautiful Oregon. I'm 55 and working to build my stamina and stay as healthy as possible, while also losing some weight. I've been on MFP since January and I lost about 15 pounds so far, with 15-20 more to go. I've been on a stall for the past 6 weeks, so I'm hoping this challenge will help motivate me to drop the rest.

    My favorite exercises are playing disc golf, gardening, aerobic dance and yoga. I used to lift weights and was pretty fit in my 40's, but injuries and life got in the way. I'm starting to lift again, but starting out with low weights so far.

    I'm also into healthy cooking and have a big organic garden, which is keeping me very busy right now!

    Happy to have new friends if anyone wants to send me a request!
  • DarinGettingHawtin2013
    DarinGettingHawtin2013 Posts: 317 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi, y'all. My name is Darin, and I'm a 36 year-old 5'7" woman of Thai descent living in Holly Springs, North Carolina, US. I've been with my high school sweetheart for 20 years since February, and we're engaged to be married - date unset but aiming for early 2016.

    I joined MFP several years ago. Hey, did you know you can only change your User ID twice? Quick Tip: Do not put a target year in your User ID. The first year after, you feel a little uncomfortable and embarrassed. Multiple years afterward? You start to feel old.

    Anyhow, I've done this before - years ago I previously lost a lot of weight with logging calories and exercising - around 30 pounds - so I know I have the capability and drive. I am succeeding. I'm part of another awesome group on MFP and loving it, so that's why I came over here :smiley:

    Please feel free to friend me. I'm a data nerd - I've also been using MapMyFitness for the past many years, and I get irate when my GPS on my phone doesn't record my terrifyingly slow shambling around my neighborhood. I just started using the Zombies, Run! app (which is fun, but it doesn't cooperate with my music app, so I'm mostly doing the aforementioned shambling in silence, which is kind of a bummer). To be fair, I have an aging Droid Galaxy, so perhaps the Zombies, Run! just needs something a bit more modern? I don't know.

    Anyhow, thanks for having me, and good luck, everyone!
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi, y'all. My name is Darin, and I'm a 36 year-old 5'7" woman of Thai descent living in Holly Springs, North Carolina, US. I've been with my high school sweetheart for 20 years since February, and we're engaged to be married - date unset but aiming for early 2016.

    I joined MFP several years ago. Hey, did you know you can only change your User ID twice? Quick Tip: Do not put a target year in your User ID. The first year after, you feel a little uncomfortable and embarrassed. Multiple years afterward? You start to feel old.

    Anyhow, I've done this before - years ago I previously lost a lot of weight with logging calories and exercising - around 30 pounds - so I know I have the capability and drive. I am succeeding. I'm part of another awesome group on MFP and loving it, so that's why I came over here :smiley:

    Please feel free to friend me. I'm a data nerd - I've also been using MapMyFitness for the past many years, and I get irate when my GPS on my phone doesn't record my terrifyingly slow shambling around my neighborhood. I just started using the Zombies, Run! app (which is fun, but it doesn't cooperate with my music app, so I'm mostly doing the aforementioned shambling in silence, which is kind of a bummer). To be fair, I have an aging Droid Galaxy, so perhaps the Zombies, Run! just needs something a bit more modern? I don't know.

    Anyhow, thanks for having me, and good luck, everyone!

    I use to live in Holly Springs. That's crazy:)
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi ALL!

    I forgot the introduction! I'm Kelly, 33 years old. Currently undergoing medical disability for the past tooo many months (16 I think). Was a normal active person, and then bam...woke up at 1030 one morning dizzy and couldn't see right. Now with some hearing issues, balance problems, neuropathy, and the the ever present dizziness and vision issues. So, my mobility is fairly limited. I can walk for short short bits, I can sit in a chair for about an hour, but then I get so dizzy I need to lie flat. My current diagnosis is vestibular migraine with persistent aura, a rare form of chronic migraine. No head pain except with my menstrual migraines. I am very thankful for that, although this dizziness is far more disabling than any migraine I have ever had. But, better not to have both the way I see it :)

    TONS of bedrest during this time, something like 25 or 27 medications later, too many tests to count, subsequent anxiety and major depression related to chronic illness and what they called "adjustment disorder", and I went from a whopping 133.1 pounds the morning before I got sick to a high of 192 pounds in the course of almost a year. I started in January and am working the calorie counting. My activity is less than sedentary, and I am in the house most days in bed or on the couch. I don't say this to be depressing, but rather to say that it IS possible to lose with calorie counting. My doctors said my weight was a "Secondary Issue", but it is one of the things I CAN be successful at, on my own, with small choices and mindful eating.

    I tend to lose in spurts, then hold my weight for 3-4 weeks, then lose again. These past few weeks I am back to losing steadily, and am not sure if it is just time again or because of some medication changes, but I am not complaining!

    So far I am a little over halfway to my goal of 133 pounds! It has taken a little over 7 months. I want to be at my pre-illness weight, however my drs are not sure it is possible and feel anything 150 or less would be healthy! We will see what happens, but again I am in this for the long haul so it is a bit of an experiment.

    In addition to the weight loss, my cholesterol has so rapidly improved in this time. I cut my total cholesterol 71 points, my triglycerides by 58 points, and my ldl by 37 points. I am not quite to the 150 pound weight my dr wants, but she can not believe my now perfect labs! Such a great motivator for weight loss! PERFECT cholesterol from risky in 7 months.

    I love supporting others and a healthy lifestyle, as well as understand the many limitations and extra challenges chronic illness poses. Feel free to add me if you are looking for support. I keep the diary closed as I calorie count and don't import, but keep it at 1200 ish. It gets to be too much to put it all in with what little energy I do have, but it still is working for me!

    I wish everyone success and can't wait to see our progress :)
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm currently stationed on a ship that's based out of Japan (US Navy). I joined the 4th of July challenge and did really well for a while and lost 13 pounds, but then dropped off a bit and gained back about 6 of them. I'm just glad I didn't gain more. So, I'm back and ready to work on turning my gaining streak to a losing streak. :smiley: