Be alert to small things

"Big things can often be brought down by small things"- Lysa
Lysa talks about flight 1549 and how a flock of birds(small thing) caused a whole plane (big thing) to crash into the Hudson River.
My thoughts on it
I am aware that I personally do not just have a "taste" or a "one bite". If I taste it or I just take one then something is triggered that says, "OHMYGOODNESS YUMMM" and I end up consuming waaaaay to much. I think it's a if I do t do it perfect then I might as well blow it big thinking. It's unhealthy to say the least.
My heart is for BALANCE, to taste and not devour the rest.
My healthy eating plan will be viewed this week as my plane and I am going to be aware of my flight plan and to be sensitive to the promptings from The Lord.
Today my desire is not to have to say, "MAY DAY, MAY DAY!" Instead it is to enjoy the journey and to remind myself often that to be aware of the little things.

Happy travels All;)


  • jumpingjenkins
    jumpingjenkins Posts: 19 Member
    I tell myself to HALT= am I Hungry? am I Angry? am I Lonely? am I Tired?
    If I answer these questions before I indulge in that treat and then at least half the time I am able to stop. Because too many times a little thing (like getting upset or letting my feelings take over) can lead to bringing down my whole eating plan for the day.
  • JeanetteSmith1
    JeanetteSmith1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have found that in these situations--where I'm tempted to continue eating with abandon--is when the only thing that will stop me is crying out to God. If I can remember to do that before I take that "taste", it's a whole lot easier. Self control is one of the fruits of the Spirit that was lacking in my life, and one that I desire and have been asking, seeking and knocking for. The Lord led me here, to MFP, and has given me boundaries that, with His help, I'll be able to remain within.
  • RaZella
    RaZella Posts: 19 Member
    I LOVE the H.A.L.T. questions! I have often used those as well. I also like the visual of my healthy eating plan being the plane. Love how that was tied together. I too seek balance in so many areas of my life. As a type A personality I tend to be ALL OR NOTHING! Having been on this MTC journey for a few years now, I am so thankful to God and give Him all the glory and praise for how He is helping me to develop balance and freeing me from some of my all or nothing ways. :)