Confused - charge hr?

Claire8614 Posts: 157 Member
Was wondering if someone could help me out with a query... I have recently started using a charge hr watch and the extra calories added to my fitness pal seem really high, it has recorded about 3500 steps and gave me 160 extra calories... If you compare the calorie burns to other cardio it seems inaccurate. What do you think?


  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    This is common. Lots of people get a Fitbit and are amazed at the calorie adjustment they get. You're probably more active than you thought you were.

    Trust your Fitbit for a few weeks (i.e. eat what it says you can eat and log your food super accurately) and then see if you've lost what was predicted.

    I'd recommend you read the FAQ that heybales wrote:

    It answers lots of questions. Even questions you don't know you have.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Claire8614 wrote: »
    I have recently started using a charge hr watch and the extra calories added to my fitness pal seem really high, it has recorded about 3500 steps and gave me 160 extra calories.

    Adjustments are the difference between your Fitbit burn (which is TDEE) and your MFP activity level. Click on the adjustment in your diary to see the math MFP used to calculate it.

    Enable negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings, eat back your adjustments for several weeks, then reevaluate your progress:
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    yeah.. remember the fitbit adjustment (if you have it set to sedentary) is ALL the calories you have burned to that point. Your exercise or steps and your BMR
  • Magenta529
    Magenta529 Posts: 100 Member
    I was surprised too at the adjustments my fit bit charge HR wound up giving me over my Fitbit zip. I was plateauing and when I switched over and started eating back more of the calories I was burning I started losing again. I thought it was way to high, but trusting it seems to be working!