
Jfly0508 Posts: 66 Member
So sometimes having PCOS just really gets to me. Besides having unwanted hair in places it shouldn't be, and losing the hair on my head (though I've finally found a way to manage it so it's somewhat normal), losing weight is next to impossible unless I starve myself. This is the 3rd week I've been tracking everything and eating really healthy, as well as working out 5-6 times a week. And I've already plateaued. I lost 2 pounds off the bat, and now I seem to gain about a pound and then teeter between losing anywhere from .5-.8 of that pound. It's just really frustrating to not see the scale drop. I do think I'm losing inches because my clothes fit better, but it's still not the same as actually losing weight. And then to know if I didn't have PCOS the pounds would most likely be falling off me makes it even more frustrating. This is why I usually end up giving up, but I don't want to. I really want to keep at it and try to get to a healthy weight.
Has anyone found ways that work to lose weight?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Going low carb under my endocrinologist's instructions has made all the difference for me. Just a few highlights.

    Losing inches and pounds, generally on alternating weeks
    More energy
    Return of mental clarity
    no food binge cravings triggered generally
    eating like a normal person (carbs don't dictate my meals)
    improving every single marker on my most recent bloodwork
    better sleep
    can function in the morning upon rising instead of feeling finally awake at 10 am
    easier bathroom struggles
    other conditions better managed
    not having to eat constantly
    easiest so-called diet plan I've ever been on - there's a substitute for everything I thought I'd miss
    not missing CARBS!

    I can make a list 5 times that long if I sit here, but I will say this - even low carb, which jumps a number of PCOS hurdles, doesn't work the same for me as it does for some others. I can tell you though, that now, losing the inches feels better than losing pounds, because my body recomposition has been amazing, and I'd rather lose sizes of clothing than pounds, because the pounds are just a number. While I'm burning fat, I'm building muscle, and I feel better than I ever have before as an adult.

    I went low carb on 1/15/15 and dropped to ketogenic levels 2/18/15. I was a carboholic and sweets junkie of the worst degree before - I won't go into details here as I don't want to trigger anyone else, but if you name it, I could eat it all, in massive quantities, with no willpower or ability to stop until things were gone. Multiple things at once. I never believed I could eat this way, yet it's been the easiest thing I've ever done for myself, and for the most part, I don't miss the things I "gave up" because the things I "get to have now" is so much more FUN!
  • la_vie_est_belle_
    la_vie_est_belle_ Posts: 139 Member
    Don't get discouraged! You're doing all the right things--weight loss just happens slow for us!!

    Also, the scale sucks, especially if you're working out a lot. I'm a hefty 153 lbs, which sometimes makes me feel bad, but it's about MEASUREMENTS and how your clothes fit! Remember, the most important thing is controlling PCOS and feeling good, not the number on the scale
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Oh, and I'm 5'4", 39 years old. My heaviest weight was recorded at 319 in 2010, and I'm currently holding steady at 240...
  • Jfly0508
    Jfly0508 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks ladies for the words of encouragement! I'm 5'1", started this thing at 177, and have been hovering around 175.2...all my weight is pretty much in my belly area (yayyyy, not lol). It's only been a few weeks so I know it's a relatively short amount of time; it's just frustrating when you put in all this hard work and don't see any results. I'll try the low carb thing since that's definitely a weakness of mine. And I won't quit this journey. This group has been a blessing because it's so nice to know there are other women out there who understand my struggles :)
    Good luck with your journeys as well! We're all in this together, and I appreciate the support.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Make sure when you lower your carbs that you have to up fats, because protein is not fuel.

    Oh, and to let you know, women, in general, are genetically wired to carry extra weight in our belly area so as to be able to continue the species, even in times of famine and such. So generally, it's the very last to go.
  • LO1421
    LO1421 Posts: 41 Member
    Try hard not to get discouraged. It is so tough trying to be happy when we fight what feels like a never ending battle. All that I have found that works for me is to take inositol every morning, omega-3 and folic acid supplements, and I love and breathe beachbody's programs. I started with T25 and have noticed so many changes in my body. I am toning up in places I've never been before. I feel amazing! I also credit that to having a fitbit that keeps me in line with my target goals daily. I keep my diet at clean and the "recommended" PCOS friendly foods. The scale moves slow but I see and feel the difference which is much more rewarding. I love talking to others dealing with PCOS and have found this group and some fb groups very helpful. I've already shared with you but if you are truly interested in trying out some of the beachbody programs please let me know. I am going to start 21 day fix first of August and if you want to join it with me I'd love for us to support each other. It's rough girl...I know. Hang in there and keep doing what you are doing.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I think PCOS is just a contributing factor in this journey. It is more difficult for us, but we can do it. My mom has been thin all her life, only gaining once when she quit smoking and lost that by reducing portions. She just didn't get the struggles I and others go through and that there are certain foods that pile the pounds on. Doctors had me eating low fat, high carb for years. I lost 98 lbs in 9 months just through low carb, primarily keto eating with some carb fests during the time period. It's doable.

    How did you manage hair growth?

    Facial hair lessened considerably for me with this way of eating and the weight loss. It went from a full beard to a few less coarse strands.
  • Uneeknitter
    Uneeknitter Posts: 134 Member
    @Jfly0508 I found that eating higher amounts of good fats and lower carbs helps me with managing my weight. My diary is open so you can see it without friending me. Of course you can friend me too. :wink:
  • Jfly0508
    Jfly0508 Posts: 66 Member
    toadqueen wrote: »
    I think PCOS is just a contributing factor in this journey. It is more difficult for us, but we can do it. My mom has been thin all her life, only gaining once when she quit smoking and lost that by reducing portions. She just didn't get the struggles I and others go through and that there are certain foods that pile the pounds on. Doctors had me eating low fat, high carb for years. I lost 98 lbs in 9 months just through low carb, primarily keto eating with some carb fests during the time period. It's doable.

    How did you manage hair growth?

    Facial hair lessened considerably for me with this way of eating and the weight loss. It went from a full beard to a few less coarse strands.

    Glad to hear about how you got your facial hair to lessen! Hopefully I can get that. Right now I wax, but that's never fun. I started using Rogaine actually, and it's really helped. And I know Walgreens sells their brand over the counter, so you don't need a prescription for that. I used it twice a day originally, but now I'm down to once a day to manage it. It's annoying, but I'd rather use that than the alternative haha.
  • Jfly0508
    Jfly0508 Posts: 66 Member
    @Jfly0508 I found that eating higher amounts of good fats and lower carbs helps me with managing my weight. My diary is open so you can see it without friending me. Of course you can friend me too. :wink:

    Thanks @Uneeknitter! Friend request sent :smile: