Welcome and Check Ins

Zellybelly06 Posts: 9 Member
Hello, I just created this group for us to share and keep each other motivated. I am interested in checking in weekly (Sunday Mornings) and letting everyone know of my successes and failures for the week.

Right now my goal is to work out 30 min (running or HIIT DVD) a day 6 days a week. Right now I am struggling with my eating (not preparing my lunches in advance, still drinking sodas, fast food on weekends, and some late night snacking).

I look forward to helping you reach your goals!



  • brittanyhope7
    brittanyhope7 Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think this group is a great idea! I am preparing for a 5k and do not work out at all. My eatting is just as horrible. My goals are to exercise 4 times a week.l witha good combo of strength and cardio. I also am hoping to cut out late night snacking.
  • andominguez1022
    andominguez1022 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much, this is a great idea! I just started T25 and have lost about 21 lbs but my motivation is slipping away. I have 40 more pounds to go. My food choices are much better but I love beer. Looking forward to seeing everyone hit their goals!!
  • mszopa
    mszopa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am looking to loose 20lb by October. I work out daily but struggle with late night eating and watching my portion sizes. Good luck to everyone and hope we can support each other through this journey!
  • Megan__Marie
    Megan__Marie Posts: 182 Member
    Hi, I've been struggling with my weight for a long time... I lose weight but just can't seem to keep myself motivated to keep it off... I am currently lower than I've been in a few years, but haven't lost any weight in over a month because I keep eating horribly with all the summer picnics and barbecues... My goal is to start making better choices when it comes to healthy eating, and to become more active and start working out... I look forward to checking in with you guys to help keep me on track and I hope I can do the same for you!
  • fitby44
    fitby44 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks for starting this group, Z! My eating was horrible on the weekend. I gave into the "birthday" excuse which is hilarious since I generally don't make a big deal about my birthday, but if it gave me a an excuse to overeat, I took it. :blush: Anyway, my overall goal is to land somewhere between 140 and 150 pounds. Currently I am sitting around 200. I'm away on holidays for another month and won't see my scale until then. I'm hoping to weigh in around 190 when I get home in a month. Another short term goal is to fit into a pair of size 12 capris (called the test pants) by Labour Day. I could barely button them before my birthday, but couldn't even get them past my hips mid-June, so there's been some progress. My workouts are walking and cycling for now. I use the elliptical at home and hope to start running again by December. Good luck to all! We can do this!
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Thank you for making this group, it's such a nice idea! When I read through the thread, there were so many people near the same height & weight as me, it feels so nice not to be alone. :)

    My name is Amy, I'm 45, 5'4", currently 167.2 lbs, and back on June 8 when I began (185+), I got really tired of feeling terrible all the time. Plus, suddenly most of my clothes didn't fit. Elastic waist pants/shorts are the devil!! So, I decided enough was enough. I've never felt so determined before, and this time I decided to make a big lifestyle change, because two attempts at "dieting" this year both backfired horribly. Horriblyyyy. I gained weight, was very, very depressed and seriously just gave up.

    This time, I found MFP, then started eating what I thought was better. Then, I started reading articles and watching food and nutrition documentaries and pretty soon, I realized I've been approaching nutrition all wrong. A lot of times I thought I was making good decisions, when I really, really wasn't. I know weight loss is CICO, but health is a whole lot more, and for me, this is just as much about all-over health as it is my weight. I'm still learning! But suddenly it's pretty neat to realize I'm eating whole-food vegan and feeling so much better and happier.

    There is a little part of me that worries that I'll revert, but I just give that part of me a slap when I need it. Right now, my biggest challenge is that I feel like I'm in the kitchen a lot, mostly because my hubby & son still eat meat and processed foods, and neither of them (they think) likes vegetables. So, every day is double meals, but at least that has taught me not to be tempted by things I used to love, because I'm around it all the time. It did take me a solid two weeks to truly get over craving sugar/sweets, but once past that, I can pick up my family's favorite ice cream and not even consider tasting it. Those first two weeks, though...yikes, it wasn't pleasant. I'm pretty sure I had a dream about Turkey Hill Chocolate Marshmallow ice cream. (I'm not even kidding!)

    Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and thank you again for making this group!