7/19 Day 147 Sunday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
One thing that is often forgotten is the wonder and beauty that this world has to offer. So today we are going to take some time and appreciate it!

Today’s Challenge:
Appreciate the beauty around you!

So often it is just pushed back due to busy schedules or bad moods. This world is gorgeous when we actually see it!


  • heathereh2015
    heathereh2015 Posts: 76 Member
    I completed this during my morning walk!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Definitely! A great challenge, Auna. There is much to appreciate and be grateful for in the natural world. And lots of benefits too!
  • I njoyed the beauty among us enjoying the company of my grandaughters, and gardening today!

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,373 Member
    Beautiful (albeit sultry) day following thunderstorms yesterday.

    "Knowing that Nature never did betray The heart that loved her; 'tis her privilege, Through all the years of this our life, to lead From joy to joy: for she can so inform The mind that is within us, so impress With quietness and beauty, and so feed With lofty thoughts, that neither evil tongues, Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men, 130 Nor greetings where no kindness is, nor all The dreary intercourse of daily life, Shall e'er prevail against us, or disturb Our chearful faith that all which we behold Is full of blessings."