Bikini Body Mommy/SAHM work out troubles

yecatsmn Posts: 54 Member
Hi! I'm Stacey and this is my second time on MFP. About 2 years ago I lost 30 pounds with working out at the gym and tracking calories. I was happy with my weight and then I got pregnant and gained about 40 pounds! I'm 9 months pp and finally ready to start working out and eating (relatively) well now that I've stopped pumping. This time around i'm doing the Bikini Body Mommy 1.0 challenge so anyone who has done it or doing it feel free to add me. I keep my food journal open so that I can feel guilty if I chow down on 7 chocolate bars :)

Oh and i'm a first time mom and stay at home mom (for now). I have struggled figuring out things I can do to work out with the baby ie. no running, going to the gym... I currently weight 239 and my first goal is 210 (pre-baby weight), with an overall goal of 180-190.

Please add this rambling momma!

If we need something else to bond with, i'm (creepily) obsessed with cloth diapers, hah!


  • FatMomma89
    FatMomma89 Posts: 81 Member
    I am also a stay at home mommy. I also cloth diaper and I use use essential oils. I am 172 now my goal is 110. I found zumba is wonderful while my kiddos are down for bed.
  • megnut526
    megnut526 Posts: 15 Member
    I have just discovered Bikini Body Mommy and think I may begin it tomorrow. I'm 5'1" and currently 133 ... Want to get down to 100. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 7 week old, that is what I weighed before my first
  • yecatsmn
    yecatsmn Posts: 54 Member
    It's awesome so far. So quick, but you really sweat and busy your butt a ton. I'm only on day 9 so far :) we can do it!
  • ck1227
    ck1227 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey I'll add you! I've been on and off MFP for a few years! Cloth diaper lover here too. My toddler is sorta potty trained. I'll miss the fluffy butts!