OT Daily Check-In



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @vicki8seekers Is it like yoga? Ummm . . . yes but mostly no. Chalene Johnson explains in one of the workouts that she knew she needed more flexibility but hated to hold a pose. So she takes moves from both Pilates and yoga to create a sort of fusion workout.

    However, anyone who loves yoga and/or Pilates will immediately tell you that this is neither. Whereas these workouts focus a great deal on breath, PiYo rarely syncs the move with the breath. It took me a while to like the workout, frankly. I love yoga, am a traditionalist at heart where yoga is concerned; once I let go of the idea that this is a yoga practice and just accepted it's a Chalene Johnson workout, I started to like it.

    Needless to say, I loved the results! The first time I did Warrior III without using a chair, especially given my balance, I was thrilled.

    Here's a short video clip of it but I think I saw that beachbody recently filmed a new infomercial so hopefully there will be a new one out there soon enough:

  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    I am doing:
    - C25K
    - Strong Curves
    - 21 Day Fix
    - Classes at my gym (Zumba, Yoga, Tone/Sculpt, Abs, etc.)

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @summerdaze120 Wow! Impressive!

    Remember how my husband was announcing his need to increase his weights? I wasn't sure I could handle it but I went ahead and grabbed the heavier weights and I totally banged it out yesterday and today. Okay. So it wasn't easy but I still surprised myself. Yesterday I asked, "How was it using heavier weights last night?" He told me that it was cardio day. He didn't even use the heavier weights! Hmph! This morning, I asked him again, " How you liking those heavier weights?" His answer: Last night was rest day.

    Are you kidding me? So for the past 2 days I could have stayed lighter but no. I was grabbing 10 lbs because I thought that was what we were doing. Lesson learned. (And yes, it's a good thing I love him.)

    Morning Workout

    Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

    Using 10 lbs is no joke and I also made some of the butt lifts harder by extending my leg up in the air. I haven't done that in ages because, normally, my hamstrings would almost immediately cramp up. I am obviously getting stronger because my legs were fine, if a bit shaky.

    Today is a rest day in PiYo so I'm enjoying the one less workout in my morning. Read a chapter in The Great Hunt and then took a shower. It's been a good morning.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Lol @SatiaRenee that's a good thing though! Now you know you can do it, and the increase in weights will improve your results in the end. :) Way to go!

    Today was T25 Speed 2.0 for me and day 19 of the 60 day hybrid. Been itching to do some 21 day fix workouts again so might switch to do a whole round or just throw one in here and there, or maybe do both?! I miss working with the weights.

    My Sister in Law wants to go to the beach Monday with the kidlets and dare I say..I think I might actually be comfortable wearing a bikini! Which, in April I was thinking I never would again....so am kind of excited about it! And a little nervous/self conscious. Shrug. I'm doing it though! I'm proud of what I accomplished so far and this seems like a good way to celebrate. :)
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila The only way I could wear a bikini is if I got one of those high waisted retro ones because of the stretch marks I have from having had twins. But I would definitely do it when I reach my goal weight if I had one. No doubt about it.

    Morning Workout

    P1/W2/D6: Cardio

    I'm not a big fan of these cardio workouts but I'm committing to the program as it is designed because I know that when I find something uncomfortable it's often because I need it. If at the end of the program I decide I still don't especially like the cardio, I'll make sure to tuck a note in with the DVDs so I remember this when I use them again. I can certainly find some more enjoyable cardio to do, I'm sure.

    W2/D6: Sweat

    Used my new yoga gloves today and it was very interesting. Actually, before I even got to use them I twinged a muscle in my back during the warm-up. I pulled out my foam roller and tried to massage and then stretch it out. I considered not doing PiYo but figured the movement would be better for me. And I was right. By the end of the workout, I could breathe deeply. Yes, there is still some stiffness and soreness trying to happen but I have no doubt I would have felt worse by now if I had done nothing.

    And the gloves. I can see why some people complain about slipping because, if you put pressure only in your wrist, your hand will slip in the gloves. (Palms do sweat, after all.) Guess what? You aren't supposed to only put pressure on your wrist! If the pressure falls along the palms and fingers, the slipping I've seen others complain about won't occur. I was in a lot of downward dog poses, plank, push-ups, etc. I experienced no cutting into the webbing between my fingers due to slipping at all, so I'm very happy I bought these yoga gloves.

    Now here's hoping I say the same tomorrow when I wear them during PiYo Core. :lol:
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Okay. Not saying the same today because my back was worse and worse as the day wore on. I am taking a rest day today. In bed and probably won't be online much. Take care! I know I shall!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    30DS + 25 minute run
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Did I say I was surprised by how easy JMBR is? Did I say I thought JM would be tougher? I did, didn't I? Lesson learned.

    Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

    I tried to struggle through this workout using 7.5 lbs but finally had to pause things and adjust the 10s to 5s because it simply wasn't happening for me. I had to skip a few reps along the way and on Thursday, when I do this workout again, I'll definitely just use 5 lbs and be done with it.

    Very unhappy with some of Jillian's advice. Given that this DVD set is distributed by Gaiam, a company that specializes in yoga, I am especially disappointed to hear her advising one of the people, and anyone and everyone using the DVDs, to do Tree Pose (vriksasana) and put the foot on the knee. Sure she says "don't press on the knee" but no yoga instructor worth a damn would ever encourage placing the foot on the knee. It is irresponsible of Jillian and Gaiam.

    W3/D1: Define: Upper Body

    I was done in by Jillian's workout so doing more work on upper body, especially my triceps, was too much. Last time I did this workout, I was able to get all the way through, modifying only when Chalene did the PiYo Kick-Through. But this time, I couldn't even keep up. I just didn't have it in me. And I still have to muster up the strength to double up so I can do Sunday's PiYo Core. I may not make it today but before the week's end, I plan on doubling up.

    At least I can honestly say my back is better. Sheesh!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    @SatiaRenee I was going to ask you how the yoga gloves were treating you. Glad they are helping, I'll be asking hubby for some for my birthday next weekend. :)

    I've done 21 days of the T25/PiYo hybrid and not really feeling it anymore...I don't think 60 day programs are meant for me. After 21 days I started to get bored with it...I did day 1 of 21 day fix today. Going to decide by tomorrow if I am going to do a full round or just switch things up for a while.

    I used to be a huuuuuuuuuge fan of JM! Now though...and it still pains me a little to say...I love Autumn. I've only done one JM workout since I started this journey April 1 and wasn't as into it as I was a few years ago. Maybe I'll try it again soon and see. Who knows, I'm all over the place lately.

    Oooo. I did go to the beach today and totally rocked a bikini...well, the top half anyway. I have a few stretch marks too but thought I should embrace them and my new found abs that are becoming rather noticeable. (eeeee!) My Sister in Law was even like :o you DO have abs! *flex*
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila I am going to encourage my son to get a pair since he's doing PiYo with me. My set was a glove/sock combo. At first I didn't really think I would use the gloves but then I remembered how very cold my feet get in winter and how often I wish I could do yoga with socks on. So I may find myself using and loving the socks too . . . but not now in summer when I'm already feeling overheated!

    And isn't it grand having others validate your hard work? I have hit that point where everyone is noticing and commenting and I love it!!!

    Morning Workout

    P1/W3/Workout 4

    I stuck with the 5/7.5 lbs today but I think I could have used 7.5 throughout. I will see how I feel after I do this workout again on Friday and, if I still feel I have more to give, I'll use the 7.5 lbs. Of course I had to modify the impact moves but I knew that going into it. Definitely felt good after I was done!

    W3/D2/PiYo Buns

    Woo! I forgot how tough this one is. Now I remember why my hamstrings were sooooo sore when I first did PiYo. I hope my son forgives me for inviting him to this party. LOL! I still "owe" him Sunday's workout. I need to look over the workout schedule and pick the most logical day to make that happen, even if it means doing it on the PiYo Rest Day.

    Saw the doctor yesterday.

    She's sending me to have some x-rays done. My ankle and my hip are bothering me and we're not sure if my ankle is overcompensating for my hip or my hip is overcompensating for my ankle. I'll know soon enough, I suppose. I won't get the x-rays done until the 12th when my daughter-in-law can take me to have them done. It's obviously not holding me back, or anything. I just want to be as pain free as possible.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    As much as I love beachbody . . .

    Okay. So my mother ordered 21 Day Fix and she received 21 Day Fix Extreme. We called customer service and could not arrange an exchange. (You have to return and reorder and you get your money back 1-2 weeks after they receive the product.) She placed another order even as she packed up 21DFX and eventually received 21DF.

    Monday she did Total Body Cardio Fix. She was still talking to me afterwards.

    Tuesday she tried to do Upper Body Fix and . . . the disc isn't working.

    So let's see. I've had 1 disc from 21DF not work, 1 from Slim in 6, and 1 from PiYo, and now my mother has had 1 from 21DF have issues as well.

    Not cool, beachbody. Not cool. Yes, she is getting a replacement. In the meantime . . . what?

    I suggested she take Tuesday as a rest day (she is 75 after all and entitled to take it a little easy, don't you think?) and do Cardio Fix today. Then take Thursday off (because we all know how much fun Cardio Fix is!) and do Dirty 30 on Friday. Then Sunday she can do Yoga Fix and by then she should also have her replacement disc in hand. But it is annoying to have this many issues with one company.

    BTW, she decided to keep 21DFX. I told her not to even look at the DVDs yet. They might scare her!

    Morning Workout

    P1/W3/Cario 1

    I woke up this morning thinking it was another strength day but then I remembered it's cardio day. Whew! My triceps were not ready for another strength day!


    I do love the Core workout. My balance is off today (it's probably going to rain) so I had to be a little careful but I was able to not only keep up but do all of the side planks without dropping to my knee. Okay. Almost all. My balance refused to let me do the part where you roll up and then move into side plank. When my balance is like it is today, getting into side plank takes a little time and I'd rather just keep doing the roll up rather than risk an injury.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did 30DS and a 30 minute run. It is so freaking hot out. I should add in 10 minute ab fix at some point today. Right now I think I am going to chill
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Mother Update

    My mother did the dreaded Cardio Fix yesterday. I had already told her the many ways to modify and she said she did about 75% of the workout. I’ve encouraged her to 1) step it out, 2) skip reps, and 3) modify the modifications as needed. So she’s modifying Burpees and stepping out the Mountain Climbers and she’s still talking to me! Yay!

    But she won’t receive her replacement disc until the 5th? How is her calling on Tuesday, the 28th, and being told the replacement would arrive in2-3 days adding up to over a week later? Just when I think I couldn’t be more frustrated with beachbody . . .

    Morning Workout

    P1/W3/Workout 3

    I am an inchworm badass. During the first set of them, I went ahead and took my hands off the floor and was doing more reps. I surprised myself by doing the same during the second set. For push-ups, I managed one on my toes, then finished the first set by doing half push-ups on my toes. For the second set, however, I was on my knees. Still, small improvements, day by day.

    W3/D4/Define: Lower Body

    I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, trying to do these two workouts together. After working my triceps and shoulders, doing downward dog and three-legged downward dog was rough. Is rough. Rrrruff! But I’m doing this with my son and I am not giving up on the workout or myself.

  • summerleigh76
    summerleigh76 Posts: 13 Member
    I've had lots of issues with the discs too - T25, Slim in 6 and 21 Day Fix. I've gotten several of them replaced for free, but I wish they would just improve the quality.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee I can't believe how awesome your mom is at 75!!! She did about 75% of the workout? That's probably what I did the first time, if that. Awesome!

    Really annoying about the wrong set, broken disk, etc. As a coach, it really frustrates me to hear these things because it's the kind of thing that can scare people away. I think they are growing so fast, their operations can't keep up. Sure hope they get it together soon!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @summerleigh76 Glad I'm not the only one.

    @jpkrueger I know, right? I mean, I've told her over and over again that these workouts are not easy and even without using weights, she's using muscles that she hasn't been using. Today she does Dirty 30 while she waits for the replacement disc.

    Morning Workout

    P1/W3/Workout 4

    After doing this on Tuesday, I knew I could increase the weights and so I did. Used 7.5/10 lbs. Felt great and I have no trouble doing the ab exercises (hollow man (hate it!) and squirms).


    Actually, today is supposed to be a Rest Day but, because I hurt my back last weekend, I had to take an unscheduled Rest Day. Now, normally I wouldn't have stressed it. I would have gauged how I felt in the morning and decided whether or not I felt I needed to take a day off. But because I'm doing this with my son, I felt I owed him that much. So yeah. I did PiYo today. I'm just glad it wasn't the Sweat workout because I was already sweating so much there was barely any dryness in my shirt.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Beachbody has lost me as a customer.

    Just when you think they couldn't possibly screw up my mother's order any more than they have already . . .

    1) She ordered 21DF and received 21DFX
    2) Her 21DF had a defective disc so she requested a replacement
    3) They shipped the replacement to me!

    I went ahead and watched the DVD to make sure it worked, filed yet another complaint with beachbody, and then we paid $20 to have the damn thing there to her before Monday.

    So yeah. From now on I'll be ordering my DVDs on ebay or through amazon because beachbody is inept and their quality control--from production to shipping--is the worst I've seen in an online ordering company ever. The only way it could be worse is if their exercise programs didn't work. Then I would just call them a scam and be done altogether.

    Grrrrrr . . . /endrant

    Morning Workout

    What the hell was I thinking? I don't know if it's that today was a wicked back-to-back combination but I was feeling a wee bit nauseous during my second workout.


    I am not a fan of most fitness classes. I know some people LOVE the group dynamic (and the inherent competition of being in a group setting) but I have never enjoyed that. (Note: I do love taking yoga classes but I tend to do yoga with my eyes closed so it's like I am alone even when I'm in a group.)

    However, I know that there's something to be said for the motivation one gets in a class, where you know the other people there and they know you and you all can cheer one another on. (Not unlike what we build here on MFP.) I think that's one of the things I really like about these DVDs. You can tell that Jillian knows everyone in the room, that they are all friends, and so they have that camaraderie that one finds in a class. They push one another; they tease one another. It's just fun.

    I also love that Jillian confesses that the hardest workout on this DVD may be too hard for Phase 1. Oh well. It's there and we're doing it so I guess she didn't think it was too hard to think of an entirely new workout for the end product.


    I know that part of the reason I was feeling nauseous while doing this workout is that I was sweating so friggin' much! Ugh. I tried to stay hydrated. Drank an entire liter of water before I even started this workout. Apparently that wasn't good enough. Ugh. I felt gross and disgusting and I lost my balance a couple of times but I did not fall.

    I survived another day of back-to-back workouts but I'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow's rest day in Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution. My body needs the break. (Remember when I was saying how very hard PiYo is and here I am saying that doing PiYo will feel like a break. LOL!)
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I am almost done the 21 day fix, first round. Tomorrow will be day 21. I think I am going to mix it up...I love Jillian Michaels and how tough she is!! I have a bunch of her DVDs so I think next I will switch off between her and Autumn. Monday will be 30 day shred, Tuesday will be upper body, Wednesday will be 30 day shred, Thursday will be pilates...and so on.

    I am not seeing results as quickly...or as much as I was hoping on the 21 day fix (but I do love the program and will continue to incorporate it into my routine) so perhaps my body is used to the workouts at this point, so I think mixing up the workouts will confuse my body a little bit and give it a push in the right direction.

    We'll see.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @mscote12 One of the reasons I went with Jillian Michaels after doing several rounds of 21DF is that I knew her approach to exercise/fitness is different from but not far removed from what Autumn does. Both use HIIT and work different muscle groups on any given day. Both throw in a cardio workout to keep the weight loss momentum going as you build muscle. But Jillian's approach on Body Revolution is different because on M and Th you work the front of the body and triceps and on T and F you work the back of the body and biceps. then W and Sa you do cardio with Sunday being a day of rest. I haven't touched my 30DS DVD in ages because I never ever could get past the first phase. I may have to pull it out after I finish Body Revolution to see how it goes.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    @SatiaRenee ....I actually have her Body Revolution program but I have never even used it! Maybe I should break it out and see how I like it. I have attempted 30 day shred but never made it to all 30 days because I got bored...which is why I am thinking if I do it every other day, while doing Autumns workouts in between...it might not be so bad.
    When I did make it about half way through the 30 day shred (years ago)--I absolutely got some results and they were noticeable, which is why I immediately thought of throwing that in the mix.